Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Oh my goodness.

I had the best night EVER.

I love my life.

This morning I was feeling very much like I was having one of those days where nothing could possibly go right, what with a small barrage of technological disasters (printer on the fritz, microsoft word refusing to install, google documents not emailing my document to my email, bookstore standing between me and my map by insisting my bookstore account was not set up when Father HAD so set it up, etc) combined with nervousness about my special little meeting combined with a general feeling of lonesomeness.

But then my window markers and window crayons showed up, and I was wicked pumped because I certainly did not come to college in forestville USA to have a view of cement and dumpster, and by god I was GOING to have a view of lush forest even if I had to put it there myself. So then I spent the afternoon putting the forest there myself (after hauling my naughty little juvenile delinquent behind to the grievance office, which actually went really well and Co and I just have to host a tea party together, best punishment ever?) and listening to my music. It was antisocial but it improved my mood a lot. And mans is my view ever better now. I put a bigfoot right next to my pillow, because I seem to find some odd masochistic humor in giving myself nightmares. It isn't done yet. Maybe I'll put a picture of it up when I'm done.

Then after dinner I was lonely in my room again, but I figured I would grab the bull by the horns and go find me something to do. So I found Ke and Sa and we went on a raccoon hunt. OH MY GOD, I WASN'T GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT UNTIL THE END OF THIS BLOG POST, BUT I LOVE KE. AND SHE LOVES ME. AND SHE'S GREAT. AND SHE THINKS I'M GREAT. AND SHE USED THE WORD GREAT TO DESCRIBE ME BEFORE I EVEN TOLD HER IT WAS A THING OR CALLED HER IT. AND I KNOW SHE LOVES ME CAUSE SHE TOLD ME SO LIKE A BILLION TIMES TONIGHT. AND SHE IS SO COOL. AND SHE IS SO GREAT. AND I'M SO HAPPY WE'VE FOUND EACH OTHER. AND SHE'S SO HAPPY SHE FOUND ME. I KNOW THIS CAUSE SHE TOLD ME SO. AND SHE'S SO WEIRD. AND SHE LOVES HOW WEIRD I AM. But anyway. After our raccoon hunt Ke and I hung out with the 5th floor girls and a guy from 403. We had a nail painting party, but we couldn't decide where to have it, so we eventually chose an 8th floor balcony of A dorm. Except that was the same time when A dorm chose to have a fire drill, so we ended up having to walk down this very tightly square-spiraled cement staircase, and everyone got mad dizzy.

I'm writing this on notepad again. But I learned why the internet sucks so bad here. According to RA Vi, the internet actually works quite well when there isn't a hacker trying to steal everyone's IP address on campus. Which makes me very disappointed, cause man, you're a hacker, you KNOW how important the internet is. But there is hope that this hacker will be apprehended and the wrongs will be righted.

But anyway. Then Ke and I hung out with 404 and Ka outside on the skywalk. 404 was trying to get Ka to swear, and she was refusing because she refuses to, and so 404 was trying to provoke her, and Vi is hilarious and her interactions with 404 are hilarious. Clever children, clever children all. Mel was removing her nail polish in the hallway on the benches next to the door, and Vi appeared on the fourth floor ledge and yelled WHAT IS THAT SMELL? IT SMELLS LIKE I'M ABOUT TO GET HIGH! And Wa (who was outside sitting on the skywalk ledges) started yelling VI!! YOU'RE GOING TO GO GET HIGH??? CAN I GET HIGH WITH YOU??? LET'S GO GET HIGH!! YOU SAID YOU WE'RE GOING TO GET HIGH???

Then we migrated into Ke and Sa's giant room and found Sa and Li watching King Arthur, but 404 followed us so it soon changed from watching King Arthur to just hanging out with King Arthur happening to be on. And Ra and Ka heard the commotion and joined.

Slowly people left to go sleep until it was just Sa and Ke and Pi, and then Ia (also from 404) wandered in, and then we proceeded to have incredible conversation about EVERYTHING for hours. I loved it.

Ke and Pi kept on talking about how weird I am and how much they love it. And gosh girl was just rolling in the compliments. Which I really needed, since as you may have gathered I have been feeling a bit unloved and alone. But nothing turns unloved and alone into perfectly content like Ka and Pi going on about how much they love me. We talked about so many things! And had so much fun! And laughed so much!

But then when it was 2 am and we really HAD to go to sleep we found that I was locked out of my suite, so Pi knocked on the door, and we weren't expecting anyone to answer but Al was there seemingly immediately, and her opening the door scared Pi horribly and he like screamed and cowered and then from there everything became HILARIOUS with me and Ke and Pi and Al and Sa in the hall utterly cracking up at everything said, because it was all so FUNNY.

And now here am am at almost 3 am. But I'm happy.


1 comment:

J said...