Saturday, September 27, 2008


So. Tonight ended up eventful. Ra and Ja and Da and I ended up hanging out with Sab and his friends down in the mods. We had locally brewed apple cider (from the fine vineyards of the dorm) and cheese and it was all delicious. And then it was with SAB which made me laugh hysterically the whole time. And it was fun. I think I scratched my gum or something because it feels weird. But that was fun. A lot. And then after that we wandered outside (actually Je and Ka and Li came to find us, were apparently worried about us) and there was like rapping competition going on so we were there for a bit but then I wandered into the dorms and found Ra and then Al and Er showed up and they had been in the woods and were in the perfect mood to hang out with us so we all sat in our suite hallway and it was a blast and then some. A lot of really funny things went down.


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