Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'll be looking at the moon but I'll be seeing you

It's been so long since summer. I find that very odd.

Today I was woken up by Be and Ke banging on my door. They said it was time for me to wake up since it was three pm. So with a goodmorning hug I was awake.

And then Be wanted to go on a walk, so he called Jos and me and Be and Jos went into Oly to get some burritos and go to the sketch shop and the music shop. If I still played the flute I could totally buy that thing of Beach Boys songs and play Beach Boys songs on my flute. I still have half a burrito in my fridge. Hellz yes.

And then let's see we got back and hung out in Sa's room for a while. And then Av and Ge and Pi made some brownies and gave them to everyone who wanted some.
We wanted some.

And then we went to the Hip Hop Congress Bat Mitzvah and they had a beautiful bonfire going and they had some live music and they had some dancing.

And then Be and Je and I came home and hung out in Sa's room with Jos. And man were those brownies ever chocolatey. Or whatever. Goodness. Oh! On the way home Be was talking to the raccoons I am not even exaggerating. And Je screamed in the elevator.

I've just had such a good succession of songs play. First was It Ain't Me Babe and then Mr. Sandman and now Sexual Healing.

And then we had more time in Sa's room. Meg and Mel and No were in there for a bit too.

And then there was AMAZING Irish song singing and guitar. OH MY GOODNESS.

What is with my nose and people wanting to pet it and touch it?

My life. My life.

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