Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ho fo sho

I don't think much eventful happened today. But that was kind of nice. At lunch Ke and I went to a little table to eat because we thought it was going to be just the two of us, but we ended up cramming so many people there because they just kept on showing up.

And we watched LOST. Je and I dressed up.

And we watched Who's Line.

Andddddd we watched alligators on animal planet.

And there was a fire drill but we all knew beforehand cause the information leaked so we went to the HCC and hung out there as to not be disturbed. It's a good thing they knew about the fire drill, because the plan was to break in Be's new hookah with kava in Pi's room at that time, and if the fire alarm had gone off then...gosh I can only imagine the chaos and fear.

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