Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Food porn

This weekend. I don't think I blogged much this weekend. And by that I mean I know I didn't blog much this weekend. I think it's because I've been sick and I'm always bad at blogging when I'm sick. I'm not that sick though. So don't you worry your pretty little heads.

I read this book last night/today and OH MY GOODNESS IT WAS SO GOOD. It's called the Shaman's Apprentice and I did not want to put that puppy down. I stayed up last night reading and then WOKE UP EARLY THIS MORNING to read more. And I'm so sad it ended because it was so freakin interesting. It was for Mel and Meg and Ta and Ra and Pi's class, and so I decided to read through it and highlight the important parts to help them out, and for serious guys go read that book if you are at all interested in medicinal plants or Amazonian cultures.

I would say it was a low key weekend, but it really wasn't. Je left, which was sad because it's Je and what is my dorm without him. But we had a good goodbye party for him before he left. He led us on a spiritual journey. And there was dancing. And theeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn let's see more stuff happened that night, I'm sure of it.

Then Saturday we went to Jai's apartment and were there for a while, and then went to the Anime convention and then came back after like one minute.

Ever since Meg and To started having lots of sex in Meg's bed everyone has been all hunkered down cuddling with everyone else in that bed. Which is just silly.

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