Friday, February 6, 2009

Come on Ta

So I'm in southold now. the shift key on this computer does not seem to want to be working so i'm just going to not capitalize stuff.

last night i had to get on the airport shuttle at 4:30 am so i just stayed up cause i'm up at 4:30 a lot anyway, and be and bej stayed up with me.

this really funny interaction went down between be and bej and ta, but i don't think i can even describe it because it was so odd. it involved a mattress, a hallway, a trash can, and a wooden spoon.

and then be and bej and i were in pi's room for a while even though pi was never there, we were just inhabiting it, and they bej played the guitar and be sang a song to me about how we would always be friends and how sad they were that i was leaving, and i realized as this was all going down how great they are and how great that was all very beautiful.

and we watched some more avatar.

and then i flew to southold. and that's where i am right now.

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