Thursday, July 17, 2008


I think the weirdest thing about me is that while I don't regularly swear out loud, I use the modifier "forking" far too often to describe stuff to myself in my head, such as "we had a forking lot of fun tonight" or "this zucchini bread is forking delicious."

I think the only reason why it's just in my head is because it would be far too goobery to ever say forking out loud. I censor half the stuff in my head, anyway. And forking never makes the cut.


Q.U.A.N said...

its true half the things you want to say, other people say it for you anyway. it keeps your image wholesome. the bitch inside you is transmitted through another person. btw, YAH WELL I DO GET ANGRY ABOUT NOT ENOUGH COOKIES IN MY PACKAGES OK?

p.s i had no idea who ray was

Mushroom Head said...

well you know, girl's got to keep it anonymous