Thursday, April 2, 2009

Not your average paleontologist

I used to blog before I went to sleep at night but recently I have not been blogging before I go to sleep at night and this has been throwing off my blogging schedule.

Tuesday was a lovely day. I remember thinking what a great day it was when it happened and I am now trying to think of what it was that happened on Tuesday. We sat in Sa's room and flashed the lights on and off at the dorm across from us and they flashed their lights at us. Ro and Ta and Bej had an epillation contest to see how long they could stand epillating their arm hair and now all have patches of no arm hair. Br made us all cookies and we all ate them and hung out cause he is a great RA.

Then yesterday what happened. We went to anime club, went to the mods for a bit and hung out, hung out other places, watched this neat thing on the history channel about predator x.

I'm rull sleepy for my nap now.
But these past few days have been great.

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