Saturday, March 19, 2011

Banjo banjo banjo banjo banjo

I am playing so much BANJO BANJO BANJO BANJO. It's fun.

Want to know what music I like these days?

I'm really bad at liking music these days. It's a problem. But the Carter Family never fails me.

I don't know if I'd like that one if it wasn't about Tacoma. But it is, so I guess I have nothing to worry about.

What I really want is that woman from Folk Life singing Grass is Blue. We went to the Dolly Parton tribute at Folk Life, which was a brilliant idea of course, but we didn't have much time, so we only got to see a few people sing, and some were good and some were okay but then there was this woman who sang Grass is Blue better than I've ever heard someone sing anything.

Here is what I want.

I want music where people sound like they mean it when they sing about their emotions.

I don't know if this counts as music I'm into these days, or maybe it does, but either way Dolly Parton is a goddess.

And Johnny Cash is pretty cool too.

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