Thursday, July 30, 2009

Family Night

Mmmmmmmmmmmm today was great. I think I'm finally my normal level of happiness. My happiness levels have been low for the past while and I've been still having fun and all but having fun is more fun with full happiness. So I am ready to live August up.

Today I went with K and J for a delightful swim in the lake. The water was warm and deep and the lake bottom was sandy and the company was thoroughly enjoyable. J and I helped K overcome her fear of swimming and realize her true swimming abilities. And like...I'm not sure I can express how great being in that water felt, floating around and being surrounded by cooling yet not too cold liquid. It felt like we were swimming in a lake of molten happiness. That may sound dumb in words but I swear that's what it was.

On the drive home I was in a great mood and the sun roof was open on the van and the breeze was coming in the windows and I was listening to all the songs I wanted to be listening to and I couldn't contain my dancing or singing, so I was driving along dancing and singing and feeling so young and happy and summery. I always forget that other cars can see me when I'm driving so I didn't feel self conscious about driving in my bikini and flailing my arms around to the music even though I probably should have. But oh well.

Then we went to Father's birthday dinner at Doyle's in JP. It was just so family night and so nice and my parents and J's parents bonded and K's brother showed up out of nowhere with free pizza and starbursts. After dinner K and A and J and Sister and I all went for a little exploration around my old neighborhood and saw my old house and old school and old food co-op. I saw so many things that I liked on that walk, including a bunch of great murals, some black eyed susans growing through a picket fence, a really pleasant looking side porch, and some flower boxes. I liked them.

1 comment:

Kawaii Baba said...

it really felt like summer on that ride back.