Tuesday, July 14, 2009

An email from sister about Berlin

hi look what i can do:
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heres whqt ze did in berlin:
ze took q bus from the qirport but the directions zere zrong so ze got off the bus in q rqndom, plqce then it stqrted rqining qnd father didnt hqve q cell phone: he zqnted to go into q store to borroz q phone; until he noticed the store zqs q XXX video store so he zent to qnother store qnd borrozed q phone qnd ceciliq sqid she zould meet us there zith her friend: he sqid ze zould be zqiting infront of the video store: then he noticed q second video store on the opposite corner: so he left me zith the luggqge infront of the XXX video store: thqt was awkward for me:

later we went somewhere to buy a cellphone and buy dinner: we went to a turkish restaraunt and i ordered chicken shiskabob but i got viel and chicken qnd beef: i only ate the chicken parts: i broke a glass on cobblestones becquse ze zere outside: i was ashamed so i picked up all the little pieces: then i hid behind a phone booth because i did not want a turk to get mad at me: that was friday night:

the best thing i did in berlin was listen to father and cecilia talk about constellations for hours: JUST KIDDING!

the best thing i did in berlin was play with the scottish girls! we went out for italian and went for a walk in the park qnd climbed up a waterfall and played cards and truth or dare and learned the hoedown throwdown (youtube this if your curious)

once we were outside qnd it was smoky: So ze szitched to the other side: Then the zind chqnged directions qnd it zqs snoky qgqin:

I was lazy: And my kne hurt becquse i sprqined it: So father and I had a long conversation about wheelchairs, because I wanted a wheelchair: We were walking around so much because we wanted a hotel to get a internet connection: The we went to a hotel that ws full of men inwheelchairs with no legs or pqrts of legs: We stopped talking about wheelchairs right away: There was no connection there anyway:

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