Sunday, April 10, 2011

When did April happen

Things are going very nicely. They really have been doing that all year. It has been a very nice year. I am so excited that I get to stay here for the summer. I bet summertime will be super great.

Today has been a bad day for things going sour. My homemade nut milk went sour and my coconut milk went sour. Maybe it is just a bad day for alternative milks.

I really like eating the creamy part of coconut milk by itself. So good.

I am disappointed about the nut milk. I had just made such a large batch and it is incredibly stupid of me to let it sour.

I have finally perfected the making of miso soup. I am having it for breakfast right now. The other part of my breakfast was one banana, almond milk, coconut milk, water, and cocoa powder blended up in my blender. Kind of a smoothie, but also kind of not. This miso soup is perfection.

I've been doing so much cooking this year. Having my own kitchen is the best. I really really really like cooking. Jesse got us a slow cooker [EDITED FOR ACCURACY BENJI BOUGHT HALF OF IT BENJI BOUGHT HALF LET'S NOT FORGET IT] and I've been trying to figure out how it works. We made a chili in it but we had to fix it on the stove after. I don't think soups in the slow cooker is right for my style since I don't use a recipe and have to make adjustments accordingly as I go. Right now I'm making some beans in it. We'll see how that goes. I've gotten into buying dried beans and soaking them myself. It's cheap and it's kind of fun and it reduces waste (when I buy the beans from the co-op in my re-used co-op plastic bags, which is my easy take on this whole reuse a bag deal, which I really don't do as often as I should. Why can't I get it together to use reusable bags? I don't know.) and supposedly it's better for you, though I think you're supposed to soak them with some acid for that to work and I haven't been doing that.

La la la la cooking.

I made some cookies for class and there are some left over and it is a problem because now they are in my house and they are sugar cookies with chocolate frosting and I can't stop myself from eating them because they are in my house.

At least they don't contain dairy.

I love butter butter butter butter butter. Technically Earth Balance. I love it. I eat it plain sometimes. That can't be okay.

Spooky is being extra cute right now. She is a little bread on the windowsill looking out the window.

Last week the public schools were on spring break so I didn't have my internship or my hours in the elementary school but now spring break is over so this week and all the weeks after will be busy.

We all had a lot of fun going out on the town for Jesse's birthday. I sang a karaoke duet with Burnett. We sang Mama Mia. It was great. And Benji likes dancing at Jake's as much as I do, which is good news for everyone.

I can't go anywhere anymore without running into somebody I know. It's getting a little ridiculous.

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