Friday, May 1, 2009

Don't let it in, it will kill us all!

So on Monday or something Ke, A, and I went into Av's room to visit before he went off to China, and we all sat on his floor and he sat on his chair and then on his desk and told us a story and then passed out goodies for all. And then somehow it came up that we were a gang and needed a gang tattoo, which was decided should be a crucified tyrannosaurus in a sailor hat, so I drew one but had to borrow sharpies because Av's kept on running out. Av got it on his arm, Ke got it on her neck, A got it on her forearm, and then they told me to put it on my chest but that proved very difficult. But I got it eventually with a little help from Ke. And then Bej showed up and Av had to leave, so it was just us in his room for a while, and things were all very pleasant and then Ja and To and some kid Mi showed up, and they were all out of their minds and very wild and smoking cigarettes and getting their hair stuck in Av's guitar and To was all PLAY US A SONG BEJ and then they all played songs and sang and it was still wild. It was eventually too much and we all had to leave.

Av is in China now. Crazy!

We're going to Girl's Weekend this weekend. Should be a ball!

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