Friday, February 10, 2012

I think is really beautiful that every batch of honey tastes different. That is such a beautiful thing. I wonder if that only happens with raw honey or if it happens with all sorts? Back when I ate honey without caring if it was raw or not I wasn't a such a honey expert so I don't know. If anyone knows anything about this please let me know. HONEY HONEY HONEY HONEY HONEY HONEY Something else I've been thinking about: I'm really thankful for Asia because I know if I have a child with special needs she will help guide me so much that I know I'll be able to do a good job raising them. I'm so comforted knowing that she is there for me and would be able to help me so much. Also, Jesse and Jenny and Emily and Greg and Benji and Maggie and I all had an oobleck party tonight in Emily's room and it was so fantastic. Maggie said that the free store had a lot of cornstarch right now so we could make oobleck so I went and grabbed some of my crazy amount of corn starch and made oobleck and everyone loved it. Jesse had never played with oobleck before and he had the best reaction to it. I'm so happy I was there to see it. Then I was able to give Maggie the nutritional yeast that I have since I don't eat it anymore, and I know Benji still eats it sometimes but I will buy him more nutritional yeast if he wants it but I was just so happy to be able to give Maggie that gift. I want her to have my nutritional yeast. And really, I'm three stars sensitive to it. Then Maggie left and the rest of us all lay on the floor in Emily's room with our heads on each others stomachs and hung out and it was so great. Maybe it's because I know that I am leaving Olympia, but I have been feeling so strongly lately how much I appreciate these people and love having them in my life. It's so sad to me that this is soon to be over. But at the same time, I know that the friendships we've built here are so real and so deep that going to another city won't be the end of them. And who knows, maybe we will all make it to California someday. I mean, why not? We're all the type who would go to California and while our lives aren't the most flexible now, once we get enough job experience to be able to get a job in any city we can really go wherever we want. AND QUICK EVERYONE! BEFORE YOU SETTLE DOWN! I mean, if you want to. I'll post some pretty great pictures from tonight soon. Only wish we had some of the oobleck. OH I FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! The most important part is that today I finished the first draft of my super huge paper and it ended up being FIFTY ONE pages and I finished it EARLY. It's due tomorrow at noon. I haven't handed it in yet because my webmail wasn't loading but maybe that's a good thing. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and edit it further, because I was definitely well aware it was a first draft as I was writing that last part so I totally could have done it better. But man that first part of my paper, and by first part I mean like the first twenty pages, is really really good. It probably isn't written super well, but the synthesizing of ideas and information I did in those first twenty pages is seriously impressive. Not to toot my own horn or anything.

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