Saturday, February 11, 2012

another good night

Last night Benji and I tried to finish 2001 a space odyssey but I was getting too freaked out to watch it. We had just left off at the end of intermission when things were so intense and so scary and I tried to watch it but was too scared to even start, and then we tried watching intermission but the music was too scary so we had to turn it off. Then today we watched the second half and it wasn't what I was expecting at all, it was so weird and now I'm just weirded out by it.

Tonight was super fun though. Emily and I were making valentines in my room and then Jenny came in and said it was Mardi Gras night at one of the bars downtown so Benji and Emily and I all went and Jesse and Jenny were drunk there and it was great fun. It is so lovely to see Jenny and Jesse dance together. They're so great for each other and Emily and I just stood watching them and seeing how much they like each other. And both of them need to be with a person who can dance like that with them.

Today I was going crazy for sugar and I had none in the house, I was like looking through my room to see if there were any chocolate bars I hid left anywhere. I have this problem where I crave sugar all the time and can't stop eating it if I had it, so I try to not let myself buy sugar but KK keeps on SENDING me all this sugar which means I have a whole bunch of sugar at a time in my house which I can't handle. A while back she sent me a bunch of Stirs the Soul chocolate bars made with just cacao and raw honey since that's the only kind of chocolate I can eat since I can't eat vanilla or dates or agave or artificial sweeteners or pineapple concentrate or brown rice syrup or maple syrup or sugar or anything really and I had to hide them all over my house to keep myself from eating them all at once. I thought I'd run out a bit ago but then I found another one and then I had two desperate times where I searched through everything in my room and then eventually found a chocolate bar, which was the most exciting thing when I actually found them. Today though I didn't find any so I think they're really all gone, and I didn't have any honey because I don't let myself buy it because I eat it too fast, but then a package came for me since it's almost my birthday and inside were a whole lot of chocolate honey candies that I can eat and SIX JARS of honey. So what am I going to do now.

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