Thursday, June 18, 2009

Housewife Day

Today I took the dog for a long romp, did some watercoloring at the pond, picked up Sister from the library, went grocery shopping, made dinner, and picked up Father at the airport.

It really did take up most of my day.

I went for a long walk at night and thought about how excited I am for farm class. I think I'm going to be really into farms and farming and it will lead to my career. And then I will have one child and live in a little house.

I looked in all the windows that had lights on but I only saw a person in one of them. I don't want a large house when I grow up. I want a house that is just big enough for me and my husband and my one child and my miniature dachshund. On my farm. OR A HOUSEBOAT! WHAT IF IT WAS A LITTLE HOUSEBOAT! How would I get to my farm if my house was floating? Hm. I guess I have more time to plan all this.

Anyway. On my walk I went over to visit the old house and I found that tip-over driveway's house is completely gone. MEANING I CAN SNEAK UP TO ROXABOXEN. MAYBE. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IF I'M BRAVE ENOUGH.

Ummmmmm want to read something I wrote about Roxaboxen for class? Maybe I will post it sometime.