Tuesday, February 8, 2011

i have

The MOST BEAUTIFUL toaster oven in ALLLLLLL of Olympia

I got it from the free store back in September and it was ugly as all get out, all dirty and stained and scribbled on, but then I got a seed catalog and decoupaged it up with pictures of vegetables and melons and now it is beautiful.

there was an old woman who lived in a shoe
she was sometimes so Olympia she didn't know what to do

We've gotten into this new thing, well its not so new by now because we've kind of been doing it for a while, but anyway the thing is watching documentaries or historical movies before bed (and after toothbrush party + playing with the new toy I got myself for my 21st birthday) and it is great. We finished Apocalypse Now last night, oh man that was intense.

I'm really excited about my mapping class. Making maps is super cool.

Dude. Free laptop. How cool is that. I've been telling everyone I know, which is a little obnoxious I know but I just can't believe it, that I would enter something and then get a knock on the door and a free laptop, especially since my old laptop is falling to bits.

Pretty cool, man.

We're house hunting right now, looking for a nice three bedroom place with garden space and a washer and dryer and a short walk to the bus.

I just got into cooking amaranth as of last night. I want to try popping it and see what happens. YumUniverse says popping amaranth is "one of the cutest kitchen activities one can participate in," so I say let's do it.


1 comment:

KHADIjbug said...

i like your ritual!! i'll bring all the anthro movies!!