Thursday, September 30, 2010

Settling In

Oh man. Moving into an apartment is a heck of a lot of work. Especially when you don't have a car. Jes and Mi have been super generous with letting me use their cars but still. If I had one of my own I could just zoom zoom get the groceries and zoom zoom get the compost bucket and zoom zoom zoom get the doormats. I have a long list on my fridge of things I need to do, and while I've gotten a whole lot done there are always more. A lot of them are tricky too, like get a dining room table and chairs for free please. I've spent a lot of money buying stuff for this house but we've also gotten a TON of stuff for free. Still need more though. Pretty much everything is unpacked except for our clothes, since we don't have a dresser. So they are all exploded all over the bedroom. I'm ready to be able to put them away.

My life is pretty great right now. Everything it should be, nothing it shouldn't. Which is so nice, especially since I don't take it for granted anymore. I've been hanging out with some combination Jes and Mi and Je and Ba and A (and of course Bej, I would not even put that in because it seems too obvious to need saying but this way he won't feel left out) every day, doing all sorts of things like making soup and necklaces and Indian food and sushi and listening to Jes and Bej write their songs. I'm making friends in my class already. On Tuesday we went to the zoo and I saw a POLAR BEAR FIGHT right up close RIGHT THERE and it was SO COOOL. I also saw otters snuggling and baby tigers. So like, heck yes. And after tomorrow I should have a computer of my own that works (my computer attended a party a few weeks ago and had a bit too rough of a night) and internet in my home AT THE SAME TIME, which is something I haven't had in one month. A whole month. Can you imagine.

Maybe I will get to cross more things off my list this weekend. That would be pretty sweet.

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