This is college I suppose.
But like. Man. Weird night.
Maybe I'll talk about this morning to ease into it. WOW. THIS MORNING SEEMS SO LONG AGO. We had a field trip to this place where they're turning old cow pastures into estuaries and we got to go off and do our field journals. I love the way of grading stuff here, the whole alternate system. The written evaluations seem a lot more personal than grades, and the feedback is really helpful for knowing what to improve, and mans am I ever glad I chose this school. So yeah we were field journaling, it was really pretty and peaceful, my class is great. I'm SO happy that Ke is in my class. She is fantastic. And she is so happy I am in the class. And if you saw our class, you'd know why. I think since it's one of the more intensive classes (more math, less tai chi) it attracts a...different sort of crowd. Certainly not the classic student body. And it's interesting.
And then this afternoon (which seems like an ETERNITY ago, so much so that I forgot it ever happened) I went into Oly with Ja and Li and Ra and got a nifty fabric thingy for my wall and some applesauce and instant oatmeal at Grocery Outlet.
My first evening activity was supposed to be square dancing and all you can eat falafel at the Flshaming Eggfplant Cafe, but by the time All and Pi and Ta and Ad and I showed up there was an endless line at the cafe and no square dancing to be seen. All saw some guy's earmuffs and mentioned that she wanted some, and then Pi said WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU EARMUFFS! RUN! And took off at a run cause the bus was about to leave, and then we all ran over and caught it and took it in to Oly, but we realized that nobody really cared about getting earmuffs, but there we were on the bus so off we went. And what did we do once we got to Oh right we went to this dock that went out into the harbor type area (I think we went there first?),

Then I went out again with To and Ad and Pi and Wa and Ta and All and Ne to see what there was to see, and To ran off to find adventure (more about this later) and the rest of us ended up in the housing community center (cause we were too lazy/cold to walk to anywhere where real parties might be (if you knew how close this was to the HCC you would know how lazy/cold we were))playing ping pong, except somehow the ping pong table ended up completely broken, so then we went back. And most of them decided to go watch Accepted or something.
All and Ta and I decided to walk in the woods down to the beach. And we had SUCH good conversation and connected so muchly about EVERYTHING and gosh it was incredible. We found crabs and barnacles and muscles and little sea snails and got so muddy and were afraid of the dark woods. AND TALKED! OH THE TALKING! HOW GREAT WAS THE TALKING!
AND THEN we returned to the dorms, and were just like standing around the halls when To walked in, completely gone, and sat down in the hallway and started preparing naughty substances. And then the police walked by. And everyone ran except me and Em and To tried to hide it but didn't succeed and ended up getting a grievance, and then Em and I walked into the common room, and then after the police and the RA came over to me and were like do you have your ID? And I utterly flipped out, I was shaking and like I don't even KNOW, because that was not even ME he just walked in and sat down there, it wasn't like he was making it for us or was going to share or anything, anddd basically I just had some weird freakout emotional thing, until Be noticed (cause it was darn obvious) that I was not taking the whole police thing too well and came over and asked the RA if I was in trouble, and the RA said no, and then he told me that the RA wasn't getting me in trouble, and I calmed down enough to tell my information and stuff, but BY GOD IF THAT ENDS UP HARMING ME IN ANY WAY, I WILL NOT BE CONTENT, BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY IN THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME AND CONNECTED IN NO WAY TO THE INCIDENT. And that is just never good.
AND THEN. We (me, Be, Sa, Bej) went outside for a bit of adventure, and saw some raccoons and learned of some other major police busts that night, and discussed how much of a princess Bej is, and then briefly went inside, and then went back out to the vending machines, where we ended up staying for a long time and talking to the various people going to the vending machine, and then we went inside and Be needed another hand massage to warm up (he has bad circulation) and then Mg and Mel came downstairs, and then we discussed how much Bej would fail at living in the outdoors, and it was so great, and Av walked by in an eyepatch and Ia joined us, and then the girls (Mg and Mel) went to sleep, and then the boys wanted me to play warcraft with them and I almost did but then I was just too darned tired.
Was that night weird enough for you? Probably not a weird as it was for me.
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