Today felt veery much a true shmevergreen experience. Nine o clock this morning, walking in the woods in the rain with my class, learning about the different tree species, sitting down to record in my journal for an hour, sketching plants and stuff and writing incoherent ramblings, "I looked up under my hood and bangs at the sound of human sloshing through water and saw hood canopy, bangs canopy, tree canopy, barefoot legs under purple skirt canopy." THAT IS NOTHING I CAN WRITE IN MY FIELD JOURNAL WRITEUP. DEAR SELF, PLEASE BE LESS USELESS IN THE FOREST. The forest is SO BEAUTIFUL THOUGH. My favorite trees in it are the big leaf maple. They're SO TALL and moss covered and they go up so high they're illuminated by sunlight, unlike all the shorter stuff where the sun is obstructed. I'm happy Ke and Br are in my class, they're great.
After class I hung out in Ka's room with Li and 404. And 404 amused themselves with photobooth and garage band. And as much as I'm anti photobooth albums on facebook, there is much to be said for the here and now amusement of photobooth usage. Pi and Ta made a music video using garage band and photobooth. And it was great. OH MY GOD, A PHOTOBOOTH! So that's what we've been waiting in line for!

AFTER that I had a cheese party in Co and Han's dorm, and then the three of us joined All and Mi and To and Ad and Pi And Ta to go to the Artist Walk in Oly. Which was really great, as far as I recall.
THEN the gang was all LET'S WATCH 28 DAYS LATER, and me and All tried to but then were like heck no and went to her room. HER ROOM IS INCREDIBLE. It's the same size as mine (big) but with slanty and interesting nooky ceilings and a HUGE CLOSET and I love it to bits cause it actually feels like a room and not a box.
And then I found out something very exciting. I found out that Au down the hall is in fact Alaska Judy's ex and an interlocken alum. Meaning we know like all the same people. WWWEEEEIIRIIIRDDDD.
These are the monsters hidden under your sink.

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