In other news I got attacked by a raccoon tonight. There was one on the skywalk when Be and I were walking home and as it ran by it GRAZED MY LEG. I think Be must think I'm half crazed because he always seems to witness me flip out over little things like rabid raccoon attacks. Oh well.
Ok. So the subject of dildos came up during a hall party today, and some anonymous girl was like I don't see the appeal of dildos, which is totes reasonable, but then she went on to say that she doesn't understand the appeal of masturbation and has never tried it. In her life. At age eighteen. And sure plenty of people are sheltered and all, but I know this girl is no blushing virgin. So she's had sex and plenty of it. But not masturbated. And doesn't understand the appeal.
I DON'T GET IT. I really just don't. It boggles my mind a bit. First of all. The appeal. IS THAT NOT. A REALLY OBVIOUS ANSWER. And not even ever having TRIED? Just out of curiosity? Or something? And she's had sex? So I'm assuming she's aware of this whole orgasm phenomenon? And I swear there's just something unliberated about needing a man (or partner I suppose) in order to have one.
I would have said something like BY GOD WOMAN, TRY IT ALREADY. But it was a very populated hall party. And that could have been awkward. GOOD THING THIS POST WASN'T. NO AWKWARD HERE, NOPE.
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