I am having an incredible day. And it's only noon. And all I've done is wake up after three and a half hours of sleep and go to class. But MANS is there ever a twinkle in my eye and a spring in my step. And for no real reason either. I guess it was just a really good class. And it's just a really good day.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Nothing went wrong today. A lot of things went right, actually. Co and I had our grievance party and everyone came, and it was great and delicious. I finished knitting a hat because everyone was knitting and gave it to Li. Jai gave me a fantastic massage. And Jai and I napped in Sa's bed for about two hours, and Sa and Be were in and out of the room and we didn't wake up. Be said we looked like puppies. I was going to start my midterm, but then Be came and got me for Who's Line is it Anyway watching. And yesterday I went through an entire dinosaur encyclopedia with Jo, and had a great elevator party with Mel. Yet there's been a certain discontent plaguing me these past few days and I haven't been able to shake it. Bej was really good about trying to cheer me up though. He let me draw on his window and we went on a barefoot road egging run with rotten eggs at two thirty am. Speaking of which, I'm not getting enough sleep here, and it's kind of an issue. It's hard to stay awake in class. But so much is happening late into the night I don't want to miss the social aspect.
I hope my tranquility is soon restored. I'll guess we'll have to see.
I hope my tranquility is soon restored. I'll guess we'll have to see.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Power Animals
Today was a very mycollege day. I went to class, I painted, I read a bit of Revenge of the Lawn, I drew on Em and Mel's windows, I listened to Be and To do guitar/ukulele singing duets of Irish songs, Em led us in find your power animal meditation, we shared about our music, it was great. I'm becoming really close with Mel and Em. And that's great too. Cause they're great. And they think I'm great.
We're going to an 8 am dance party before class tomorrow. Should be interesting.
We're going to an 8 am dance party before class tomorrow. Should be interesting.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dead drop beautiful

In other news I got attacked by a raccoon tonight. There was one on the skywalk when Be and I were walking home and as it ran by it GRAZED MY LEG. I think Be must think I'm half crazed because he always seems to witness me flip out over little things like rabid raccoon attacks. Oh well.
Ok. So the subject of dildos came up during a hall party today, and some anonymous girl was like I don't see the appeal of dildos, which is totes reasonable, but then she went on to say that she doesn't understand the appeal of masturbation and has never tried it. In her life. At age eighteen. And sure plenty of people are sheltered and all, but I know this girl is no blushing virgin. So she's had sex and plenty of it. But not masturbated. And doesn't understand the appeal.
I DON'T GET IT. I really just don't. It boggles my mind a bit. First of all. The appeal. IS THAT NOT. A REALLY OBVIOUS ANSWER. And not even ever having TRIED? Just out of curiosity? Or something? And she's had sex? So I'm assuming she's aware of this whole orgasm phenomenon? And I swear there's just something unliberated about needing a man (or partner I suppose) in order to have one.
I would have said something like BY GOD WOMAN, TRY IT ALREADY. But it was a very populated hall party. And that could have been awkward. GOOD THING THIS POST WASN'T. NO AWKWARD HERE, NOPE.

In other news I got attacked by a raccoon tonight. There was one on the skywalk when Be and I were walking home and as it ran by it GRAZED MY LEG. I think Be must think I'm half crazed because he always seems to witness me flip out over little things like rabid raccoon attacks. Oh well.
Ok. So the subject of dildos came up during a hall party today, and some anonymous girl was like I don't see the appeal of dildos, which is totes reasonable, but then she went on to say that she doesn't understand the appeal of masturbation and has never tried it. In her life. At age eighteen. And sure plenty of people are sheltered and all, but I know this girl is no blushing virgin. So she's had sex and plenty of it. But not masturbated. And doesn't understand the appeal.
I DON'T GET IT. I really just don't. It boggles my mind a bit. First of all. The appeal. IS THAT NOT. A REALLY OBVIOUS ANSWER. And not even ever having TRIED? Just out of curiosity? Or something? And she's had sex? So I'm assuming she's aware of this whole orgasm phenomenon? And I swear there's just something unliberated about needing a man (or partner I suppose) in order to have one.
I would have said something like BY GOD WOMAN, TRY IT ALREADY. But it was a very populated hall party. And that could have been awkward. GOOD THING THIS POST WASN'T. NO AWKWARD HERE, NOPE.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bej Survives the Desert
I find
that I go to sleep all excited to see what the next day has to offer. That must be a good sign.
I want to show you guys the microsoft paint creation that Sa made (with Be and my input) of Bej dropped off by us in a helicopter in the desert. It is FANTASTIC. But it's on Sa's computer. Maybe tomorrow.
I want to show you guys the microsoft paint creation that Sa made (with Be and my input) of Bej dropped off by us in a helicopter in the desert. It is FANTASTIC. But it's on Sa's computer. Maybe tomorrow.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Ink Ball
TODAY I had class. And then after class I went to Safeway with Mel and got food for my dorm room because I have a minifridge now and can put food in it. This is very new and exciting, as I've only had instant oatmeal for breakfast for five weeks or so now. But now! I have instant cream of wheat! ARE YOU AS EXCITED AS I AM?!?!
I also have cheerios and honey bunches of oats. And milk! To pour on top! And cheese and crackers! And yogurt! And pepper jack cheese! THE NEW ERA OF FOOD, IT IS UPON US.
Speaking of food: yesterday we had baked potato bar and I thought of A.
Then after safeway Mel and I ate grapes and chips on the field and soaked in the warm sunshine. Whoever said Warshington (I LOVE people who call it Warshington) is nothing but a soggy foggy rainland lied. I feel as if I shall soon eat those words. But for now, let us revel in my ignorance. Har came by and joined our picnic for a bit with his bike.
Anddd thennnn I went up to Sa's room (because that's where I pretty much live these days, Sa and Be and I have become something of a trio) with Jai, but she soon left. I love Sa's room. DID YOU KNOW SA USED TO PLAY LODE RUNNER? In like 1995? When I played Lode Runner all the time and loved it? And not only did he used to play lode runner but he HAS IT WITH HIM IN COLLEGE, and we intend to beat all the multiplayer levels.
I love Sa's room because I can just wander in to it with The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle and read it in the nook and then fall asleep on the floor for a bit while Sa does his homework at the computer and Be reads on Sa's bed. It's all very comfortable.
I love that I've found people who like to have fun the way I do. Like today Be started playing ink ball not knowing what it was (and he'll continue playing it forever just because) (and of course I told him about A and ink ball) and then we started playing zen ink ball where we just let it go and eventually it finds its way into the holes...OK IT WAS REALLY FUNNY IN REAL LIFE, MAYBE IT JUST DOESN'T TRANSLATE IN STORY FORM. And Bej thought that every time you drew with ink you lost points, but that was just the seconds going down, and then he was all Be everytime I say anything you just look at [whoa, I just realized I have no code word for when other people say my name in this blog. so um my name goes here, CAUSE THIS BLOG IS SO TOP SECRET. I don't know why I bother with this half-hearted anonymous thing] and you guys laugh. Which is funny cause it's true. But you should hear the thing Bej says.
And we had a who's line is it anyway marathon which was great. Je and Mel and Meg came too and hung out with us for a while.
I'm really settling. The problem is though is as I settle into this group I end up not hanging out with the people I'd hang out with before. While I was searching for people I bounced around to many groups, and now they're all like WAIT WE DON'T SEE YOU EVER COME BACK and it's kind of awkward cause I like them too and all.
Kidding. It really isn't like that. But like, it's still difficult.
I also have cheerios and honey bunches of oats. And milk! To pour on top! And cheese and crackers! And yogurt! And pepper jack cheese! THE NEW ERA OF FOOD, IT IS UPON US.
Speaking of food: yesterday we had baked potato bar and I thought of A.
Then after safeway Mel and I ate grapes and chips on the field and soaked in the warm sunshine. Whoever said Warshington (I LOVE people who call it Warshington) is nothing but a soggy foggy rainland lied. I feel as if I shall soon eat those words. But for now, let us revel in my ignorance. Har came by and joined our picnic for a bit with his bike.
Anddd thennnn I went up to Sa's room (because that's where I pretty much live these days, Sa and Be and I have become something of a trio) with Jai, but she soon left. I love Sa's room. DID YOU KNOW SA USED TO PLAY LODE RUNNER? In like 1995? When I played Lode Runner all the time and loved it? And not only did he used to play lode runner but he HAS IT WITH HIM IN COLLEGE, and we intend to beat all the multiplayer levels.
I love Sa's room because I can just wander in to it with The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle and read it in the nook and then fall asleep on the floor for a bit while Sa does his homework at the computer and Be reads on Sa's bed. It's all very comfortable.
I love that I've found people who like to have fun the way I do. Like today Be started playing ink ball not knowing what it was (and he'll continue playing it forever just because) (and of course I told him about A and ink ball) and then we started playing zen ink ball where we just let it go and eventually it finds its way into the holes...OK IT WAS REALLY FUNNY IN REAL LIFE, MAYBE IT JUST DOESN'T TRANSLATE IN STORY FORM. And Bej thought that every time you drew with ink you lost points, but that was just the seconds going down, and then he was all Be everytime I say anything you just look at [whoa, I just realized I have no code word for when other people say my name in this blog. so um my name goes here, CAUSE THIS BLOG IS SO TOP SECRET. I don't know why I bother with this half-hearted anonymous thing] and you guys laugh. Which is funny cause it's true. But you should hear the thing Bej says.
And we had a who's line is it anyway marathon which was great. Je and Mel and Meg came too and hung out with us for a while.
I'm really settling. The problem is though is as I settle into this group I end up not hanging out with the people I'd hang out with before. While I was searching for people I bounced around to many groups, and now they're all like WAIT WE DON'T SEE YOU EVER COME BACK and it's kind of awkward cause I like them too and all.
Kidding. It really isn't like that. But like, it's still difficult.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I'm still like reeling from the goodness of today. We spend most of our time in Sa's room (we being me Be and Sa, with Je and Bej and Mel and Meg and Jai coming in and out) just listening to music and muddling about on our computers. And it's great. This must be what being settled in college is.
I went slacklining (Slacklining is a balance sport which utilizes nylon webbing stretched tight between two anchor points. Slacklining is distinct from tightrope walking in that the line is not held rigidly taut; it is instead dynamic, stretching and bouncing like a long and narrow trampoline) with Jai and her friend Har and his friends today. It was great. I want to try it again and maybe get good at it. And Jai and I went in the woods (not "in the woods" just in the woods or as Jai tried to explain to Al "a voyage to look at trees") and took all those lovely photos pictured before.
And over dinner I figured out that No is from that town full of kids from our school next to my town back on the east coast. And we talked about what we wanted to name our kids and it was great.
I'd just like to point out that right now I have my itunes going down from most played to least played, and it's off shuffle so every song I'm playing right now is one of my MOST FAVORITE SONGS EVER. And it makes me happy every time a new song starts and I'm like WHOA this is a GREAT song to be playing now.
And then I went to Sa's room with Jai and I went in Sa's nook cause his room has the best little nook and I love nooks, and then I moved out of the nook when Be needed skype help, but the nook was great while it lasted.
And then we went outside for a while. And that was fun. And then we went inside again, and Be and I went to Sa's room again, and then we all went to Lis's apartment and had a LOT of fun, and then we came home and played the hand slappy game, and then we went to sleep and lived happily ever after.
I went slacklining (Slacklining is a balance sport which utilizes nylon webbing stretched tight between two anchor points. Slacklining is distinct from tightrope walking in that the line is not held rigidly taut; it is instead dynamic, stretching and bouncing like a long and narrow trampoline) with Jai and her friend Har and his friends today. It was great. I want to try it again and maybe get good at it. And Jai and I went in the woods (not "in the woods" just in the woods or as Jai tried to explain to Al "a voyage to look at trees") and took all those lovely photos pictured before.
And over dinner I figured out that No is from that town full of kids from our school next to my town back on the east coast. And we talked about what we wanted to name our kids and it was great.
I'd just like to point out that right now I have my itunes going down from most played to least played, and it's off shuffle so every song I'm playing right now is one of my MOST FAVORITE SONGS EVER. And it makes me happy every time a new song starts and I'm like WHOA this is a GREAT song to be playing now.
And then I went to Sa's room with Jai and I went in Sa's nook cause his room has the best little nook and I love nooks, and then I moved out of the nook when Be needed skype help, but the nook was great while it lasted.
And then we went outside for a while. And that was fun. And then we went inside again, and Be and I went to Sa's room again, and then we all went to Lis's apartment and had a LOT of fun, and then we came home and played the hand slappy game, and then we went to sleep and lived happily ever after.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
This is the tree that I thought had a totem pole carved in it....it doesn't.
(you can click all those pictures and make them all big and beautiful and pretend you're me in the middle of the temperate rainforest)
(p.s. it's national capslock day, and as a frequent abuser of my capslock abilities, i figured if anyone should appreciate this holiday, it should be me)
You lead
Al and Ha and Co and I went into the woods today, but not the normal woods, this part down the road, and it was dead drop beautiful. We were sitting on this fallen tree that went over this little river, and there were all these mossy trees and rainforest all around, and we had to hike a bit to get there, and I really want to go back and take pictures and paint it or something because I swear it was the most beautiful place.
Then we wandered around in the forest and looked at all these beautiful trees and foresty things, COULD I GET ANY MORE MYCOLLEGE I KNOW RIGHT, and we found this tree that EITHER looked remarkably like a totem pole with a bird and a monster OR was a totem pole of a bird and a monster carved into a tree a long time ago with moss growing over it. I tried to figure it out for a long time, I could not. And Ha found a kokopelli in the leaves next to sky. And then she got lost leading us out, and we are in the middle of the woods having wandered off the trail, and she turns around and points into this like CLEARLY not a thing dense underbrush and tells me, "You lead." And it was hilarious. I swear. And then we went back and watched CNN (and breifly this documentary about tarantulas but Ha screamed and hid), and the tv was broken so it had a sort of rainbow going through it, and hilarity ensued.
Anddd then I had to ask A about her creepy stalker. And then I went up to Sa's room and found him there with Be, and Be taught me how to play his little computer game and it ended up being markedly like Age of Empires so I was able to kick some enemy butt, and it was fun and hearkened back to my geek days.
ANDDDD then we hung out with a bunch of people in the common room, and hilarity once again ensued. And then Be and Je and I went down to my floor to see if anything interesting was happening and made a sort of hall party and played that hand slapping move your hand away game.
And then the night ended with apple cider and brownies in Be's room.
Plus I got my new free minifridge today, which is actually pretty sizable, so if I go grocery shopping I will have a minifridge to put stuff in.
I feel like there was something else interesting to report.
I don't know.
Oh well.
Pi had sex today, and everybody knew it because Ad reported their room as smelling of sex, and Ta reported their suite of smelling of sex, and he kept on blushing and getting embarrassed and leaving the room whenever anyone would applaud or shout comments, and ONCE AGAIN PEOPLE THE HILARITY, IT ENSUED.
Al and Ha and Co and I went into the woods today, but not the normal woods, this part down the road, and it was dead drop beautiful. We were sitting on this fallen tree that went over this little river, and there were all these mossy trees and rainforest all around, and we had to hike a bit to get there, and I really want to go back and take pictures and paint it or something because I swear it was the most beautiful place.
Then we wandered around in the forest and looked at all these beautiful trees and foresty things, COULD I GET ANY MORE MYCOLLEGE I KNOW RIGHT, and we found this tree that EITHER looked remarkably like a totem pole with a bird and a monster OR was a totem pole of a bird and a monster carved into a tree a long time ago with moss growing over it. I tried to figure it out for a long time, I could not. And Ha found a kokopelli in the leaves next to sky. And then she got lost leading us out, and we are in the middle of the woods having wandered off the trail, and she turns around and points into this like CLEARLY not a thing dense underbrush and tells me, "You lead." And it was hilarious. I swear. And then we went back and watched CNN (and breifly this documentary about tarantulas but Ha screamed and hid), and the tv was broken so it had a sort of rainbow going through it, and hilarity ensued.
Anddd then I had to ask A about her creepy stalker. And then I went up to Sa's room and found him there with Be, and Be taught me how to play his little computer game and it ended up being markedly like Age of Empires so I was able to kick some enemy butt, and it was fun and hearkened back to my geek days.
ANDDDD then we hung out with a bunch of people in the common room, and hilarity once again ensued. And then Be and Je and I went down to my floor to see if anything interesting was happening and made a sort of hall party and played that hand slapping move your hand away game.
And then the night ended with apple cider and brownies in Be's room.
Plus I got my new free minifridge today, which is actually pretty sizable, so if I go grocery shopping I will have a minifridge to put stuff in.
I feel like there was something else interesting to report.
I don't know.
Oh well.
Pi had sex today, and everybody knew it because Ad reported their room as smelling of sex, and Ta reported their suite of smelling of sex, and he kept on blushing and getting embarrassed and leaving the room whenever anyone would applaud or shout comments, and ONCE AGAIN PEOPLE THE HILARITY, IT ENSUED.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sweetest little insomniac west of the Mississippi
It's three am, I've been trying to sleep since twelve, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Especially since I could not stay awake during There Will Be Blood. HELLO BODY, AWAKE FOR MOVIE, SLEEP FOR BEDTIME PLEASE. And I have class at nine tomorrow. And the same thing happened last night. Where is the narcolepsy of yore?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Remember that thing
With the dorm and the banging and the halls? Here is a picture of it.

After it was over I thought that the police had arrested Ad and Wa and Ta and Ne for making too much noise and Jai and I had escaped just in time. Why? Because sometimes I think things that aren't real. Or so I've found.
Also I remembered how when Jai and I went to make some Ovaltine last night her roommates were sitting in the dark in the living room and one was slowly reading aloud what I think was a course description, though I can't guarantee it, in this monotone voice, and the rest were sitting there quietly listening to it, and it was SO EERIE and confusing. And after Jai asked what WAS that and I could not tell her. Either the suitemates were messing with our minds or they do WEIRD chanty course description stuff in their spare time.
After it was over I thought that the police had arrested Ad and Wa and Ta and Ne for making too much noise and Jai and I had escaped just in time. Why? Because sometimes I think things that aren't real. Or so I've found.
Also I remembered how when Jai and I went to make some Ovaltine last night her roommates were sitting in the dark in the living room and one was slowly reading aloud what I think was a course description, though I can't guarantee it, in this monotone voice, and the rest were sitting there quietly listening to it, and it was SO EERIE and confusing. And after Jai asked what WAS that and I could not tell her. Either the suitemates were messing with our minds or they do WEIRD chanty course description stuff in their spare time.
The suitemates decorated for halloween, when I came back home last night and found orange and cobwebs everywhere, it was...awe-inspiring. Not as confusing as that time I went into Li's dorm to find she had changed all her furniture around. THAT was disorienting.
TODAY I got out of bed at three and did homework until now, with an hour's break for dinner. COLLEGE!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
In his crown I will sway
Hm. I guess if you're anyone but us that doesn't portray the same meaning I'm going for. BUT YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND ME, RIGHT??
Speaking of understand me, Be says he knew I was weird from the moment he met me, PEOPLE UNDERSTAND ME HERE.
Gosh today was fantastic, IT WAS FANTASTIC! I woke up, did a ton of reading, and then we went for a picnic on the field because it was wildly warm and gorgeous, and it ended up being HILARIOUS because...gosh I don't even know, maybe it was residual effects, maybe it was just really genius, but stuff happened like Ad talking on the phone to All's friend and Pi saying, "tell them you have hobbit feet," and Ad saying, "I have hobbit feet" without meaning to. He does. Have hobbit feet. And he can hold his toes together like they're hands. And this guy in Li's class who is apparently really weird came over, and I think he was on a lot of substance because he first asked Li if she was an angel and then he played this card game where he introduced it as a card trick and then would just hold up two cards and ask us to pick left or right, Ta got the logo card so he told him to go deeper than logos, Je got a ten and he told him that five times two was ten so he had "five on one hand and two on the other" (we still don't know what that means) and that he was going to turn into a wizard, and such FUNNY dumb stuff kept on happening like that and it was warm and great.
Then I went into Oly with folks. And it was nice.
THEN we played in Jai's bathroom, and it was JUST LIKE OLD TIMES.
And then we hung out in Sa's room for a while, and my head was leaning up against the bedpost thing and Be was playing the drums on the bedpost thing and it was like it was INSIDE MY HEAD and then went to this off campus party with a DJ and EVERYONE was there and we had some great dancing. And then we went back to Jai's apartment and had macaroni and cheese and general good times.
I love my life. I really do.
Hm. I guess if you're anyone but us that doesn't portray the same meaning I'm going for. BUT YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND ME, RIGHT??
Speaking of understand me, Be says he knew I was weird from the moment he met me, PEOPLE UNDERSTAND ME HERE.
Gosh today was fantastic, IT WAS FANTASTIC! I woke up, did a ton of reading, and then we went for a picnic on the field because it was wildly warm and gorgeous, and it ended up being HILARIOUS because...gosh I don't even know, maybe it was residual effects, maybe it was just really genius, but stuff happened like Ad talking on the phone to All's friend and Pi saying, "tell them you have hobbit feet," and Ad saying, "I have hobbit feet" without meaning to. He does. Have hobbit feet. And he can hold his toes together like they're hands. And this guy in Li's class who is apparently really weird came over, and I think he was on a lot of substance because he first asked Li if she was an angel and then he played this card game where he introduced it as a card trick and then would just hold up two cards and ask us to pick left or right, Ta got the logo card so he told him to go deeper than logos, Je got a ten and he told him that five times two was ten so he had "five on one hand and two on the other" (we still don't know what that means) and that he was going to turn into a wizard, and such FUNNY dumb stuff kept on happening like that and it was warm and great.
Then I went into Oly with folks. And it was nice.
THEN we played in Jai's bathroom, and it was JUST LIKE OLD TIMES.
And then we hung out in Sa's room for a while, and my head was leaning up against the bedpost thing and Be was playing the drums on the bedpost thing and it was like it was INSIDE MY HEAD and then went to this off campus party with a DJ and EVERYONE was there and we had some great dancing. And then we went back to Jai's apartment and had macaroni and cheese and general good times.
I love my life. I really do.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Only when my wife wants me to
Today was a very typical my-college day. I woke up at three, went to the bookstore with All and Ta and bought lots and lots of books with my summer camp free money cards, had dinner in the cafeteria, went into the woods, came back to the dorms, went to the reef (diner frequented by college students in such conditions), then came back to the dorms. It really just could not get more typical.
-I called A to ask her what song she sings when she does sneaky stuff (because Be had been singing a song when attacking and it reminded me) and then Be wanted to talk to A and when he did SHE KNEW IT WAS HIM WITHOUT HIM TELLING OR ANYTHING. PSYCHIC?!!?!
-Je ended up very jeeked, so when we came back from Oly and were watching a movie at like two in the morning we kept on telling him it was a silent movie, because before the sound hadn't worked and we had been saying stuff like SA TURN UP THE VOLUME WE CAN'T HEAR and WAIT, HOW COME I CAN'T HEAR IT and SHHH GUYS I'M TRYING TO LISTEN, and that was before Je came in so he didn't get the joke, so then it was a joke on top of joke. IT WAS REALLY FUNNY GUYS. REALLY.
-Be and I are going to go into business together, we have the best idea, only I can't reveal it here because I don't want anyone taking it cause it is where the money is, believe you me
-After returning from the woods Jai and I found Ad and Ta and Wa and Ne in the dorms, and then we ended up somehow having this amazing musical session thing on the dorm, Ta was playing the mandolin, Ne was using drumsticks on the banister, Jai and I were stomping on the stairs, and Wa and Ad were lying on the floor with their feet on the ledge banging it, and we made music, and then we all stopped on the same beat without even coordinating it, it was GREAT.
-Title of this post is what the policeman said in response to the question of if he ever wore a mask
-I called A to ask her what song she sings when she does sneaky stuff (because Be had been singing a song when attacking and it reminded me) and then Be wanted to talk to A and when he did SHE KNEW IT WAS HIM WITHOUT HIM TELLING OR ANYTHING. PSYCHIC?!!?!
-Je ended up very jeeked, so when we came back from Oly and were watching a movie at like two in the morning we kept on telling him it was a silent movie, because before the sound hadn't worked and we had been saying stuff like SA TURN UP THE VOLUME WE CAN'T HEAR and WAIT, HOW COME I CAN'T HEAR IT and SHHH GUYS I'M TRYING TO LISTEN, and that was before Je came in so he didn't get the joke, so then it was a joke on top of joke. IT WAS REALLY FUNNY GUYS. REALLY.
-Be and I are going to go into business together, we have the best idea, only I can't reveal it here because I don't want anyone taking it cause it is where the money is, believe you me
-After returning from the woods Jai and I found Ad and Ta and Wa and Ne in the dorms, and then we ended up somehow having this amazing musical session thing on the dorm, Ta was playing the mandolin, Ne was using drumsticks on the banister, Jai and I were stomping on the stairs, and Wa and Ad were lying on the floor with their feet on the ledge banging it, and we made music, and then we all stopped on the same beat without even coordinating it, it was GREAT.
-Title of this post is what the policeman said in response to the question of if he ever wore a mask
Friday, October 17, 2008
Today was such a lovely day.
I'm awed by my lack of need to record my day to day happenings. It has gone from novel to commonplace, of course I am hanging out with all these great people, of course my stomach muscles are hurting from laughing, of course I'm having this much fun, no need to record or report.
I had my first teacher conference today where I met with Teacher in his office, and he seems to GET me. He thinks I'm great. I walked out of there feeling GREAT. Plus the conference was at 1:45 so I could sleep in till one.
This one time today, I had to leave my suite and go upstairs because of the noisy sex of one unnamed suitemate.
Mans. I don't even know. I can't even document my days with words anymore. Like last night, where I stayed up till four talking with Be and Je and Bej and Sa about all KINDS of stuff (and hilarity ensued), or tonight with the party in the Mods and toilet papering Ad's room and all the "LET'S DO SOMETHING! LET'S DO SOMETHING CRAZY!" and like....mans. I love it. I can't write it all. How great is my life right now. So great.
So I'm ending the night eating sesame candies in bed, and my room is so warm and my blankets are so soft and the best thing about not having a roommate is no need for modesty. But god am I ever comfortable. My cashmere blanket is SO soft. And these candies are delicious.
Today was such a lovely day.
I'm awed by my lack of need to record my day to day happenings. It has gone from novel to commonplace, of course I am hanging out with all these great people, of course my stomach muscles are hurting from laughing, of course I'm having this much fun, no need to record or report.
I had my first teacher conference today where I met with Teacher in his office, and he seems to GET me. He thinks I'm great. I walked out of there feeling GREAT. Plus the conference was at 1:45 so I could sleep in till one.
This one time today, I had to leave my suite and go upstairs because of the noisy sex of one unnamed suitemate.
Mans. I don't even know. I can't even document my days with words anymore. Like last night, where I stayed up till four talking with Be and Je and Bej and Sa about all KINDS of stuff (and hilarity ensued), or tonight with the party in the Mods and toilet papering Ad's room and all the "LET'S DO SOMETHING! LET'S DO SOMETHING CRAZY!" and like....mans. I love it. I can't write it all. How great is my life right now. So great.
So I'm ending the night eating sesame candies in bed, and my room is so warm and my blankets are so soft and the best thing about not having a roommate is no need for modesty. But god am I ever comfortable. My cashmere blanket is SO soft. And these candies are delicious.
Australia rocked by 'lesbian' koala revelation
11:00AM Sunday Feb 25, 2007
Roger Dobson
Female koalas indulge in lesbian "sex sessions", rejecting male suitors and attempting to mate with each other, sometimes up to five at a time, according to researchers.
The furry, eucalyptus-eating creatures appear to develop this tendency for same-sex liaisons when they are in captivity. In the wild, they remain heterosexual.
Scientists monitoring the marsupials with digital cameras counted three homosexual interactions for every heterosexual one.
"Some females rejected the advances of males that were in their enclosures, only to become willing participants in homosexual encounters immediately after," say the researchers.
"On several occasions more than one pair of females shared the same pole, and multiple females mounted each other simultaneously. At least one multiple encounter involved five female koalas.
"One theory put forward by the researchers is that the females do it to attract males; another is that it is simply hormonal, or that it is a stress reliever.
Scientists from the University of Queensland studied 130 koalas in captivity and will publish their results in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science.
"Our aim was to determine the extent of differences in the homosexual and heterosexual behaviour of female koalas and thereby to determine the purpose of female homosexual behaviour in the koala," say the researchers.
"Wild koalas brought into captivity clearly display homosexual behaviour on a regular basis. A total of 15 heterosexual and 43 homosexual interactions were recorded in separate animals. Homosexual behaviour was restricted to females only. Heterosexual encounters were typically twice as long as homosexual encounters," they add.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Time is passing?!?!?!?!?!
I don't even KNOW how to title this night
Tonight. Was an epic night. But more than just that. It was a WEIRD night. It was a WEIRD, weird, WEIRD, weird, weird weird night. And here I am at 4:22 am (7:22 eastern time) telling you about it. GOD. IT WAS. SUCH. A WEIRD. NIGHT. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN.
This is college I suppose.
But like. Man. Weird night.
Maybe I'll talk about this morning to ease into it. WOW. THIS MORNING SEEMS SO LONG AGO. We had a field trip to this place where they're turning old cow pastures into estuaries and we got to go off and do our field journals. I love the way of grading stuff here, the whole alternate system. The written evaluations seem a lot more personal than grades, and the feedback is really helpful for knowing what to improve, and mans am I ever glad I chose this school. So yeah we were field journaling, it was really pretty and peaceful, my class is great. I'm SO happy that Ke is in my class. She is fantastic. And she is so happy I am in the class. And if you saw our class, you'd know why. I think since it's one of the more intensive classes (more math, less tai chi) it attracts a...different sort of crowd. Certainly not the classic student body. And it's interesting.
And then this afternoon (which seems like an ETERNITY ago, so much so that I forgot it ever happened) I went into Oly with Ja and Li and Ra and got a nifty fabric thingy for my wall and some applesauce and instant oatmeal at Grocery Outlet.
My first evening activity was supposed to be square dancing and all you can eat falafel at the Flshaming Eggfplant Cafe, but by the time All and Pi and Ta and Ad and I showed up there was an endless line at the cafe and no square dancing to be seen. All saw some guy's earmuffs and mentioned that she wanted some, and then Pi said WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU EARMUFFS! RUN! And took off at a run cause the bus was about to leave, and then we all ran over and caught it and took it in to Oly, but we realized that nobody really cared about getting earmuffs, but there we were on the bus so off we went. And what did we do once we got to Olympia....um.....MEMORY?? Oh right we went to this dock that went out into the harbor type area (I think we went there first?),
and it was GORGEOUS, and we hung out for a bit and then went to the grocery store, where we tried to decide between buying ice cream and cookies and this powder to stir into the ice cream and going to an Obama concert event, and then we (after MUCH discussion and shouting across the supermarket and Ad scooting around on his back) ended up choosing none of the above, even though Wa and Ne and Ia were already on a bus heading to Oly to meet us...oops. SO then we went home.
Then I went out again with To and Ad and Pi and Wa and Ta and All and Ne to see what there was to see, and To ran off to find adventure (more about this later) and the rest of us ended up in the housing community center (cause we were too lazy/cold to walk to anywhere where real parties might be (if you knew how close this was to the HCC you would know how lazy/cold we were))playing ping pong, except somehow the ping pong table ended up completely broken, so then we went back. And most of them decided to go watch Accepted or something.
All and Ta and I decided to walk in the woods down to the beach. And we had SUCH good conversation and connected so muchly about EVERYTHING and gosh it was incredible. We found crabs and barnacles and muscles and little sea snails and got so muddy and were afraid of the dark woods. AND TALKED! OH THE TALKING! HOW GREAT WAS THE TALKING!
AND THEN we returned to the dorms, and were just like standing around the halls when To walked in, completely gone, and sat down in the hallway and started preparing naughty substances. And then the police walked by. And everyone ran except me and Em and To tried to hide it but didn't succeed and ended up getting a grievance, and then Em and I walked into the common room, and then after the police and the RA came over to me and were like do you have your ID? And I utterly flipped out, I was shaking and like I don't even KNOW, because that was not even ME he just walked in and sat down there, it wasn't like he was making it for us or was going to share or anything, anddd basically I just had some weird freakout emotional thing, until Be noticed (cause it was darn obvious) that I was not taking the whole police thing too well and came over and asked the RA if I was in trouble, and the RA said no, and then he told me that the RA wasn't getting me in trouble, and I calmed down enough to tell my information and stuff, but BY GOD IF THAT ENDS UP HARMING ME IN ANY WAY, I WILL NOT BE CONTENT, BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY IN THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME AND CONNECTED IN NO WAY TO THE INCIDENT. And that is just never good.
AND THEN. We (me, Be, Sa, Bej) went outside for a bit of adventure, and saw some raccoons and learned of some other major police busts that night, and discussed how much of a princess Bej is, and then briefly went inside, and then went back out to the vending machines, where we ended up staying for a long time and talking to the various people going to the vending machine, and then we went inside and Be needed another hand massage to warm up (he has bad circulation) and then Mg and Mel came downstairs, and then we discussed how much Bej would fail at living in the outdoors, and it was so great, and Av walked by in an eyepatch and Ia joined us, and then the girls (Mg and Mel) went to sleep, and then the boys wanted me to play warcraft with them and I almost did but then I was just too darned tired.
Was that night weird enough for you? Probably not a weird as it was for me.
This is college I suppose.
But like. Man. Weird night.
Maybe I'll talk about this morning to ease into it. WOW. THIS MORNING SEEMS SO LONG AGO. We had a field trip to this place where they're turning old cow pastures into estuaries and we got to go off and do our field journals. I love the way of grading stuff here, the whole alternate system. The written evaluations seem a lot more personal than grades, and the feedback is really helpful for knowing what to improve, and mans am I ever glad I chose this school. So yeah we were field journaling, it was really pretty and peaceful, my class is great. I'm SO happy that Ke is in my class. She is fantastic. And she is so happy I am in the class. And if you saw our class, you'd know why. I think since it's one of the more intensive classes (more math, less tai chi) it attracts a...different sort of crowd. Certainly not the classic student body. And it's interesting.
And then this afternoon (which seems like an ETERNITY ago, so much so that I forgot it ever happened) I went into Oly with Ja and Li and Ra and got a nifty fabric thingy for my wall and some applesauce and instant oatmeal at Grocery Outlet.
My first evening activity was supposed to be square dancing and all you can eat falafel at the Flshaming Eggfplant Cafe, but by the time All and Pi and Ta and Ad and I showed up there was an endless line at the cafe and no square dancing to be seen. All saw some guy's earmuffs and mentioned that she wanted some, and then Pi said WE'RE GOING TO GET YOU EARMUFFS! RUN! And took off at a run cause the bus was about to leave, and then we all ran over and caught it and took it in to Oly, but we realized that nobody really cared about getting earmuffs, but there we were on the bus so off we went. And what did we do once we got to Olympia....um.....MEMORY?? Oh right we went to this dock that went out into the harbor type area (I think we went there first?),

Then I went out again with To and Ad and Pi and Wa and Ta and All and Ne to see what there was to see, and To ran off to find adventure (more about this later) and the rest of us ended up in the housing community center (cause we were too lazy/cold to walk to anywhere where real parties might be (if you knew how close this was to the HCC you would know how lazy/cold we were))playing ping pong, except somehow the ping pong table ended up completely broken, so then we went back. And most of them decided to go watch Accepted or something.
All and Ta and I decided to walk in the woods down to the beach. And we had SUCH good conversation and connected so muchly about EVERYTHING and gosh it was incredible. We found crabs and barnacles and muscles and little sea snails and got so muddy and were afraid of the dark woods. AND TALKED! OH THE TALKING! HOW GREAT WAS THE TALKING!
AND THEN we returned to the dorms, and were just like standing around the halls when To walked in, completely gone, and sat down in the hallway and started preparing naughty substances. And then the police walked by. And everyone ran except me and Em and To tried to hide it but didn't succeed and ended up getting a grievance, and then Em and I walked into the common room, and then after the police and the RA came over to me and were like do you have your ID? And I utterly flipped out, I was shaking and like I don't even KNOW, because that was not even ME he just walked in and sat down there, it wasn't like he was making it for us or was going to share or anything, anddd basically I just had some weird freakout emotional thing, until Be noticed (cause it was darn obvious) that I was not taking the whole police thing too well and came over and asked the RA if I was in trouble, and the RA said no, and then he told me that the RA wasn't getting me in trouble, and I calmed down enough to tell my information and stuff, but BY GOD IF THAT ENDS UP HARMING ME IN ANY WAY, I WILL NOT BE CONTENT, BECAUSE I WAS LITERALLY IN THE WRONG PLACE AT THE WRONG TIME AND CONNECTED IN NO WAY TO THE INCIDENT. And that is just never good.
AND THEN. We (me, Be, Sa, Bej) went outside for a bit of adventure, and saw some raccoons and learned of some other major police busts that night, and discussed how much of a princess Bej is, and then briefly went inside, and then went back out to the vending machines, where we ended up staying for a long time and talking to the various people going to the vending machine, and then we went inside and Be needed another hand massage to warm up (he has bad circulation) and then Mg and Mel came downstairs, and then we discussed how much Bej would fail at living in the outdoors, and it was so great, and Av walked by in an eyepatch and Ia joined us, and then the girls (Mg and Mel) went to sleep, and then the boys wanted me to play warcraft with them and I almost did but then I was just too darned tired.
Was that night weird enough for you? Probably not a weird as it was for me.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Old woman, Old Woman, shall we go a shearing?
Speak a little louder, sir, I'm rather thick of hearing.
Old Woman, Old Woman, shall I love you dearly?
Thank ye very kindly sir, now I hear you clearly.
Speak a little louder, sir, I'm rather thick of hearing.
Old Woman, Old Woman, shall I love you dearly?
Thank ye very kindly sir, now I hear you clearly.
I'm so happy this is my college life. I can't even write down everything that's happened in the days anymore, since it seems so natural now, here I am at college, surrounded by all these great people having all kinds of good times. And it's still only going to get better with time. Mmmmmmmm. College. I like it.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Psychic Mother
Do you know my favorite flavor of life savers?
No. Of course you don't. Because I never talk about it. Not out of shame or anything, just because it never seem to come up in conversation and it's not any sort of topic worth bringing up. But what shows up in my care package today? Rolls of my favorite flavor of life saver.
No. Of course you don't. Because I never talk about it. Not out of shame or anything, just because it never seem to come up in conversation and it's not any sort of topic worth bringing up. But what shows up in my care package today? Rolls of my favorite flavor of life saver.
I love my dorm. My dorm has such a good little community going on. I love it. I love that you can wander around and find people. I love that it isn't too big so the entire dorm can know each other and be friendly. There are some people who are never here and nobody knows, but the people who are here most of the time know everyone else who is here, and it's great through and through. I love. My dorm.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The drugs are quick
I took pain medication.
Pain medication!
Man did my life ever turn around once that medicine started working. Then I was to get out of bed! And leave my dorm! And socialize! AND I JUST FEEL. SO MUCH BETTER.
Pain medication!
Man did my life ever turn around once that medicine started working. Then I was to get out of bed! And leave my dorm! And socialize! AND I JUST FEEL. SO MUCH BETTER.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
sdkfslgjksdlgfjskfdlsjfkslgjhnbcsg guysssss I'm wallowing in miseryyyyy my throat is trying to kill me.
Mother: but at least you have A coming up to take care of you tomorrow
Myself: *bursts into tears* BUT SHE CAN'T BECAUSE I'M SICK
Mother: well do you at least have people bringing you soup and stuff
*technically yes, since the only meal I ate today was soup brought to me by person, but that was just cause they forgot me when they went to dinner yesterday cause I was napping. But then I went to dinner with Be and Bej. But then Je had a seizure.
But um, nothing sucks more than lying in bed all day with no human contact crying about how bad I hurt and how lonely I am. I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF GERMS.
(I did actually stop crying though when I saw A's comment on my last blog, because what else can you do in such situations but laugh (or chuckle inwardsly cause laughing hurts))
Mother: but at least you have A coming up to take care of you tomorrow
Myself: *bursts into tears* BUT SHE CAN'T BECAUSE I'M SICK
Mother: well do you at least have people bringing you soup and stuff
*technically yes, since the only meal I ate today was soup brought to me by person, but that was just cause they forgot me when they went to dinner yesterday cause I was napping. But then I went to dinner with Be and Bej. But then Je had a seizure.
But um, nothing sucks more than lying in bed all day with no human contact crying about how bad I hurt and how lonely I am. I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF GERMS.
(I did actually stop crying though when I saw A's comment on my last blog, because what else can you do in such situations but laugh (or chuckle inwardsly cause laughing hurts))
I hate my life
I couldn't sleep last night cause of ALL THE STINKIN THROAT PAIN. I thrashed about so much that I somehow thrashed my mattress pad off my bed. This is not just some sore throat. This is hell on tonsils. I can hardly swallow. RABIES?!??!?!
Last night I watched Donnie Darko for the first time with Em and All and Ad. I had tried to watch it a few years ago, but then I got distracted after the first ten minutes or so, and that is ALL that will EVER be said about that night.
Je had another seizure last night and it looked worse than the one the night before. Which cannot be good.
I couldn't sleep last night cause of ALL THE STINKIN THROAT PAIN. I thrashed about so much that I somehow thrashed my mattress pad off my bed. This is not just some sore throat. This is hell on tonsils. I can hardly swallow. RABIES?!??!?!
Last night I watched Donnie Darko for the first time with Em and All and Ad. I had tried to watch it a few years ago, but then I got distracted after the first ten minutes or so, and that is ALL that will EVER be said about that night.
Je had another seizure last night and it looked worse than the one the night before. Which cannot be good.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Spray her wherever you figure the streptococci lurk
"The Indian name here was not suitable," Sylvester thought. "It was one that could be converted into a blackguard meaning. It was Schitctwood, signifying Bear; this happened to be a good place for hunting bear. Tumwater was called Schictass by the Indians. These were not proper names.
It's more interesting than the rest of my primary source readings, that's for sure.
Sign in the health office:
Meningitis Prevention Checklist for College Students
? Are you a freshman?
? Have you recently moved into a dormitory?
? Do you smoke or have contact with smokers?
? Do you ever get respiratory illnesses like colds and flu?
? Do you kiss or share drinks with your classmates?
Temptation, thy name is emergency shower. With long dangling chains with large circles and triangles perfect for grabbing and pulling.
I like that when I look over at Ke's computer in class I find that she's looking up killer whale attacks on wikipedia. And when she isn't looking up killer whale attacks she's reading geekology.
It's more interesting than the rest of my primary source readings, that's for sure.
Sign in the health office:
Meningitis Prevention Checklist for College Students
? Are you a freshman?
? Have you recently moved into a dormitory?
? Do you smoke or have contact with smokers?
? Do you ever get respiratory illnesses like colds and flu?
? Do you kiss or share drinks with your classmates?
Temptation, thy name is emergency shower. With long dangling chains with large circles and triangles perfect for grabbing and pulling.
I like that when I look over at Ke's computer in class I find that she's looking up killer whale attacks on wikipedia. And when she isn't looking up killer whale attacks she's reading geekology.
Somehow in the middle of the night last night I dragged myself out of bed and ended up in Bej's room with a carton of eggs.
Me: Hey, do you have a mini fridge?
Bej: Why yes I do.
Me: Can I keep my eggs in it?
Bej: Certainly. Didn't you go to sleep like two hours ago?
Me: Yeah, but then I woke up. Thanks for saving my eggs.
Me: Hey, do you have a mini fridge?
Bej: Why yes I do.
Me: Can I keep my eggs in it?
Bej: Certainly. Didn't you go to sleep like two hours ago?
Me: Yeah, but then I woke up. Thanks for saving my eggs.
Mansss today has been a WEIRD day.
That little sore throat I've been so ardently ignoring in hopes that utter denial will make it go away? It's SO strep throat. I got the tonsil pus to prove it! DO YOU WANT ME NOW MORE THAN EVER OR WHAT. I guess I'll go to the health center tomorrow and get some antibiotics or something. At least I know the signs and symptoms of strep, girl didn't have it at least once a year her entire childhood for nothing. I'm embarrassed though, I don't want to be that girl who gave her entire dorm strep throat. Since I've like hung out with the entire dorm since I first started feeling under the weather. But I'll go in to that more later. God. I don't want to have strep. I'm going to get really lonely really fast. DSkfjgkldjkfd. And then nobody will like me since they'll all get infected and it will be my fault. Even though its Ha's fault for getting me sick. And Ra and Ka and Al were all feeling sick, so I guess I'm just living in the strep suite now.
God I'm verbose tonight. I think it's because I'm in such a weird mood. Je had some sort of weird convulsion seizure thing tonight. He's still at the hospital now and we don't know what's wrong with him, but a girl who went with him reports that he's doing okay. It was so scary though, seeing him on the floor perfectly able to talk but his entire body twitching, first just his legs and then watching the huge twitches spread up to his chest and arms too. So. Scary. The police and like six firemen came and took him away in an ambulance. I ended up just sitting in Bej's room on his bed reading while he played guitar. Bej and I had a good talk with Em too (who wasn't there to see it but Je was in her room when it happened) about missing home and how weird college is and how it's weird how we're friends with just who we happen to be put in a dorm with. I hope he's okay. But he is. The report says he's okay. It's weird that just earlier today I was hanging out with him in his room, talking about slanty ceilings and hobo spiders while the rest of the dorm was off working or something, and he seemed fine, and then there he was on the floor...
I hung out again with my little group of great people who I think like me (or at least liked me before I became the strep monster). We had fun. We had SO MUCH FUN. We (Bej, Be, Ja, and I) were just trying to go to Safeway to get Be some water (or wuder as he says, causing Ja and I to repeat it for the thrill of pronunciation), but Ja read the bus schedule wrong and we ended up at the mall instead, where we got dinner and explored best buy before waiting an hour in the rain for a bus that didn't come. Mans, no wonder why my throat is so bad, that combined with my cheesy walkings about in Olympia without a raincoat in the pouring rain Friday night. On the bus Ja and I gave Be hand massages, and he was going into his puppy rapture state and we were laughing hysterically, and he was laughing while in massage mode, and I can only imagine what that must have looked like to the casual observer. And then we had to wait for another bus again, and we huddled for warmth like penguins (or parrots) and Be and Ja were very impressed with my furnace. Be says that I will make some Finnish reindeer herding man very happy someday.
It's weird, I've been like hanging out with four different friend groups, and now that I'm clicking so well with this one I feel weird about not being with the others so much, COLLEGE IS WEIRD.
Ooh also I baked cookies with Ja and met her roommates over in apartment-style living. Which was fun and delicious and satisfied my baking urges. Everyone liked them. I hope they weren't strep-laden. CAN I JUST NOT TELL ANYONE, TAKE MY ANTIBIOTICS IN SECRET?
*my tonsils in their current state
I really really like my Be Ja Bej Je group. They like doing the kinds of things I like doing, like naming words that start with C and huddling for warmth and making dinosaur noises and singing songs from guys and dolls (Be started singing luck be a lady yesterday ON HIS OWN ACCORD, I kind of died) having telepathic conversations with cheese and crossing normal human boundaries and trudging through the desert with nothing on but their skins. Be and Bej invited me to live in an apartment next year. DOES THAT MEAN THEY ENJOY MY COMPANY? PERHAPS! I hope Je is back from the hospital all safe and sound when I wake up (to go to class at nine asldfj) tomorrow.
That little sore throat I've been so ardently ignoring in hopes that utter denial will make it go away? It's SO strep throat. I got the tonsil pus to prove it! DO YOU WANT ME NOW MORE THAN EVER OR WHAT. I guess I'll go to the health center tomorrow and get some antibiotics or something. At least I know the signs and symptoms of strep, girl didn't have it at least once a year her entire childhood for nothing. I'm embarrassed though, I don't want to be that girl who gave her entire dorm strep throat. Since I've like hung out with the entire dorm since I first started feeling under the weather. But I'll go in to that more later. God. I don't want to have strep. I'm going to get really lonely really fast. DSkfjgkldjkfd. And then nobody will like me since they'll all get infected and it will be my fault. Even though its Ha's fault for getting me sick. And Ra and Ka and Al were all feeling sick, so I guess I'm just living in the strep suite now.
God I'm verbose tonight. I think it's because I'm in such a weird mood. Je had some sort of weird convulsion seizure thing tonight. He's still at the hospital now and we don't know what's wrong with him, but a girl who went with him reports that he's doing okay. It was so scary though, seeing him on the floor perfectly able to talk but his entire body twitching, first just his legs and then watching the huge twitches spread up to his chest and arms too. So. Scary. The police and like six firemen came and took him away in an ambulance. I ended up just sitting in Bej's room on his bed reading while he played guitar. Bej and I had a good talk with Em too (who wasn't there to see it but Je was in her room when it happened) about missing home and how weird college is and how it's weird how we're friends with just who we happen to be put in a dorm with. I hope he's okay. But he is. The report says he's okay. It's weird that just earlier today I was hanging out with him in his room, talking about slanty ceilings and hobo spiders while the rest of the dorm was off working or something, and he seemed fine, and then there he was on the floor...
I hung out again with my little group of great people who I think like me (or at least liked me before I became the strep monster). We had fun. We had SO MUCH FUN. We (Bej, Be, Ja, and I) were just trying to go to Safeway to get Be some water (or wuder as he says, causing Ja and I to repeat it for the thrill of pronunciation), but Ja read the bus schedule wrong and we ended up at the mall instead, where we got dinner and explored best buy before waiting an hour in the rain for a bus that didn't come. Mans, no wonder why my throat is so bad, that combined with my cheesy walkings about in Olympia without a raincoat in the pouring rain Friday night. On the bus Ja and I gave Be hand massages, and he was going into his puppy rapture state and we were laughing hysterically, and he was laughing while in massage mode, and I can only imagine what that must have looked like to the casual observer. And then we had to wait for another bus again, and we huddled for warmth like penguins (or parrots) and Be and Ja were very impressed with my furnace. Be says that I will make some Finnish reindeer herding man very happy someday.
It's weird, I've been like hanging out with four different friend groups, and now that I'm clicking so well with this one I feel weird about not being with the others so much, COLLEGE IS WEIRD.
Ooh also I baked cookies with Ja and met her roommates over in apartment-style living. Which was fun and delicious and satisfied my baking urges. Everyone liked them. I hope they weren't strep-laden. CAN I JUST NOT TELL ANYONE, TAKE MY ANTIBIOTICS IN SECRET?
*my tonsils in their current state
I really really like my Be Ja Bej Je group. They like doing the kinds of things I like doing, like naming words that start with C and huddling for warmth and making dinosaur noises and singing songs from guys and dolls (Be started singing luck be a lady yesterday ON HIS OWN ACCORD, I kind of died) having telepathic conversations with cheese and crossing normal human boundaries and trudging through the desert with nothing on but their skins. Be and Bej invited me to live in an apartment next year. DOES THAT MEAN THEY ENJOY MY COMPANY? PERHAPS! I hope Je is back from the hospital all safe and sound when I wake up (to go to class at nine asldfj) tomorrow.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I think I finally found some people who I really really mesh with. Well I've like known them, but now I think they're going to be my people and we're going to be great people together. I have high hopes. I HOPE THEY AREN'T BITTERLY CRUSHED TT.TT I don't think they will be.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Is there some children's or young adult or something book about some sort of futuristic/utopian/mythical society (or something) where every person has an Other, and the people go about either connecting with or trying to find (or something) their Other? Or did I make that up? Or is it based in some actual book but I've gotten the details horribly wrong?
One slightly curved like a scimitar, the other two straight as daggers
Yahoo is inviting me to meet the world's most dangerous bird, and I would just like to point out that I DID meet the world's most dangerous bird this one time in the wild woods of Australia, and it did not puncture my throat, break my ribs, crack my legs, or gash my flesh.

My dorm looks like a preschool. All our little construction paper artworks are hanging up everywhere, and I swear if kindergartners had dorms they would look like this. I love it.

My dorm looks like a preschool. All our little construction paper artworks are hanging up everywhere, and I swear if kindergartners had dorms they would look like this. I love it.
Two weeks
I've been at college for two weeks now. That's the same amount of time that my family was in Martha's Vineyard without me this summer.
It's raining.
Today felt veery much a true shmevergreen experience. Nine o clock this morning, walking in the woods in the rain with my class, learning about the different tree species, sitting down to record in my journal for an hour, sketching plants and stuff and writing incoherent ramblings, "I looked up under my hood and bangs at the sound of human sloshing through water and saw hood canopy, bangs canopy, tree canopy, barefoot legs under purple skirt canopy." THAT IS NOTHING I CAN WRITE IN MY FIELD JOURNAL WRITEUP. DEAR SELF, PLEASE BE LESS USELESS IN THE FOREST. The forest is SO BEAUTIFUL THOUGH. My favorite trees in it are the big leaf maple. They're SO TALL and moss covered and they go up so high they're illuminated by sunlight, unlike all the shorter stuff where the sun is obstructed. I'm happy Ke and Br are in my class, they're great.
After class I hung out in Ka's room with Li and 404. And 404 amused themselves with photobooth and garage band. And as much as I'm anti photobooth albums on facebook, there is much to be said for the here and now amusement of photobooth usage. Pi and Ta made a music video using garage band and photobooth. And it was great. OH MY GOD, A PHOTOBOOTH! So that's what we've been waiting in line for!

AFTER that I had a cheese party in Co and Han's dorm, and then the three of us joined All and Mi and To and Ad and Pi And Ta to go to the Artist Walk in Oly. Which was really great, as far as I recall.
THEN the gang was all LET'S WATCH 28 DAYS LATER, and me and All tried to but then were like heck no and went to her room. HER ROOM IS INCREDIBLE. It's the same size as mine (big) but with slanty and interesting nooky ceilings and a HUGE CLOSET and I love it to bits cause it actually feels like a room and not a box.
And then I found out something very exciting. I found out that Au down the hall is in fact Alaska Judy's ex and an interlocken alum. Meaning we know like all the same people. WWWEEEEIIRIIIRDDDD.
These are the monsters hidden under your sink.
Today felt veery much a true shmevergreen experience. Nine o clock this morning, walking in the woods in the rain with my class, learning about the different tree species, sitting down to record in my journal for an hour, sketching plants and stuff and writing incoherent ramblings, "I looked up under my hood and bangs at the sound of human sloshing through water and saw hood canopy, bangs canopy, tree canopy, barefoot legs under purple skirt canopy." THAT IS NOTHING I CAN WRITE IN MY FIELD JOURNAL WRITEUP. DEAR SELF, PLEASE BE LESS USELESS IN THE FOREST. The forest is SO BEAUTIFUL THOUGH. My favorite trees in it are the big leaf maple. They're SO TALL and moss covered and they go up so high they're illuminated by sunlight, unlike all the shorter stuff where the sun is obstructed. I'm happy Ke and Br are in my class, they're great.
After class I hung out in Ka's room with Li and 404. And 404 amused themselves with photobooth and garage band. And as much as I'm anti photobooth albums on facebook, there is much to be said for the here and now amusement of photobooth usage. Pi and Ta made a music video using garage band and photobooth. And it was great. OH MY GOD, A PHOTOBOOTH! So that's what we've been waiting in line for!

AFTER that I had a cheese party in Co and Han's dorm, and then the three of us joined All and Mi and To and Ad and Pi And Ta to go to the Artist Walk in Oly. Which was really great, as far as I recall.
THEN the gang was all LET'S WATCH 28 DAYS LATER, and me and All tried to but then were like heck no and went to her room. HER ROOM IS INCREDIBLE. It's the same size as mine (big) but with slanty and interesting nooky ceilings and a HUGE CLOSET and I love it to bits cause it actually feels like a room and not a box.
And then I found out something very exciting. I found out that Au down the hall is in fact Alaska Judy's ex and an interlocken alum. Meaning we know like all the same people. WWWEEEEIIRIIIRDDDD.
These are the monsters hidden under your sink.

Friday, October 3, 2008
Sink Monster
I had such a good night. I think it is a good sign that I end all my days so happy.
Gosh. I don't even know what to report. Hopefully there will be pictures on facebook. And then they can speak for themselves.
I accidentally told Za that I read his blog...WHOOPS.
During the vice presidential debate party (GOSH that's long ago) we heard some girl's sex moans coming from the 5th floor. So Pi stuck his head out the window and yelled up "ARE YOU HAVING SEX?!??!?!??!"
The end.
I also went to Safeway with Al and Er and Ta and Pi. And I got baking supplies to make cookies and pie and such. They have this thing here called Grocery Outlet and it's exactly what it sounds like. EVERYTHING ONE COULD EVER WANT IN THE WORLD.
Today a bunch of kids outside were playing 99 red balloons on guitars and singing. Free concert!
The night ended with Aqua and other techno in Ad and Pi's room.
I had such a good night. I think it is a good sign that I end all my days so happy.
Gosh. I don't even know what to report. Hopefully there will be pictures on facebook. And then they can speak for themselves.
I accidentally told Za that I read his blog...WHOOPS.
During the vice presidential debate party (GOSH that's long ago) we heard some girl's sex moans coming from the 5th floor. So Pi stuck his head out the window and yelled up "ARE YOU HAVING SEX?!??!?!??!"
The end.
I also went to Safeway with Al and Er and Ta and Pi. And I got baking supplies to make cookies and pie and such. They have this thing here called Grocery Outlet and it's exactly what it sounds like. EVERYTHING ONE COULD EVER WANT IN THE WORLD.
Today a bunch of kids outside were playing 99 red balloons on guitars and singing. Free concert!
The night ended with Aqua and other techno in Ad and Pi's room.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Sweaty Wednesday
Day two without class started out sleepily. I wore my zebra pajama pants for the first time. LIFE IS EXTREME!
Then Ke and Sa and Pi and I went into Olympia for some exploration. We got macaroni and cheese and milkshake at Pi's favorite diner. And it was great. BUT THE MOST EXCITING PART. WAS THAT A CALLED. IT MADE ME SO VERY HAPPY. I KNOW YOU GUYS ALL READ THIS. SO LET'S SAY IT AGAIN: CALL ME, MAYBE YOU WILL GET A BLOG SHOUT OUT. AND MAYBE YOU WILL GET TO TALK TO KE AND SA AND PI LIKE A DID. Then Ad and Wa and Ta showed up in time to eat our leftover mac and cheese and drink our leftover milkshake and and we then went to a music store and did a bit of wandering. I think it's hilarious that I hang out with a bunch of tall blue-eyed white boys on skateboards.
I did some of my reading upon arriving home, but then I heard some commotion in the hallway and walked out to find To playing paper planes on the ukulele. Let's reinstate that fact. He was playing PAPER PLANES on the UKULELE. And there was a large crowd sitting around singing and harmonizing. And then Mi looks at me and asks if I have a sweater, and explains that it's Swednesday (or Sweaty Wednesday as Ka thought they were saying) and I realize that sure enough everyone else was wearing sweaters. So of course I had to run back and change into my red sweater. One of the guys yelled "V-NECK!" when I returned. And I wasn't quite sure if that was lewd or not. But whatevz. They say that next week's theme will be plaid pants.
ANDDDD then we had our Urban Jungle party in which we made lots of decor for our walls. I made some pretty sweet hand turkeys and trains. All of the third floor was there, because it was supposed to be a third floor party, and then some of the second and fourth and fifth floors came too. Maybe the first. But I don't know. Cause I don't actually know who lives down there.
The night concluded with Ke and Sa and Pi and Al and I in Ke and Sa's giant room. I really enjoy that group of people. Good times had by all I tell you. Good times had by all.
So let's go over what we learned from this post.
1) You should call me
2) Becaue it would make me happy
3) Because I miss you all
Then Ke and Sa and Pi and I went into Olympia for some exploration. We got macaroni and cheese and milkshake at Pi's favorite diner. And it was great. BUT THE MOST EXCITING PART. WAS THAT A CALLED. IT MADE ME SO VERY HAPPY. I KNOW YOU GUYS ALL READ THIS. SO LET'S SAY IT AGAIN: CALL ME, MAYBE YOU WILL GET A BLOG SHOUT OUT. AND MAYBE YOU WILL GET TO TALK TO KE AND SA AND PI LIKE A DID. Then Ad and Wa and Ta showed up in time to eat our leftover mac and cheese and drink our leftover milkshake and and we then went to a music store and did a bit of wandering. I think it's hilarious that I hang out with a bunch of tall blue-eyed white boys on skateboards.
I did some of my reading upon arriving home, but then I heard some commotion in the hallway and walked out to find To playing paper planes on the ukulele. Let's reinstate that fact. He was playing PAPER PLANES on the UKULELE. And there was a large crowd sitting around singing and harmonizing. And then Mi looks at me and asks if I have a sweater, and explains that it's Swednesday (or Sweaty Wednesday as Ka thought they were saying) and I realize that sure enough everyone else was wearing sweaters. So of course I had to run back and change into my red sweater. One of the guys yelled "V-NECK!" when I returned. And I wasn't quite sure if that was lewd or not. But whatevz. They say that next week's theme will be plaid pants.
ANDDDD then we had our Urban Jungle party in which we made lots of decor for our walls. I made some pretty sweet hand turkeys and trains. All of the third floor was there, because it was supposed to be a third floor party, and then some of the second and fourth and fifth floors came too. Maybe the first. But I don't know. Cause I don't actually know who lives down there.
The night concluded with Ke and Sa and Pi and Al and I in Ke and Sa's giant room. I really enjoy that group of people. Good times had by all I tell you. Good times had by all.
So let's go over what we learned from this post.
1) You should call me
2) Becaue it would make me happy
3) Because I miss you all
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Oh my goodness.
I had the best night EVER.
I love my life.
This morning I was feeling very much like I was having one of those days where nothing could possibly go right, what with a small barrage of technological disasters (printer on the fritz, microsoft word refusing to install, google documents not emailing my document to my email, bookstore standing between me and my map by insisting my bookstore account was not set up when Father HAD so set it up, etc) combined with nervousness about my special little meeting combined with a general feeling of lonesomeness.
But then my window markers and window crayons showed up, and I was wicked pumped because I certainly did not come to college in forestville USA to have a view of cement and dumpster, and by god I was GOING to have a view of lush forest even if I had to put it there myself. So then I spent the afternoon putting the forest there myself (after hauling my naughty little juvenile delinquent behind to the grievance office, which actually went really well and Co and I just have to host a tea party together, best punishment ever?) and listening to my music. It was antisocial but it improved my mood a lot. And mans is my view ever better now. I put a bigfoot right next to my pillow, because I seem to find some odd masochistic humor in giving myself nightmares. It isn't done yet. Maybe I'll put a picture of it up when I'm done.
Then after dinner I was lonely in my room again, but I figured I would grab the bull by the horns and go find me something to do. So I found Ke and Sa and we went on a raccoon hunt. OH MY GOD, I WASN'T GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT UNTIL THE END OF THIS BLOG POST, BUT I LOVE KE. AND SHE LOVES ME. AND SHE'S GREAT. AND SHE THINKS I'M GREAT. AND SHE USED THE WORD GREAT TO DESCRIBE ME BEFORE I EVEN TOLD HER IT WAS A THING OR CALLED HER IT. AND I KNOW SHE LOVES ME CAUSE SHE TOLD ME SO LIKE A BILLION TIMES TONIGHT. AND SHE IS SO COOL. AND SHE IS SO GREAT. AND I'M SO HAPPY WE'VE FOUND EACH OTHER. AND SHE'S SO HAPPY SHE FOUND ME. I KNOW THIS CAUSE SHE TOLD ME SO. AND SHE'S SO WEIRD. AND SHE LOVES HOW WEIRD I AM. But anyway. After our raccoon hunt Ke and I hung out with the 5th floor girls and a guy from 403. We had a nail painting party, but we couldn't decide where to have it, so we eventually chose an 8th floor balcony of A dorm. Except that was the same time when A dorm chose to have a fire drill, so we ended up having to walk down this very tightly square-spiraled cement staircase, and everyone got mad dizzy.
I'm writing this on notepad again. But I learned why the internet sucks so bad here. According to RA Vi, the internet actually works quite well when there isn't a hacker trying to steal everyone's IP address on campus. Which makes me very disappointed, cause man, you're a hacker, you KNOW how important the internet is. But there is hope that this hacker will be apprehended and the wrongs will be righted.
But anyway. Then Ke and I hung out with 404 and Ka outside on the skywalk. 404 was trying to get Ka to swear, and she was refusing because she refuses to, and so 404 was trying to provoke her, and Vi is hilarious and her interactions with 404 are hilarious. Clever children, clever children all. Mel was removing her nail polish in the hallway on the benches next to the door, and Vi appeared on the fourth floor ledge and yelled WHAT IS THAT SMELL? IT SMELLS LIKE I'M ABOUT TO GET HIGH! And Wa (who was outside sitting on the skywalk ledges) started yelling VI!! YOU'RE GOING TO GO GET HIGH??? CAN I GET HIGH WITH YOU??? LET'S GO GET HIGH!! YOU SAID YOU WE'RE GOING TO GET HIGH???
Then we migrated into Ke and Sa's giant room and found Sa and Li watching King Arthur, but 404 followed us so it soon changed from watching King Arthur to just hanging out with King Arthur happening to be on. And Ra and Ka heard the commotion and joined.
Slowly people left to go sleep until it was just Sa and Ke and Pi, and then Ia (also from 404) wandered in, and then we proceeded to have incredible conversation about EVERYTHING for hours. I loved it.
Ke and Pi kept on talking about how weird I am and how much they love it. And gosh girl was just rolling in the compliments. Which I really needed, since as you may have gathered I have been feeling a bit unloved and alone. But nothing turns unloved and alone into perfectly content like Ka and Pi going on about how much they love me. We talked about so many things! And had so much fun! And laughed so much!
But then when it was 2 am and we really HAD to go to sleep we found that I was locked out of my suite, so Pi knocked on the door, and we weren't expecting anyone to answer but Al was there seemingly immediately, and her opening the door scared Pi horribly and he like screamed and cowered and then from there everything became HILARIOUS with me and Ke and Pi and Al and Sa in the hall utterly cracking up at everything said, because it was all so FUNNY.
And now here am am at almost 3 am. But I'm happy.
I had the best night EVER.
I love my life.
This morning I was feeling very much like I was having one of those days where nothing could possibly go right, what with a small barrage of technological disasters (printer on the fritz, microsoft word refusing to install, google documents not emailing my document to my email, bookstore standing between me and my map by insisting my bookstore account was not set up when Father HAD so set it up, etc) combined with nervousness about my special little meeting combined with a general feeling of lonesomeness.
But then my window markers and window crayons showed up, and I was wicked pumped because I certainly did not come to college in forestville USA to have a view of cement and dumpster, and by god I was GOING to have a view of lush forest even if I had to put it there myself. So then I spent the afternoon putting the forest there myself (after hauling my naughty little juvenile delinquent behind to the grievance office, which actually went really well and Co and I just have to host a tea party together, best punishment ever?) and listening to my music. It was antisocial but it improved my mood a lot. And mans is my view ever better now. I put a bigfoot right next to my pillow, because I seem to find some odd masochistic humor in giving myself nightmares. It isn't done yet. Maybe I'll put a picture of it up when I'm done.
Then after dinner I was lonely in my room again, but I figured I would grab the bull by the horns and go find me something to do. So I found Ke and Sa and we went on a raccoon hunt. OH MY GOD, I WASN'T GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT UNTIL THE END OF THIS BLOG POST, BUT I LOVE KE. AND SHE LOVES ME. AND SHE'S GREAT. AND SHE THINKS I'M GREAT. AND SHE USED THE WORD GREAT TO DESCRIBE ME BEFORE I EVEN TOLD HER IT WAS A THING OR CALLED HER IT. AND I KNOW SHE LOVES ME CAUSE SHE TOLD ME SO LIKE A BILLION TIMES TONIGHT. AND SHE IS SO COOL. AND SHE IS SO GREAT. AND I'M SO HAPPY WE'VE FOUND EACH OTHER. AND SHE'S SO HAPPY SHE FOUND ME. I KNOW THIS CAUSE SHE TOLD ME SO. AND SHE'S SO WEIRD. AND SHE LOVES HOW WEIRD I AM. But anyway. After our raccoon hunt Ke and I hung out with the 5th floor girls and a guy from 403. We had a nail painting party, but we couldn't decide where to have it, so we eventually chose an 8th floor balcony of A dorm. Except that was the same time when A dorm chose to have a fire drill, so we ended up having to walk down this very tightly square-spiraled cement staircase, and everyone got mad dizzy.
I'm writing this on notepad again. But I learned why the internet sucks so bad here. According to RA Vi, the internet actually works quite well when there isn't a hacker trying to steal everyone's IP address on campus. Which makes me very disappointed, cause man, you're a hacker, you KNOW how important the internet is. But there is hope that this hacker will be apprehended and the wrongs will be righted.
But anyway. Then Ke and I hung out with 404 and Ka outside on the skywalk. 404 was trying to get Ka to swear, and she was refusing because she refuses to, and so 404 was trying to provoke her, and Vi is hilarious and her interactions with 404 are hilarious. Clever children, clever children all. Mel was removing her nail polish in the hallway on the benches next to the door, and Vi appeared on the fourth floor ledge and yelled WHAT IS THAT SMELL? IT SMELLS LIKE I'M ABOUT TO GET HIGH! And Wa (who was outside sitting on the skywalk ledges) started yelling VI!! YOU'RE GOING TO GO GET HIGH??? CAN I GET HIGH WITH YOU??? LET'S GO GET HIGH!! YOU SAID YOU WE'RE GOING TO GET HIGH???
Then we migrated into Ke and Sa's giant room and found Sa and Li watching King Arthur, but 404 followed us so it soon changed from watching King Arthur to just hanging out with King Arthur happening to be on. And Ra and Ka heard the commotion and joined.
Slowly people left to go sleep until it was just Sa and Ke and Pi, and then Ia (also from 404) wandered in, and then we proceeded to have incredible conversation about EVERYTHING for hours. I loved it.
Ke and Pi kept on talking about how weird I am and how much they love it. And gosh girl was just rolling in the compliments. Which I really needed, since as you may have gathered I have been feeling a bit unloved and alone. But nothing turns unloved and alone into perfectly content like Ka and Pi going on about how much they love me. We talked about so many things! And had so much fun! And laughed so much!
But then when it was 2 am and we really HAD to go to sleep we found that I was locked out of my suite, so Pi knocked on the door, and we weren't expecting anyone to answer but Al was there seemingly immediately, and her opening the door scared Pi horribly and he like screamed and cowered and then from there everything became HILARIOUS with me and Ke and Pi and Al and Sa in the hall utterly cracking up at everything said, because it was all so FUNNY.
And now here am am at almost 3 am. But I'm happy.
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