I left college.
It was weird. I packed up all my stuff and took it out of my room and my room isn't my room anymore. Then I flew away and now I'm in the Philadelphia airport by myself. I feel a little homeless. I curled up on the floor and cried a little, but then I decided to buy some internet and some ice cream and I'm feeling a little better now.
Tonight when I go to sleep it will be in my own house in my own bed.
That's very weird to me.
The last few days of college were beautiful. One glorious day after another.
On Friday I went on an adventure with A and Ke and ended up lying in this wonderful grassy field listening to the Sound of Music soundtrack with all the little grasses against the sky doing a ballet. It was just the nicest thing.
Then I went back and found Mel and Bej and Li and then Bej and I went to look at kaleidoscope trees and lay in an eternity field with a rainbow sunset and then went downtown and got a hot dog with cream cheese and sat on the docks. The whole day was just so nice. Even nicer than I can make it sound.
I also got to spend a lot of time with Li and the Ka's and their group which is always very exciting for me since I'm a little obsessed with Li and the rest are pretty great too.
It's just so weird to me that I won't be there anymore.
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