GOD I wish I had a burrito right now. Or at least a quesodilla.

Man. I get on my airplane today. That is WEIRD.
The past two days. Now is the time I have to recap the past two days and I don't even know where to begin because GOODNESS stuff has gone DOWN.
I don't even KNOW how to express the love I have for my life. It's a little obscene.
Puedo Fallar - Guadalupe Pineda
I love that I hang out with so many people who are good at playing the guitar and singing. It makes for greatness.
This is my LIFE. This is my first year at college. I am blessed.
Okay. The last few days. Oh boy.
So yesterday. I wake up and put my laundry in the washing machine. This is circa three. And then I go up at see Mel and Meg's room because they moved in together. And then we went into the woods. And then we found Co in the woods and she joined us. And the woods were a beautiful snowy narnia in the daylight.
And then we came back and Ka told us this joke from her laffy taffy wrapper that started what washes up on really small beaches, and then Ad was like WAIT don't tell us the answer, we should be able to figure it out since it has to be some small beach pun and we can think of it. So me and him were trying to figure it out, only we kept on saying we should look for puns and things to do with the beach that have words that mean small in them, but then when we guessed we were stuck on guessing small beach animals.
The answer was microwaves. I feel as if we SHOULD have been able to guess it.
Then we went to dinner and there was tortellini in cream sauce with vegetables and it was delicious.
And then after dinner there was a classy dress up bat mitzvah in Ni's room. And that was fun. And then we were in Sa's room for a bit and then in Je and To's room. And Bej and Be and Je locked themselves in the bathroom and were making music. And then we were in Mel and Meg's room and Bej knows the hitting me song and we were also singing Guys and Dolls and it was great. And then Je and Bej scared me so much about bigfoot.
And then I went and got my laundry at 4 am and had to walk through the parking lot and was not attacked by bigfoot but was almost.
So today. Today I went to the mall with mah boyz cause they needed to do christmas shopping. And/or hanukkah.
And then when we got back we got dinner. And then after dinner we went to Li's apartmentmate Ja's 21st birthday party at their apartment. And THAT was great. And then we went into the woods. And then when we got back Je led us in meditation and it felt great. And Mel and Meg and Em and I had an amazing dance party. Oh wait no the meditation was after we were in Av's room, which is warmer than the woods for what we were doing. Again. But anyway. So um I guess then we went into Sa's room? Wait no a lot of us were in Mel and Meg's room, and Je was talking as if he was from California. That meditation was SO mycollege.
OH GOD. I FORGOT! When we came back from the woods the first time we went into Pi's room, and All and I melted into each other so that we were one person, and we were just feeling it for so long, so that we were just standing up holding each other saying oh my god oh my god oh my god we are one person oh my god oh my god. And it felt incredible. And then All was like wait...we just had girlsex. Because that's basically what it was.
Okay so then we went to Sa's room, and we recorded 20 minutes of our conversation intermingled with songs they were making up on the spot. Hopefully they will put the recording of that on the network. And then it was snowing and we noticed and opened the window and I put my hand out and dragged my fingers through the snow on the roof and looked up at the snow coming into my face and the snowy courtyard and the dorm across from us and it was incredible. And so many good things happened. Bej and Be wrote love song #2, which is Bej singing to Be about how he is his favorite pterodactyl and Be making pterodactyl noises that he turns into meows.
OH I forgot earlier Be kept on doing this thing where he wiggles his hand around like its a little baby dinosaur and has it dance or eat and then when I'm all focused on it he makes it attack and I get all startled.
And Je and I were doing this thing where we count to three and then quickly turn our faces at each other. And it's hilarious.
I love Mel's bed. From Mel's bed I can see everything.
And then the last thing we did was I walked outside with Be to the vending machine and it was the middle of the night, the for realisies middle, and it was snowing and there was fresh snow everywhere so we claimed the snow for us, because we were the first ones to encounter it. Tomorrow everyone will wake up to find more snowy wonderland, but Be and I knew first.
So we wrote a sign in the snow.
It says:
-BE and [me]. FACT.
OH WAIT! Before that we were all dancing and singing old Maroon 5 and other songs in Ni's room with Ta and Pi and Em and Ma and other people. We knew they were in there because when we walked by their door we could hear their singing.
I hope I got everything in that recap.
LOVE. My life.
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