In the woods tonight. Loud owls. At first Be was all no those are probably some kids and I thought they were kids too at first but there were two owls over our heads in the trees calling to each other as we stood next to the log there. OWLS. FREAKIN OWLS. And the hooting was so loud and resonating and they were close to us. Now that. was cool.
But going back in time. Today was lovely. After symposium I completed two of my essays so now I only have two more to write. And then we sat in a very cozy corner of the common room before dinner. And then we went to dinner at the mall, me, Mel, Meg, Em, Ka, Be, Bej, Sa, Ad, and No. Five girls and five boys so it's even. (I just highlighted and deleted the entire text of this post by mistake but luckily I was able to do edit undo. would have taken too much time to rewrite and I don't know if I would have done it right). Anyway what was I saying? Oh yes we played king of the hill on the way back and it was FUN and intense.
And then we had a lovely time in the common room and Mel and Emi and Ka and...other people too sang songs from the Sound of Music (WHICH HAD I OR HAD I NOT BEEN TALKING ABOUT LAST NIGHT) and played Ring of Fire for me because they love it so and Ad and I drew opposite pictures, I drew Antarctica and penguins and he drew fire and pheonixes, but we planned it so we had everything in corresponding places, so it's neat. Meg hurt her ankle again. Poor accident prone child.

And THEN Ad and Wa hung a hammock in Ad and Pi's room which is awesome. And then there were some good times had by all in that room let me tell you. LET me tell you. This polaroid of Be and I was taken and oh goodness, I will try to find it and share it tomorrow but let's just say a picture speaks a thousand words. It's HILARIOUS. Our faces. Oh dear. OH dear.
So it was me, Wa, Ad, Ne, Ia, Je, All, Be, Sa, Pi, Av, Ge, Ta, andddd I think that's all. And GOODNESS. FUN. FUN FUN FUN! Je rapped. Pi was NOT a human. Ta poked Be in the eye. Be and I were seeing blue and green skittles (after the skittles RAINED FROM THE SKY) except Sa was all no there's no such a thing as a blue skittle. But we SAW them. And I was only able to take tiny bites of my oreo, so I turned it into a food chain and then All and I completed the food chain. And Be's words were falling off the paper. And Ad was in his hammock.
And then we went to Sa's room (Be and Sa and I) and I think we weirded out To a lot because we had been trying to get Bej to lie on the floor because the floor was like the universe (All blessed Sa's baby jesus (wasn't a real baby jesus)) except he was afraid to so we were trying to show him it was safe by lying on it ourselves and so when To came in were were all LIE ON THE FLOOR TO LIE ON THE FLOOR TO THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT IT'S NOT A TRAP, and then Bej was like if I wasn't here you would have killed him by now, and then To got scared and left. And we were just one big blue laughing mess.
And then we went to Ta's room and played apples to apples and hilarity ensued.
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