Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
My <3 Belongs to Brautigan
"A Correction"
Cats walk on little cat feet
and fogs walk on little fog feet,
Cats walk on little cat feet
and fogs walk on little fog feet,
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Grandfather Quotes of the Day
So who wants to hear about the dirty puppet show I went to?!?
(reading the label of a bottle of scotch)
Oh look, it says 'remember to drink a lot.' Oh wait no 'responsibly.'
(reading the label of a bottle of scotch)
Oh look, it says 'remember to drink a lot.' Oh wait no 'responsibly.'
Jolly Holiday
I had intensive dreams last night. I got kicked out of a camera store for starting a dance and singalong party to Can't Take My Eyes Off You when it played on the store radio, I tried to go to Israel but first had to dig out the entrance to Israel (because you know they put all those styrofoam blocks in front of it for security reasons) with the guards all standing guard pointing their guns at me, I went into a store to try to cheer up the storeclerk after there was a murder in there but the storeclerk ended up acting crazy and frightening me away, and I encountered a whole assortment of people from my life both past and present.
This has been a very successful winter break so far. Southold is kind of depressing these days, not like the Christmasses of yore, but the gang has retained its classic sense of humor which is keeping Regiftmas* enjoyable. And sustainable!
*All presents this year come from basements, storage closets, etc. That way Christmas doesn't cost (much) money and does not generate (much) waste. And is easier than last year's make all the presents Christmas.
You folks may have white Christmasses back in the good old bay state, but over here on this Island paradise we have green grass and blue seas. I thought perhaps what with the entire country being covered with snow these days we might finally have a white Christmas in Southold. I thought wrong.
This has been a very successful winter break so far. Southold is kind of depressing these days, not like the Christmasses of yore, but the gang has retained its classic sense of humor which is keeping Regiftmas* enjoyable. And sustainable!
*All presents this year come from basements, storage closets, etc. That way Christmas doesn't cost (much) money and does not generate (much) waste. And is easier than last year's make all the presents Christmas.
You folks may have white Christmasses back in the good old bay state, but over here on this Island paradise we have green grass and blue seas. I thought perhaps what with the entire country being covered with snow these days we might finally have a white Christmas in Southold. I thought wrong.
Friday, December 19, 2008
"Wildwood Shadow"
He taught me to love him
and called me his flower
An old woman clutches a bagful of groceries
to her chest. A loaf of white bread sticks
out the top. She has forgotten to put her
food stamps away. They're still in her hand.
...HELLO WORLDS COLLIDING. Not that this poem especially resonates with me or anything. But I mean, two of my odd fixations in life coming together in one?
He taught me to love him
and called me his flower
An old woman clutches a bagful of groceries
to her chest. A loaf of white bread sticks
out the top. She has forgotten to put her
food stamps away. They're still in her hand.
...HELLO WORLDS COLLIDING. Not that this poem especially resonates with me or anything. But I mean, two of my odd fixations in life coming together in one?
Oh jeez
I am not just on west coast time. I am on west coast insomniac time. Dangit.
SOOOOO today we spent some quality time at the state police barracks (OKAY DOES THIS NOT TOTALLY REMIND EVERYONE ELSE OF AGE OF EMPIRES?? JUST ME?? WELL FINE THEN) after getting into a liiiittle car accident.
Seeing that cement barrier come closer and closer and then slam up into it and then bounce into the other side....that. was crazy.
But in the words of my darling J
The police officers did not take pictures with us EVEN AFTER THEY PROMISED US.
We are never civilized humans in our interactions with the law.
SOOOOO today we spent some quality time at the state police barracks (OKAY DOES THIS NOT TOTALLY REMIND EVERYONE ELSE OF AGE OF EMPIRES?? JUST ME?? WELL FINE THEN) after getting into a liiiittle car accident.
Seeing that cement barrier come closer and closer and then slam up into it and then bounce into the other side....that. was crazy.
But in the words of my darling J
The police officers did not take pictures with us EVEN AFTER THEY PROMISED US.
We are never civilized humans in our interactions with the law.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Love Song #1
Bej: I, I have no homosexual tendencies
Ale: Bej that’s what Ti said and he is a psychic
Bej: He did observe my behavior
Ale: I mean you and El together do have some like weird energy
Be: Bej if you need to come out to anyone I’m here
Bej: Be
Ale: Oh my god Be observes you too!
Bej: If you were in a block of ice like trapped and frozen and not dead I would get an ice pick and save you
Ale: That’s really romantic
Be: If you were trapped in lava I would cool that lava, burning lava, and then chip it away
Bej: That’s like an added level. Okay if you were in an ice cube at the bottom of the ocean, a big ice cube, big enough to fit your whole body,
Be: Okay
Bej: An ice block. I would save you by getting a submarine and dragging you up from the depths. I would be that guy.
Be: Bej, if you were trapped in a magma block in the center of the earth, I would get a pterodactyl and fly into a volcano and get you out
Bej: Wow thanks that means a lot. Be, if you were in a different dimension, like in a prison of demons who were holding you there, surrounded by like fire, interdimensional fire, which is different than regular fire, I would swim through that lake
Be: Of fire
Bej: Of fire, and fight the demon army, and then pick the lock on your cell door, and then time travel back to when you were kidnapped so that you wouldn’t even remember it happening
Be: Aw that’s sweet
Bej: I would do all that for you
Be: Bej, if you were captured by Arthas,
Bej: The Lich king?
Be: The Lich king
Bej: The Lich king himself
Be: The Lich king himself. I would level myself to level 140 – instantly. And I would fight him off [this gets too geeky and WOW inspired for me to understand here for a bit] And I would heal myself
Bej: No
Be: All at the same time in the name of Lich
Bej: Anna and Alex have no idea what you just said
Be: And then I would give you a level 120 character so we could walk around and rule the world of warcraft. Together.
Bej: Wow
Be: Like brothers. We’d rescue each other.
Bej: If you were walking in a field, a green field, green grassy field, and you fell down among a family of bunny rabbits, I would walk over to you and pet those bunny rabbits, and take your hand and walk out of the field, together.
Be: Bej, if you were in an egg in a triwizard cup
Bej: yeah
Be: I would fight that dragon and that basilisk
Bej: Would you use your broomstick? For me?
Be: I would say accio firebolt and I would come and get you because there would be two demons, two beasts so foul, defending you because you’re that precious
Bej: awww, man. If I was a vampire and you moved to Washington, like your smell would be irresistible to me but I wouldn’t kill you, I would just talk to you about how we should not be together, but stay together
Be: Camaraderie
Bej: Yeah
Be: Friendship
Bej: Friendship
Be: Brotherhood
Bej: Brotherhood
Be: Bej, I love you man.
Ale: Bej that’s what Ti said and he is a psychic
Bej: He did observe my behavior
Ale: I mean you and El together do have some like weird energy
Be: Bej if you need to come out to anyone I’m here
Bej: Be
Ale: Oh my god Be observes you too!
Bej: If you were in a block of ice like trapped and frozen and not dead I would get an ice pick and save you
Ale: That’s really romantic
Be: If you were trapped in lava I would cool that lava, burning lava, and then chip it away
Bej: That’s like an added level. Okay if you were in an ice cube at the bottom of the ocean, a big ice cube, big enough to fit your whole body,
Be: Okay
Bej: An ice block. I would save you by getting a submarine and dragging you up from the depths. I would be that guy.
Be: Bej, if you were trapped in a magma block in the center of the earth, I would get a pterodactyl and fly into a volcano and get you out
Bej: Wow thanks that means a lot. Be, if you were in a different dimension, like in a prison of demons who were holding you there, surrounded by like fire, interdimensional fire, which is different than regular fire, I would swim through that lake
Be: Of fire
Bej: Of fire, and fight the demon army, and then pick the lock on your cell door, and then time travel back to when you were kidnapped so that you wouldn’t even remember it happening
Be: Aw that’s sweet
Bej: I would do all that for you
Be: Bej, if you were captured by Arthas,
Bej: The Lich king?
Be: The Lich king
Bej: The Lich king himself
Be: The Lich king himself. I would level myself to level 140 – instantly. And I would fight him off [this gets too geeky and WOW inspired for me to understand here for a bit] And I would heal myself
Bej: No
Be: All at the same time in the name of Lich
Bej: Anna and Alex have no idea what you just said
Be: And then I would give you a level 120 character so we could walk around and rule the world of warcraft. Together.
Bej: Wow
Be: Like brothers. We’d rescue each other.
Bej: If you were walking in a field, a green field, green grassy field, and you fell down among a family of bunny rabbits, I would walk over to you and pet those bunny rabbits, and take your hand and walk out of the field, together.
Be: Bej, if you were in an egg in a triwizard cup
Bej: yeah
Be: I would fight that dragon and that basilisk
Bej: Would you use your broomstick? For me?
Be: I would say accio firebolt and I would come and get you because there would be two demons, two beasts so foul, defending you because you’re that precious
Bej: awww, man. If I was a vampire and you moved to Washington, like your smell would be irresistible to me but I wouldn’t kill you, I would just talk to you about how we should not be together, but stay together
Be: Camaraderie
Bej: Yeah
Be: Friendship
Bej: Friendship
Be: Brotherhood
Bej: Brotherhood
Be: Bej, I love you man.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Nine Things
It's night
and a numbered beauty
lapses at the wind,
chortles with the
branches of a tree,
plays shadow dance
with a dead kite,
cajoles affection
from falling leaves,
and knows four
other things.
One is the color
of your hair.
and a numbered beauty
lapses at the wind,
chortles with the
branches of a tree,
plays shadow dance
with a dead kite,
cajoles affection
from falling leaves,
and knows four
other things.
One is the color
of your hair.
My favorite pterodactyl
Bliss is being like oh I guess I need to stand up and change into my pajamas and then realizing you're already in your pajamas.
GOD I wish I had a burrito right now. Or at least a quesodilla.

Man. I get on my airplane today. That is WEIRD.
The past two days. Now is the time I have to recap the past two days and I don't even know where to begin because GOODNESS stuff has gone DOWN.
I don't even KNOW how to express the love I have for my life. It's a little obscene.
Puedo Fallar - Guadalupe Pineda
I love that I hang out with so many people who are good at playing the guitar and singing. It makes for greatness.
This is my LIFE. This is my first year at college. I am blessed.
Okay. The last few days. Oh boy.
So yesterday. I wake up and put my laundry in the washing machine. This is circa three. And then I go up at see Mel and Meg's room because they moved in together. And then we went into the woods. And then we found Co in the woods and she joined us. And the woods were a beautiful snowy narnia in the daylight.
And then we came back and Ka told us this joke from her laffy taffy wrapper that started what washes up on really small beaches, and then Ad was like WAIT don't tell us the answer, we should be able to figure it out since it has to be some small beach pun and we can think of it. So me and him were trying to figure it out, only we kept on saying we should look for puns and things to do with the beach that have words that mean small in them, but then when we guessed we were stuck on guessing small beach animals.
The answer was microwaves. I feel as if we SHOULD have been able to guess it.
Then we went to dinner and there was tortellini in cream sauce with vegetables and it was delicious.
And then after dinner there was a classy dress up bat mitzvah in Ni's room. And that was fun. And then we were in Sa's room for a bit and then in Je and To's room. And Bej and Be and Je locked themselves in the bathroom and were making music. And then we were in Mel and Meg's room and Bej knows the hitting me song and we were also singing Guys and Dolls and it was great. And then Je and Bej scared me so much about bigfoot.
And then I went and got my laundry at 4 am and had to walk through the parking lot and was not attacked by bigfoot but was almost.
So today. Today I went to the mall with mah boyz cause they needed to do christmas shopping. And/or hanukkah.
And then when we got back we got dinner. And then after dinner we went to Li's apartmentmate Ja's 21st birthday party at their apartment. And THAT was great. And then we went into the woods. And then when we got back Je led us in meditation and it felt great. And Mel and Meg and Em and I had an amazing dance party. Oh wait no the meditation was after we were in Av's room, which is warmer than the woods for what we were doing. Again. But anyway. So um I guess then we went into Sa's room? Wait no a lot of us were in Mel and Meg's room, and Je was talking as if he was from California. That meditation was SO mycollege.
OH GOD. I FORGOT! When we came back from the woods the first time we went into Pi's room, and All and I melted into each other so that we were one person, and we were just feeling it for so long, so that we were just standing up holding each other saying oh my god oh my god oh my god we are one person oh my god oh my god. And it felt incredible. And then All was like wait...we just had girlsex. Because that's basically what it was.
Okay so then we went to Sa's room, and we recorded 20 minutes of our conversation intermingled with songs they were making up on the spot. Hopefully they will put the recording of that on the network. And then it was snowing and we noticed and opened the window and I put my hand out and dragged my fingers through the snow on the roof and looked up at the snow coming into my face and the snowy courtyard and the dorm across from us and it was incredible. And so many good things happened. Bej and Be wrote love song #2, which is Bej singing to Be about how he is his favorite pterodactyl and Be making pterodactyl noises that he turns into meows.
OH I forgot earlier Be kept on doing this thing where he wiggles his hand around like its a little baby dinosaur and has it dance or eat and then when I'm all focused on it he makes it attack and I get all startled.
And Je and I were doing this thing where we count to three and then quickly turn our faces at each other. And it's hilarious.
I love Mel's bed. From Mel's bed I can see everything.
And then the last thing we did was I walked outside with Be to the vending machine and it was the middle of the night, the for realisies middle, and it was snowing and there was fresh snow everywhere so we claimed the snow for us, because we were the first ones to encounter it. Tomorrow everyone will wake up to find more snowy wonderland, but Be and I knew first.
So we wrote a sign in the snow.
It says:
-BE and [me]. FACT.
OH WAIT! Before that we were all dancing and singing old Maroon 5 and other songs in Ni's room with Ta and Pi and Em and Ma and other people. We knew they were in there because when we walked by their door we could hear their singing.
I hope I got everything in that recap.
LOVE. My life.
GOD I wish I had a burrito right now. Or at least a quesodilla.

Man. I get on my airplane today. That is WEIRD.
The past two days. Now is the time I have to recap the past two days and I don't even know where to begin because GOODNESS stuff has gone DOWN.
I don't even KNOW how to express the love I have for my life. It's a little obscene.
Puedo Fallar - Guadalupe Pineda
I love that I hang out with so many people who are good at playing the guitar and singing. It makes for greatness.
This is my LIFE. This is my first year at college. I am blessed.
Okay. The last few days. Oh boy.
So yesterday. I wake up and put my laundry in the washing machine. This is circa three. And then I go up at see Mel and Meg's room because they moved in together. And then we went into the woods. And then we found Co in the woods and she joined us. And the woods were a beautiful snowy narnia in the daylight.
And then we came back and Ka told us this joke from her laffy taffy wrapper that started what washes up on really small beaches, and then Ad was like WAIT don't tell us the answer, we should be able to figure it out since it has to be some small beach pun and we can think of it. So me and him were trying to figure it out, only we kept on saying we should look for puns and things to do with the beach that have words that mean small in them, but then when we guessed we were stuck on guessing small beach animals.
The answer was microwaves. I feel as if we SHOULD have been able to guess it.
Then we went to dinner and there was tortellini in cream sauce with vegetables and it was delicious.
And then after dinner there was a classy dress up bat mitzvah in Ni's room. And that was fun. And then we were in Sa's room for a bit and then in Je and To's room. And Bej and Be and Je locked themselves in the bathroom and were making music. And then we were in Mel and Meg's room and Bej knows the hitting me song and we were also singing Guys and Dolls and it was great. And then Je and Bej scared me so much about bigfoot.
And then I went and got my laundry at 4 am and had to walk through the parking lot and was not attacked by bigfoot but was almost.
So today. Today I went to the mall with mah boyz cause they needed to do christmas shopping. And/or hanukkah.
And then when we got back we got dinner. And then after dinner we went to Li's apartmentmate Ja's 21st birthday party at their apartment. And THAT was great. And then we went into the woods. And then when we got back Je led us in meditation and it felt great. And Mel and Meg and Em and I had an amazing dance party. Oh wait no the meditation was after we were in Av's room, which is warmer than the woods for what we were doing. Again. But anyway. So um I guess then we went into Sa's room? Wait no a lot of us were in Mel and Meg's room, and Je was talking as if he was from California. That meditation was SO mycollege.
OH GOD. I FORGOT! When we came back from the woods the first time we went into Pi's room, and All and I melted into each other so that we were one person, and we were just feeling it for so long, so that we were just standing up holding each other saying oh my god oh my god oh my god we are one person oh my god oh my god. And it felt incredible. And then All was like wait...we just had girlsex. Because that's basically what it was.
Okay so then we went to Sa's room, and we recorded 20 minutes of our conversation intermingled with songs they were making up on the spot. Hopefully they will put the recording of that on the network. And then it was snowing and we noticed and opened the window and I put my hand out and dragged my fingers through the snow on the roof and looked up at the snow coming into my face and the snowy courtyard and the dorm across from us and it was incredible. And so many good things happened. Bej and Be wrote love song #2, which is Bej singing to Be about how he is his favorite pterodactyl and Be making pterodactyl noises that he turns into meows.
OH I forgot earlier Be kept on doing this thing where he wiggles his hand around like its a little baby dinosaur and has it dance or eat and then when I'm all focused on it he makes it attack and I get all startled.
And Je and I were doing this thing where we count to three and then quickly turn our faces at each other. And it's hilarious.
I love Mel's bed. From Mel's bed I can see everything.
And then the last thing we did was I walked outside with Be to the vending machine and it was the middle of the night, the for realisies middle, and it was snowing and there was fresh snow everywhere so we claimed the snow for us, because we were the first ones to encounter it. Tomorrow everyone will wake up to find more snowy wonderland, but Be and I knew first.
So we wrote a sign in the snow.
It says:
-BE and [me]. FACT.
OH WAIT! Before that we were all dancing and singing old Maroon 5 and other songs in Ni's room with Ta and Pi and Em and Ma and other people. We knew they were in there because when we walked by their door we could hear their singing.
I hope I got everything in that recap.
LOVE. My life.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
5 am
Me and Bej and Av are all facebook chatting, and it's funny cause we're living in bunk beds, Av below on the 2nd floor and then me on the third and then Bej on the fourth, and our beds are where they would be bunk beds if we didn't have floors and ceilings, and we're all awake at five am.
Just sayin.
Just sayin.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bring us gifts of meat with gravy and mild kinds of cheese
So I'm getting dressed and I'm like, hm, why is the broom in my room? I wasn't sweeping recently. And then I remember how last night we (Mel, Bej, Be, Sa, me) were all pretending that we were going to try cocaine and it really wasn't a big deal, and Je was flipping out and being like GUYS. THAT IS A HARD DRUG. I WOULD NEVER EVER DO COCAINE. And we're like WHAT a little cocaine never hurt anyone, and then Je's reaction was to hit Bej in the manparts with the broomstick out of desperation.
That was funny.
That was funny.
It's raining in love
I don't know what it is,
but I distrust myself
when I start to like a girl
a lot.
It makes me nervous.
I don't say the right things
or perhaps I start
to examine,
what I am saying.
If I say, "Do you think it's going to rain?"
and she says, "I don't know,"
I start thinking : Does she really like me?
In other words
I get a little creepy.
A friend of mine once said,
"It's twenty times better to be friends
with someone
than it is to be in love with them."
I think he's right and besides,
it's raining somewhere, programming flowers
and keeping snails happy.
That's all taken care of.
if a girl likes me a lot
and starts getting real nervous
and suddenly begins asking me funny questions
and looks sad if I give the wrong answers
and she says things like,
"Do you think it's going to rain?"
and I say, "It beats me,"
and she says, "Oh,"
and looks a little sad
at the clear blue California sky,
I think : Thank God, it's you, baby, this time
instead of me.
but I distrust myself
when I start to like a girl
a lot.
It makes me nervous.
I don't say the right things
or perhaps I start
to examine,
what I am saying.
If I say, "Do you think it's going to rain?"
and she says, "I don't know,"
I start thinking : Does she really like me?
In other words
I get a little creepy.
A friend of mine once said,
"It's twenty times better to be friends
with someone
than it is to be in love with them."
I think he's right and besides,
it's raining somewhere, programming flowers
and keeping snails happy.
That's all taken care of.
if a girl likes me a lot
and starts getting real nervous
and suddenly begins asking me funny questions
and looks sad if I give the wrong answers
and she says things like,
"Do you think it's going to rain?"
and I say, "It beats me,"
and she says, "Oh,"
and looks a little sad
at the clear blue California sky,
I think : Thank God, it's you, baby, this time
instead of me.
I'm underwater! Fall Out Boy!
I just took of my shirt and smelled the shoulder area of it and it smelled EXACTLY like the aquarium.
Not that it smelled like fish. That would be disconcerting. But the non fish areas of the aquarium, the sort of sweet mysterious dark smell it has when it isn't smelling of fish, like by the areas where all the fish are behind smell proof glass. And it's just dark and comfortable.
Earlier today I was trying to get a picture of Alvin the underwater explorer transportation machine, so I google image searched for Alvin and all that came up was pictures of Alvin and the Chipmunks.
I am too nerdy for the internet sometimes.
And why was I trying to get a picture of Alvin? Why, for Bej's adventure pictures of course!
Here are the ones made by me:

And here are the ones Ad made:

Today Meg said I have a beautiful singing voice. Which is just NOT true. Now there's a compliment I've never gotten before.
Don't let this make you think I have a beautiful singing voice. I mean, you've heard it. And beautiful it is not.
Mel and Il/El/Al (I NEED to learn how to spell his name) hooked up until 4:30 am last night. And will PROBABLY be an official item in not so long.
Today I woke up and started writing my self evaluation. And then Be knocked on my door and opened my window and showed me the snowy wonderland outside, because there WAS a snowy wonderland outside, and he knew that I probably wouldn't have looked outside yet, and it was GORGEOUS. So I went outside and there was everyone running around, playing in the snow, throwing snow balls, etc, and then we all went out to the field and frolicked about for a while. And then Be was going to go back because he was cold, but then he hit me in the head with a snowball from like...a bunch of yards away, so I took off after him at a run, and he ended up running into this woodsy area and I followed, and we were running over roots and he was hiding behind trees and I was tracking him down, and then he went back to the dorm and I still hadn't caught him yet and he locked me out of the dorm for a bit because he knew I didn't have keys, and then he finally let me in and ran up to Sa's room and hid in the corner. And then I got him with the snow I had stuffed in my pockets.
And then I needed a nap. Because it was an epic snow battle.
New Hampshire is totally going down this weekend. I'm just sayin.
Not that it smelled like fish. That would be disconcerting. But the non fish areas of the aquarium, the sort of sweet mysterious dark smell it has when it isn't smelling of fish, like by the areas where all the fish are behind smell proof glass. And it's just dark and comfortable.
Earlier today I was trying to get a picture of Alvin the underwater explorer transportation machine, so I google image searched for Alvin and all that came up was pictures of Alvin and the Chipmunks.
I am too nerdy for the internet sometimes.
And why was I trying to get a picture of Alvin? Why, for Bej's adventure pictures of course!
Here are the ones made by me:

And here are the ones Ad made:

Today Meg said I have a beautiful singing voice. Which is just NOT true. Now there's a compliment I've never gotten before.
Don't let this make you think I have a beautiful singing voice. I mean, you've heard it. And beautiful it is not.
Mel and Il/El/Al (I NEED to learn how to spell his name) hooked up until 4:30 am last night. And will PROBABLY be an official item in not so long.
Today I woke up and started writing my self evaluation. And then Be knocked on my door and opened my window and showed me the snowy wonderland outside, because there WAS a snowy wonderland outside, and he knew that I probably wouldn't have looked outside yet, and it was GORGEOUS. So I went outside and there was everyone running around, playing in the snow, throwing snow balls, etc, and then we all went out to the field and frolicked about for a while. And then Be was going to go back because he was cold, but then he hit me in the head with a snowball from like...a bunch of yards away, so I took off after him at a run, and he ended up running into this woodsy area and I followed, and we were running over roots and he was hiding behind trees and I was tracking him down, and then he went back to the dorm and I still hadn't caught him yet and he locked me out of the dorm for a bit because he knew I didn't have keys, and then he finally let me in and ran up to Sa's room and hid in the corner. And then I got him with the snow I had stuffed in my pockets.
And then I needed a nap. Because it was an epic snow battle.
New Hampshire is totally going down this weekend. I'm just sayin.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
All kinds of cataleptics
Tonight was a wonderful relaxing peaceful night.
It was the first snow in this neck of the woods, and even though it didn't stick or anything there was campus wide jubilation, everyone running out of the dorms and sticking their heads out the windows, and we were running around catching snowflakes on our tongues and it was great.
I want lots and lots of snow when I get home. Wait, I'm totally going home in a few days. Weird.
I woke up today and cleaned my entire room. And then I walked up to Mel's room and found her still in bed (at like four) and hopped into bed with her and then Meg came in and got in bed with us too and then Be came in and got in on top of all of us, and it was a cozy start to a cozy day.
Everyone painted their faces with my paints tonight, not the oil paints cause that would be a terrible idea but the other kind, and it looked all kinds of neat.
I spent most of my waking hours just being peaceful in Sa's room with mah boyz.
No really though, I'm a little obsessed with my boys. I think they're fantastic. I think it's funny that I've gone from one guy, so many girls to one girl, so many guys.
Boob girl took her top off in the window again and Je and Bej started writing a song about it and if she knew the fame she has in the dorm.
Emm and Jos and Be and Sa and I went for a middle of the night walk to the top of the library and had a tiny snowball fight because there was only enough snow for tiny snowballs. And then we came back to my room for hot chocolate.
OH. And Jos started playing and singing Horse Named Bill on his guitar in Sa's room.
knows that song. I have not heard ANYONE sing it ever besides Father. So that was exciting.
It was just
so peaceful all day.
It was the first snow in this neck of the woods, and even though it didn't stick or anything there was campus wide jubilation, everyone running out of the dorms and sticking their heads out the windows, and we were running around catching snowflakes on our tongues and it was great.
I want lots and lots of snow when I get home. Wait, I'm totally going home in a few days. Weird.
I woke up today and cleaned my entire room. And then I walked up to Mel's room and found her still in bed (at like four) and hopped into bed with her and then Meg came in and got in bed with us too and then Be came in and got in on top of all of us, and it was a cozy start to a cozy day.
Everyone painted their faces with my paints tonight, not the oil paints cause that would be a terrible idea but the other kind, and it looked all kinds of neat.
I spent most of my waking hours just being peaceful in Sa's room with mah boyz.
No really though, I'm a little obsessed with my boys. I think they're fantastic. I think it's funny that I've gone from one guy, so many girls to one girl, so many guys.
Boob girl took her top off in the window again and Je and Bej started writing a song about it and if she knew the fame she has in the dorm.
Emm and Jos and Be and Sa and I went for a middle of the night walk to the top of the library and had a tiny snowball fight because there was only enough snow for tiny snowballs. And then we came back to my room for hot chocolate.
OH. And Jos started playing and singing Horse Named Bill on his guitar in Sa's room.
knows that song. I have not heard ANYONE sing it ever besides Father. So that was exciting.
It was just
so peaceful all day.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I'll be looking at the moon but I'll be seeing you
It's been so long since summer. I find that very odd.
Today I was woken up by Be and Ke banging on my door. They said it was time for me to wake up since it was three pm. So with a goodmorning hug I was awake.
And then Be wanted to go on a walk, so he called Jos and me and Be and Jos went into Oly to get some burritos and go to the sketch shop and the music shop. If I still played the flute I could totally buy that thing of Beach Boys songs and play Beach Boys songs on my flute. I still have half a burrito in my fridge. Hellz yes.
And then let's see we got back and hung out in Sa's room for a while. And then Av and Ge and Pi made some brownies and gave them to everyone who wanted some.
We wanted some.
And then we went to the Hip Hop Congress Bat Mitzvah and they had a beautiful bonfire going and they had some live music and they had some dancing.
And then Be and Je and I came home and hung out in Sa's room with Jos. And man were those brownies ever chocolatey. Or whatever. Goodness. Oh! On the way home Be was talking to the raccoons I am not even exaggerating. And Je screamed in the elevator.
I've just had such a good succession of songs play. First was It Ain't Me Babe and then Mr. Sandman and now Sexual Healing.
And then we had more time in Sa's room. Meg and Mel and No were in there for a bit too.
And then there was AMAZING Irish song singing and guitar. OH MY GOODNESS.
What is with my nose and people wanting to pet it and touch it?
My life. My life.
Today I was woken up by Be and Ke banging on my door. They said it was time for me to wake up since it was three pm. So with a goodmorning hug I was awake.
And then Be wanted to go on a walk, so he called Jos and me and Be and Jos went into Oly to get some burritos and go to the sketch shop and the music shop. If I still played the flute I could totally buy that thing of Beach Boys songs and play Beach Boys songs on my flute. I still have half a burrito in my fridge. Hellz yes.
And then let's see we got back and hung out in Sa's room for a while. And then Av and Ge and Pi made some brownies and gave them to everyone who wanted some.
We wanted some.
And then we went to the Hip Hop Congress Bat Mitzvah and they had a beautiful bonfire going and they had some live music and they had some dancing.
And then Be and Je and I came home and hung out in Sa's room with Jos. And man were those brownies ever chocolatey. Or whatever. Goodness. Oh! On the way home Be was talking to the raccoons I am not even exaggerating. And Je screamed in the elevator.
I've just had such a good succession of songs play. First was It Ain't Me Babe and then Mr. Sandman and now Sexual Healing.
And then we had more time in Sa's room. Meg and Mel and No were in there for a bit too.
And then there was AMAZING Irish song singing and guitar. OH MY GOODNESS.
What is with my nose and people wanting to pet it and touch it?
My life. My life.
Friday, December 12, 2008
I'm just sayin
my days
are wonderful. I feel like there was something earlir I was going to write. Ohyes. I remember what it was. it was that everyone here is freaiking out about driving in a little bit of snow, and I say they should havbe seen those conditions me and A drove in that one time when we both drive one in front of the other and we were shouting at each other through car windows. And I believe that ws almost (I just wrote able inteafd of alomost for no good reason) I believe that it was almost this time last year.
It's 5:01 am.
What happened tonight? We were in Sa's converted nook. And then we were at Emm's mod. And then we were in the common room. And then we were in my room. And then we were in Ad and Pi's room. And then we were in Sa's room. And then we were in Bej's room.
THE END. I wrote so many things before I got to THE END. It's too late at night.
I think people are finally giving me the classic response. Because know how many people have told me they love me recently? SO many.
Vi gave us all light sticks I mean glow sticks that go around the neck. Or arm.
my days
are wonderful. I feel like there was something earlir I was going to write. Ohyes. I remember what it was. it was that everyone here is freaiking out about driving in a little bit of snow, and I say they should havbe seen those conditions me and A drove in that one time when we both drive one in front of the other and we were shouting at each other through car windows. And I believe that ws almost (I just wrote able inteafd of alomost for no good reason) I believe that it was almost this time last year.
It's 5:01 am.
What happened tonight? We were in Sa's converted nook. And then we were at Emm's mod. And then we were in the common room. And then we were in my room. And then we were in Ad and Pi's room. And then we were in Sa's room. And then we were in Bej's room.
THE END. I wrote so many things before I got to THE END. It's too late at night.
I think people are finally giving me the classic response. Because know how many people have told me they love me recently? SO many.
Vi gave us all light sticks I mean glow sticks that go around the neck. Or arm.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
And you're the only doll I've ever wanted to share it with me
Tonight I'm scared by the passage of time. It's already December 11th. This term is already over. I'm scared that someday this year will be over. I remember back in the summer when I was all upset about how late school got out, but now I totally wish it went longer. I don't want this year to ever end. And yet it will. Since time does that.
Tonight Ke and I celebrated the end of our workload like classy ladies from the 70's. Ke tried to seduce me with her "my roommate won't be back till three am" and her mood music and mood lighting and platter of ritz crackers and cream cheese and little umbrellas on the straws.
It worked.
And then Be came looking for me and joined in, and then Sa came looking and joined too, and then Emm showed up as well, and then we moved the party to Pi and Ad's room with a bunch of other people around.
I don't think I can even say more.
Tonight Ke and I celebrated the end of our workload like classy ladies from the 70's. Ke tried to seduce me with her "my roommate won't be back till three am" and her mood music and mood lighting and platter of ritz crackers and cream cheese and little umbrellas on the straws.
It worked.
And then Be came looking for me and joined in, and then Sa came looking and joined too, and then Emm showed up as well, and then we moved the party to Pi and Ad's room with a bunch of other people around.
I don't think I can even say more.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My time of day
I'm totally going to sleep early tonight. It's 2:30 and I'm in bed and everything! Who's proud of me? I am!
Ok last night first. So let's see. Sa and Be and myself were playing Bother Bej, sliding stuff under his door and such, and then he came out of his room and got in a bit of a tussle with us, and so we made him (with Ia (Io is a pretty sweet moon)cause he showed up too) some giant love notes out of Ta's giant paper and slid those under his door, but he slid back hate notes, so then we somehow ended up going to Sa's room and putting a peanut butter sandwich in a paper bag and dangling it outside Sa's window so that it was outside Bej's window, except Bej didn't see it so we went outside and tried throwing rocks at the window, but whenever we heard voices (which was only once cause it was god knows when o clock) we ran and hid, Sa behind a dumpster, Ia behind a tree, and Be under the stairs with me, and then we kept on doing that until Be was like THIS IS A BAD IDEA and then we all RAN up the stairs to the fourth floor door, and then the door was jammed so we ran up to the fifth floor door, and it was just so dumb and so funny. And then Be tried calling Bej, and Bej didn't believe there was a bag outside so he went outside to see, and we could totally see him next to that dorm across from us and so Be sent Ia to go confront Bej, and then Bej locked Be out of their suite, and would only open the door if he could see Be and Ia and me outside of that dorm across from us, but he forgot about Sa so Sa was able to jump into the suite....
It was great. And so something that would only happen in the middle of the night.
It's really very true here. My sleeping schedule, I swears. Like my last sleeps were from 4 am-8 am, then class from 9am - 1 pm, and then nap from 2 pm - 6 pm. That isn't normal. Yet it's my schedule.
Stuff went DOWN tonight.
All and Av hooked up...a LOT. In many different places. Until Av threw up everywhere.
Wa and Sar had sex in the common room bathroom (Funny story: the common room bathroom is supposed to be locked, but To found that you could kick in this board in the door and shimmy through, for some reason there is a square hole cut in the bathroom door which has been boarded up, but the board can be pushed out and then stuck back up by pushing the nails into the holes, so it's been this running dorm joke where Vi the RA gets mad that the bathroom is unlocked and locks it and then people push in the board and unlock it again and she has no idea how we keep on unlocking it, cause it's not a real working bathroom it's supposed to be storage space, so here's the story, is yesterday I was sitting in front of it working on my storybox with Ke, and Jac and Ge were there too, and then Vi walks in and we're talking and I guess I leaned up on the board so it fell over with a resounding crash, and we're just all silent cause she isn't supposed to know about how the board falls in, but I manage to block it with my back and she's like what WAS that noise? and we're like hmm we have NO idea. and she totally didn't figure it out. what was i saying before I went off on this tangent? OH i remember) and locked the outside door to the common room, but Vi then unlocked the common room cause she was angry and Je ran in and pushed in the board, interrupting the common room bathroom sex.
Pi threw up all over his room so Ad is sleeping in the common room tonight.
Bej was wearing his sunglasses and singing songs he was making up about everything all night.
Meg was a mess.
Oh goodness. Stuff went down tonight.
Ok last night first. So let's see. Sa and Be and myself were playing Bother Bej, sliding stuff under his door and such, and then he came out of his room and got in a bit of a tussle with us, and so we made him (with Ia (Io is a pretty sweet moon)cause he showed up too) some giant love notes out of Ta's giant paper and slid those under his door, but he slid back hate notes, so then we somehow ended up going to Sa's room and putting a peanut butter sandwich in a paper bag and dangling it outside Sa's window so that it was outside Bej's window, except Bej didn't see it so we went outside and tried throwing rocks at the window, but whenever we heard voices (which was only once cause it was god knows when o clock) we ran and hid, Sa behind a dumpster, Ia behind a tree, and Be under the stairs with me, and then we kept on doing that until Be was like THIS IS A BAD IDEA and then we all RAN up the stairs to the fourth floor door, and then the door was jammed so we ran up to the fifth floor door, and it was just so dumb and so funny. And then Be tried calling Bej, and Bej didn't believe there was a bag outside so he went outside to see, and we could totally see him next to that dorm across from us and so Be sent Ia to go confront Bej, and then Bej locked Be out of their suite, and would only open the door if he could see Be and Ia and me outside of that dorm across from us, but he forgot about Sa so Sa was able to jump into the suite....
It was great. And so something that would only happen in the middle of the night.
It's really very true here. My sleeping schedule, I swears. Like my last sleeps were from 4 am-8 am, then class from 9am - 1 pm, and then nap from 2 pm - 6 pm. That isn't normal. Yet it's my schedule.
Stuff went DOWN tonight.
All and Av hooked up...a LOT. In many different places. Until Av threw up everywhere.
Wa and Sar had sex in the common room bathroom (Funny story: the common room bathroom is supposed to be locked, but To found that you could kick in this board in the door and shimmy through, for some reason there is a square hole cut in the bathroom door which has been boarded up, but the board can be pushed out and then stuck back up by pushing the nails into the holes, so it's been this running dorm joke where Vi the RA gets mad that the bathroom is unlocked and locks it and then people push in the board and unlock it again and she has no idea how we keep on unlocking it, cause it's not a real working bathroom it's supposed to be storage space, so here's the story, is yesterday I was sitting in front of it working on my storybox with Ke, and Jac and Ge were there too, and then Vi walks in and we're talking and I guess I leaned up on the board so it fell over with a resounding crash, and we're just all silent cause she isn't supposed to know about how the board falls in, but I manage to block it with my back and she's like what WAS that noise? and we're like hmm we have NO idea. and she totally didn't figure it out. what was i saying before I went off on this tangent? OH i remember) and locked the outside door to the common room, but Vi then unlocked the common room cause she was angry and Je ran in and pushed in the board, interrupting the common room bathroom sex.
Pi threw up all over his room so Ad is sleeping in the common room tonight.
Bej was wearing his sunglasses and singing songs he was making up about everything all night.
Meg was a mess.
Oh goodness. Stuff went down tonight.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Butter wrapped in bacon wrapped in a waffle
I figured I shouldn't go to sleep sad. And even though it's 4:30 am I'm happy I stayed uyp, because I had so much fun with Je and Bej and Be and Ale. Be and I had rustic club, and then I was going to go to sleep but I heard weird sounds from upstairs and I found Bej and Ale recording themselves talking about food and playing it back in slow speed, and then I joined in and it was a hoot and a half let me tell you. And then Be came in and he and Bej started this thing which I don't think I can even explain, and Bej was playing the guitar and garage band recorded it all. It was them being like
Bej: Be, if you were trapped in an ice block, and you were still alive, or even if you were dead, I'd get an ice pick and chip away that ice, because that's how much you mean to me.
Be: Thank you Bej. You know, if you were in the center of the earth, trapped in a block of magma, in a bubble, I would harness a pterodactyl and fly to the nearest volcano, and freeze that magma, just to save you.
Bej: Wow, so Be, if you were at the bottom of the ocean...
And it went on for six minutes.
And then Je came in and was making these faces and Bej recorded the whole thing without us being aware, Je and I exist on the same mental plane I swear, we just GET each other, it's a great sort of phenomenon, so he was making faces and I was laughing and it ended with Je acting out Bej tapping me and crisco at the same time. With sound effects.
I don't get enough sleep in college.
Bej: Be, if you were trapped in an ice block, and you were still alive, or even if you were dead, I'd get an ice pick and chip away that ice, because that's how much you mean to me.
Be: Thank you Bej. You know, if you were in the center of the earth, trapped in a block of magma, in a bubble, I would harness a pterodactyl and fly to the nearest volcano, and freeze that magma, just to save you.
Bej: Wow, so Be, if you were at the bottom of the ocean...
And it went on for six minutes.
And then Je came in and was making these faces and Bej recorded the whole thing without us being aware, Je and I exist on the same mental plane I swear, we just GET each other, it's a great sort of phenomenon, so he was making faces and I was laughing and it ended with Je acting out Bej tapping me and crisco at the same time. With sound effects.
I don't get enough sleep in college.
I was sad today. And yesterday too, actually. And the day before that. I'm not really sure why, as I have no outward reason to be. Yet sad I was. I've been doing fun stuff and everything is great as always, only I've had this constant underlying sadness going on. Which is probably why I was back in my room ready for bed at midnight. Ah well. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
The highlight of today was drawing in the second floor common room fort. When we (Mel, Ke, Ka) went down with our music and markers and such we didn't expect it to turn into such a party, but then Ad and Wa and Bej and Je and Be and Sa and Meg and No all showed up, and we were all drawing on the walls and floors and ceiling of the fort, and it was awesome. The people here, I'm telling you. My kind of people.
Tonight at dinner there was this girl sitting at the end of the table crying, so we were like are you okay and she told us (Ge and me) about her boy problems and how she was lonely and a mess, and Ge and I talked to her for a while and she told me how much better she felt after talking to me, and I was happy to be able to help her out. And then she came back to our dorm and we welcomed her into our ourdorm family. There are a lot of family members who aren't actually from our dorm. I just realized that I've been making no distinction in names between Em from the mods and Em from the 4th floor. Hm. Oh no I remember, Em from the 4th floor is supposed to be written Emi, but I don't think I adhere to that often.
Ge also had egg nog and chocolate covered raspberry pecans. And we were sharing around pecans and a glass of egg nog (this is why we're all sick all the time, this food sharing. I really should be more afraid of herpes) and it was DELICIOUS.
I should draw a friend map of everyone and their interconnectedness and who they're closest with and such. But that would be too much effort for right now.
I'm going to clean my room so good tomorrow.
The highlight of today was drawing in the second floor common room fort. When we (Mel, Ke, Ka) went down with our music and markers and such we didn't expect it to turn into such a party, but then Ad and Wa and Bej and Je and Be and Sa and Meg and No all showed up, and we were all drawing on the walls and floors and ceiling of the fort, and it was awesome. The people here, I'm telling you. My kind of people.
Tonight at dinner there was this girl sitting at the end of the table crying, so we were like are you okay and she told us (Ge and me) about her boy problems and how she was lonely and a mess, and Ge and I talked to her for a while and she told me how much better she felt after talking to me, and I was happy to be able to help her out. And then she came back to our dorm and we welcomed her into our ourdorm family. There are a lot of family members who aren't actually from our dorm. I just realized that I've been making no distinction in names between Em from the mods and Em from the 4th floor. Hm. Oh no I remember, Em from the 4th floor is supposed to be written Emi, but I don't think I adhere to that often.
Ge also had egg nog and chocolate covered raspberry pecans. And we were sharing around pecans and a glass of egg nog (this is why we're all sick all the time, this food sharing. I really should be more afraid of herpes) and it was DELICIOUS.
I should draw a friend map of everyone and their interconnectedness and who they're closest with and such. But that would be too much effort for right now.
I'm going to clean my room so good tomorrow.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Na na na na na na na na water bottle, hotdog, batman
After hearing Ad and Ge talk about Boulder I totally want to live in Boulder when I grow up. Who's with me?
Tonight Mel and Be and Sa and Ad took a nap together. I love group naps.
Somebody built a HUGE fort in the second floor common room, and I went in it with Mel and Ad and Ia and Wa, and it's GREAT.
Vi came home Petered tonight. Talk about scandal!
Spirited Away is a GOOD movie.
Tonight Mel and Be and Sa and Ad took a nap together. I love group naps.
Somebody built a HUGE fort in the second floor common room, and I went in it with Mel and Ad and Ia and Wa, and it's GREAT.
Vi came home Petered tonight. Talk about scandal!
Spirited Away is a GOOD movie.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sometimes things at my college are SO Mycollege it's ridiculous. Today in Ad and Pi's room there was a lava lamp on the wardrobe, a ukulele/guitar/drums singing session on the floor, kids in a hammock, a guy getting his hair turned into dreads on the bed, christmas lights and fabric and stuff on the walls everywhere, cheese, it was just SO Mycollege. Genius.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The kind of hope that flies on silent wings
I need to write this really fast. Cause I shouldn't be up this late. Je and I have a pact, only he went to bed at a decenter (but still not decent) hour.
Yet here I am. So let's cut to the chase cause this is only making time progress further into the future which is where I musn't be right now.
In the woods tonight. Loud owls. At first Be was all no those are probably some kids and I thought they were kids too at first but there were two owls over our heads in the trees calling to each other as we stood next to the log there. OWLS. FREAKIN OWLS. And the hooting was so loud and resonating and they were close to us. Now that. was cool.
But going back in time. Today was lovely. After symposium I completed two of my essays so now I only have two more to write. And then we sat in a very cozy corner of the common room before dinner. And then we went to dinner at the mall, me, Mel, Meg, Em, Ka, Be, Bej, Sa, Ad, and No. Five girls and five boys so it's even. (I just highlighted and deleted the entire text of this post by mistake but luckily I was able to do edit undo. would have taken too much time to rewrite and I don't know if I would have done it right). Anyway what was I saying? Oh yes we played king of the hill on the way back and it was FUN and intense.
And then we had a lovely time in the common room and Mel and Emi and Ka and...other people too sang songs from the Sound of Music (WHICH HAD I OR HAD I NOT BEEN TALKING ABOUT LAST NIGHT) and played Ring of Fire for me because they love it so and Ad and I drew opposite pictures, I drew Antarctica and penguins and he drew fire and pheonixes, but we planned it so we had everything in corresponding places, so it's neat. Meg hurt her ankle again. Poor accident prone child.

And THEN Ad and Wa hung a hammock in Ad and Pi's room which is awesome. And then there were some good times had by all in that room let me tell you. LET me tell you. This polaroid of Be and I was taken and oh goodness, I will try to find it and share it tomorrow but let's just say a picture speaks a thousand words. It's HILARIOUS. Our faces. Oh dear. OH dear.
So it was me, Wa, Ad, Ne, Ia, Je, All, Be, Sa, Pi, Av, Ge, Ta, andddd I think that's all. And GOODNESS. FUN. FUN FUN FUN! Je rapped. Pi was NOT a human. Ta poked Be in the eye. Be and I were seeing blue and green skittles (after the skittles RAINED FROM THE SKY) except Sa was all no there's no such a thing as a blue skittle. But we SAW them. And I was only able to take tiny bites of my oreo, so I turned it into a food chain and then All and I completed the food chain. And Be's words were falling off the paper. And Ad was in his hammock.
And then we went to Sa's room (Be and Sa and I) and I think we weirded out To a lot because we had been trying to get Bej to lie on the floor because the floor was like the universe (All blessed Sa's baby jesus (wasn't a real baby jesus)) except he was afraid to so we were trying to show him it was safe by lying on it ourselves and so when To came in were were all LIE ON THE FLOOR TO LIE ON THE FLOOR TO THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT IT'S NOT A TRAP, and then Bej was like if I wasn't here you would have killed him by now, and then To got scared and left. And we were just one big blue laughing mess.
And then we went to Ta's room and played apples to apples and hilarity ensued.

In the woods tonight. Loud owls. At first Be was all no those are probably some kids and I thought they were kids too at first but there were two owls over our heads in the trees calling to each other as we stood next to the log there. OWLS. FREAKIN OWLS. And the hooting was so loud and resonating and they were close to us. Now that. was cool.
But going back in time. Today was lovely. After symposium I completed two of my essays so now I only have two more to write. And then we sat in a very cozy corner of the common room before dinner. And then we went to dinner at the mall, me, Mel, Meg, Em, Ka, Be, Bej, Sa, Ad, and No. Five girls and five boys so it's even. (I just highlighted and deleted the entire text of this post by mistake but luckily I was able to do edit undo. would have taken too much time to rewrite and I don't know if I would have done it right). Anyway what was I saying? Oh yes we played king of the hill on the way back and it was FUN and intense.
And then we had a lovely time in the common room and Mel and Emi and Ka and...other people too sang songs from the Sound of Music (WHICH HAD I OR HAD I NOT BEEN TALKING ABOUT LAST NIGHT) and played Ring of Fire for me because they love it so and Ad and I drew opposite pictures, I drew Antarctica and penguins and he drew fire and pheonixes, but we planned it so we had everything in corresponding places, so it's neat. Meg hurt her ankle again. Poor accident prone child.

And THEN Ad and Wa hung a hammock in Ad and Pi's room which is awesome. And then there were some good times had by all in that room let me tell you. LET me tell you. This polaroid of Be and I was taken and oh goodness, I will try to find it and share it tomorrow but let's just say a picture speaks a thousand words. It's HILARIOUS. Our faces. Oh dear. OH dear.
So it was me, Wa, Ad, Ne, Ia, Je, All, Be, Sa, Pi, Av, Ge, Ta, andddd I think that's all. And GOODNESS. FUN. FUN FUN FUN! Je rapped. Pi was NOT a human. Ta poked Be in the eye. Be and I were seeing blue and green skittles (after the skittles RAINED FROM THE SKY) except Sa was all no there's no such a thing as a blue skittle. But we SAW them. And I was only able to take tiny bites of my oreo, so I turned it into a food chain and then All and I completed the food chain. And Be's words were falling off the paper. And Ad was in his hammock.
And then we went to Sa's room (Be and Sa and I) and I think we weirded out To a lot because we had been trying to get Bej to lie on the floor because the floor was like the universe (All blessed Sa's baby jesus (wasn't a real baby jesus)) except he was afraid to so we were trying to show him it was safe by lying on it ourselves and so when To came in were were all LIE ON THE FLOOR TO LIE ON THE FLOOR TO THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH IT IT'S NOT A TRAP, and then Bej was like if I wasn't here you would have killed him by now, and then To got scared and left. And we were just one big blue laughing mess.
And then we went to Ta's room and played apples to apples and hilarity ensued.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Story Box

I LOVE. This. My dorm. My friends my people. GOODNESS! I LOVE IT! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. How did I get so lucky? How DID I get so lucky? How is this my life and how are these people my friends and whatever did I do to get this as my reality? I feel like Captain von Trapp and Maria singing to each other in a moonlit gazebo, only instead of the Captain and Maria it's me and my current freshman year experience, clinging to each other in wonderment and awe and a pretty blue dress. I've only been here a little over 24 hours, and already they've been nothing short of spectacular.
Last night the rustic club met for a while in our spot at the picnic tables, and just being home and smelling the smells and having all my people around me all the time was so comforting. And then today I had my final at nine, and then between our final and our guest speakers Ke and went dumpster diving for cardboard boxes for the story boxes(Ke was literally INSIDE a dumpster) and then we had our speakers and thennn let's see I soaked up the wondrous weather here (SO much warmer than home) and finished The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter and then Be and Sa and Mel and I played with Be's little penis. gun. And Be's big penis. gun. And then Ke and I and Peter got ready for working on our story box, but instead of doing the story box we instead...goodness we did so much. We went looking for sticks and pebbles with Pi, we visited Ge in his room, we hung out in my room with Sa and Mi and Ge and lord knows who else, Ke and I ended up doing a bit too much exploring, we hung out in the second floor common room with Ia and Ba and a kid I just met, and then when we were about to get to work Be came in and invited me to the woods, so I smacked that up, and then Ke and Ad and I finger painted on cardboard boxes for the story box and then Je and I played the he draws a scribble and I elaborate on it game and I talked with Be and Bej and Je in the common room for quite some time.
Other things may have gone down too.

I LOVE. This. My dorm. My friends my people. GOODNESS! I LOVE IT! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. How did I get so lucky? How DID I get so lucky? How is this my life and how are these people my friends and whatever did I do to get this as my reality? I feel like Captain von Trapp and Maria singing to each other in a moonlit gazebo, only instead of the Captain and Maria it's me and my current freshman year experience, clinging to each other in wonderment and awe and a pretty blue dress. I've only been here a little over 24 hours, and already they've been nothing short of spectacular.
Last night the rustic club met for a while in our spot at the picnic tables, and just being home and smelling the smells and having all my people around me all the time was so comforting. And then today I had my final at nine, and then between our final and our guest speakers Ke and went dumpster diving for cardboard boxes for the story boxes(Ke was literally INSIDE a dumpster) and then we had our speakers and thennn let's see I soaked up the wondrous weather here (SO much warmer than home) and finished The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter and then Be and Sa and Mel and I played with Be's little penis. gun. And Be's big penis. gun. And then Ke and I and Peter got ready for working on our story box, but instead of doing the story box we instead...goodness we did so much. We went looking for sticks and pebbles with Pi, we visited Ge in his room, we hung out in my room with Sa and Mi and Ge and lord knows who else, Ke and I ended up doing a bit too much exploring, we hung out in the second floor common room with Ia and Ba and a kid I just met, and then when we were about to get to work Be came in and invited me to the woods, so I smacked that up, and then Ke and Ad and I finger painted on cardboard boxes for the story box and then Je and I played the he draws a scribble and I elaborate on it game and I talked with Be and Bej and Je in the common room for quite some time.
Other things may have gone down too.
Monday, December 1, 2008
I started this blog in summer.
Now that IT IS DECEMBER (which I still don't believe) it is officially not summer.
I don't even believe those words as I write them.
Where. Has the time gone. If all of college goes this fast, the four years will be over before I know it.
I started this blog in summer.
Now that IT IS DECEMBER (which I still don't believe) it is officially not summer.
I don't even believe those words as I write them.
Where. Has the time gone. If all of college goes this fast, the four years will be over before I know it.
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