Friday, September 26, 2008

THIS was written last night


Today I invented the blog. I was looking through my new journals/sketchbooks and I thought hm, I should write in this journal and then send it around to all my friends, so then they would be able to read what I was journaling about. WHAT it's a really good idea!

I had a pretty low key morning/afternoon, which was nice because after so much doing I needed some time to sit back and talk to you folks back home and get some errands done. And then after I talked to you lovely children I felt all replenished, like I had been low on you-fuel and needed a bit of chatting to fill myself up again. I found four packages upon checking my mailbox. One of cookies from Aunt Margot, one of my art supplies (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm art supplies. I found the oil paint section of the bookstore today and wanted to eat all of them. And then smear them all over my body. And then roll around. As always. You may think I exaggerate. But no. Such is the effect paints have on me.)one of my printer, and a care package from Mother, which contained my new dinosaur friend Natalya Simonova. Except I kind of lost her already. But I figure she could not have gone far.

I cannot stand the internet in these parts. It literally DOES NOT work somtimes. How am I to live like this? How? I'm not writing this on the blog right now. I'm writing it on notepad. Becuase I don't have the product key for Microsoft Word and because this stinkin internet refuses to work for me.

Night time's first activity (after a bit of jenga and cards with Ke and Sa and some boy who I've hung out with too much to ask the name of at this point) was dressing up to Rocky Horror it up. I went with Ra, Ka, Ke, Sa, Ja, Li, Er, and Ta. The Ka and Ta makeout watch is officially on. We all went in a leopard print theme. Even Natalya got a scarf. Li does really good makeup. And then we saw the movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed even though I didn't know all the ins and outs of it. But it is certainly entertaining. I want to see it again sometime now that I have some experience.

And then after that we went into my room and watched Ferngully for a bit, until the 404 boys came knocking at my door and invited us to a dance party, and well girl was certianly not about to miss a dance party. Only I went of the Ferngully crowd, but all the guys were there (404 and then some) and some other girl Em who I hadn't met, and they were in the room of the high ceiling (it's on the fourth floor but the ceiling is sloped and goes all the way up to the roof cause the 5th floor is a little floor. The dorms are so NICE in this building. I don't know what those sites that said they weren't were talking about. Best dorms I've seen at any college.) and they had music blasting and the guys were dancing so I joined in. Je was really into the dancing. He reminds me of Alex from my Australia trip. And then the fourth floor RA came in and said something along the lines of I see you guys are observing the quiet hours, and then she joined in the dance party and it was great. Somehow it came up that we had both been girl scouts, and I put up my three fingers and she followed suit and started reciting the Girl Scout Promise. WHICH MEANS. SOMEBODY RECITED THE GIRL SCOUT PROMISE WITH ME. ARE THESE MY PEOPLE OR ARE THESE NOT MY PEOPLE. Mans. That one time in the tent in Martha's Vineyard when A and I did a similar sort of thing...was great. I can still hear her saying "And to DIE by the DEVIL'S LAW." Mans. Good times. One of the funniest moments of my life. But ANYWAY, then some girl on the 5th floor was sick and we had to stop the party. So here I am. But it was great. The end.



Kawaii Baba said...

wow anna, i love your times in college!

Anonymous said...

did you get your package yet?