Exciting part #1
I found a store that sells my 3-D holographic cat cards. It also sells them in the shark and dog variety.
Exciting part #2
We went into this tea shop because Je wanted to get some tea (he was inspired by our tea party), and I’m browsing about and what do I find but TIM TAMS. Boxes and BOXES of tim tams. Selling for only $5 a box. IN THE UNITED STATES. IN OLYMPIA. TIM TAMS. TIM. TAMS. ACCESSIBLE WHENEVER MY LITTLE HEART DESIRES. No more shipping them in from Australia for me! The Secret Tim Tam Party just met college life.
Exciting part #3
I got a fish! And so did Li and Ka. We’re all very excited. Ta (one of the 404 guys) was disappointed that we didn’t bring him on the journey. Cause apparently he wanted one too. Whoops.
Exciting part #4
This part isn’t as exciting as the others. But what it is is that we got a map of the world shower curtain to spice up our shower. The dingey yellow shower curtain just wasn’t good enough. Also we got six monster rubber things that go over keys, so each suitemate has a monster of a different color. Mine is blue.
Exciting part #5
We found this GREAT little used bookstore. I bought a book by A.A. Milne of all the little poems I used to read when I was little and I used it to decorate my wall. I enjoy it.
When I was little I thought this poem was the most beautiful and romantic thing ever written. (You have to click the picture to be able to read it)

Then we came back home and I thought I was going to have time to make my little A.A. Milne wall setup, but then Ta and Wa (Wa: “Whoa, is this the corner I was in last night?”) came wandering in to see the fish and we ended up chatting with them and then going to dinner. And then after dinner we had a tea party with Er and Em and Ke and Sa, which turned into a grilled cheese and tea party with the 404 guys, which turned into I don’t even know how many people. Good times were had by all. Then a bunch of the party went to hookah it up and a bunch went to play glow in the dark ultimate frizbee, and since I didn’t want to do either I went back to my room, which was soon filled up with kids from Idaho and cheap Peter and really good cheesy bread. ANDD after that I watched a movie with Ke and Sa in their giant room. College is busy.
But I’m not as jubilant as I was last night because I miss you folk. It’s weird hanging out all the time with people who aren’t you. I really just wish you were all HERE. Gosh. The fun we could have if we were all colleging together. I cannot even begin to imagine the wonders that would be. I’m homesick for you guys. I don’t like the time difference cause you are all asleep at times like this, and I’m busy pretty much all day and into the night.
dsjifdgfdos. Guys really though. Why aren’t you here.
Aww, your day sounds fabulous. It's so YOU and that makes me so so happy. And friendsick. Mawww.
i told kk you should get a fish a couple weeks ago. sounds great for college. is that like your first fish ever? ive sure never had one.
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