Southold was great. I got to sleep on a lot of boats. Boats are up there on my list

of favorite places to nap, what with the breeze and the gentle rocking and such. Plus we got Sister to overcome her dumb fear of sailing, which I'm sure will greatly enhance her life since sailing is great. Oh! And when I got there I found that the WINEBERRIES were ripe, which brought all kinds of jubilation to my soul since my childhood summertimes were full of wineberries and I haven't had them in like five years since I've been away for all my Julys. I still know where all the wineberry bushes on the property grow.
But the real highlight of the venture: BARN DANCE 08.
A barn dance full of people I don't know and will never see again? Golden opportunity and then some? Yeah, we thought so too. Plus the added bonus of free whole lobsters and free ribs and free steak and free dessert buffet. It was great. We wished the rest of us could have been there, we could have pulled a Winter Ball type takeover and Polkaed the night away like never before. A danced with a 55 year old guy with a mustache named Marty for most of the night. And I will leave you with that image.
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im jealousth
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