Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mmmmmmmmmmm, today

I don't think there are better words (or vocalizations) for today.
The feeling of being full of delicious noodles and the perfect temperature (covered by warm soothing blanket with frigid air conditioning blowing upon feet) and completely comfortable and entertained by top quality rock banders? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I'm also happy I was unsick enough to go back to Anything But Work today. I love those kids. I really do.

I accidentally wrote really mushy personalized love letters to everyone last night. I was thinking about that whole "tell the people you love you love them" thing, and I was thinking about how I wasn't exactly raised on that. Like, Mother and Father don't show much physical affection towards each other or shower each other with many words of affirmation. So I was thinking about that, and then I got to thinking about our upcoming diaspora, and then it was far past my bedtime and I was still slightly feverish, and one thing led to another. The end result was letters to all in which I tell my deepest truest feelings, but I feel awkward actually sending them out because they're far more deep and sentimental than we usually get. So I suppose you all can know that I thought and wrote very nice and loving albeit embarrassing things about you all.

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