Tuesday, October 29, 2013


It's almost November.

The smell and feel of this season in my house is something I remember so distinctly. It's something I'd forgotten, but it's so familiar.

This may be the last time I spend this season in this house. Or not. Who knows.

I know it's not new years yet, but Judith Berger says that this Halloween time is witches' new year. It seems that starting in September and going to February there is a New Year every few months or so. No New Years in the spring or summer, though. Makes sense, I guess.

Anyway, the 12 months between last witches' new year and this one have been so transformational for me. Everything changes. Nothing lasts for long. I guess this is being 23. I wonder if things ever settle.

What is to become of me.

Life feels like crashing through the underbrush in the PNW forest. I love crashing through the underbrush, but I've been doing it for an awfully long time by now.

No end in sight. Oh well.

I'm certainly better at teaching now than I was two months ago. That's something.

1 comment:

wandarecords said...

Hey, I typed part of a Brautigan poem I really like into google and your blog popped up, which I've been reading and really seem to connect with. The line was from There is Darkness On Your Lantern. Anyway, I'm a writer, a songwriter actually, somewhat well-known in the indie folk world. If you'd like to correspond, I think that'd be cool. you can email me at theowlofaustin@gmail.com