I'm so happy with everything in my life right now. It's weird. It's like there is nothing remotely wrong with what is happening. It's great but it's also like, what? How is stuff so good right now? At least I still have lyme disease and some headaches to keep it from being frighteningly perfect. Actually just kidding, I'd rather that went away. But like, besides that. I am a very very lucky girl.
My class seems great, I'm making friends in it already, I'm going to learn some cool stuff, maybe it will lead to a career. Or at least a cool internship.
I actually love my job, which is weird after working at a place I hated. But weird in a good way. Hanging out with good babies doing good things all day, pretty sweet. It pays a lot less, but oh well.
I have a beautiful apartment with a wonderful person. I'll take pictures soon and show you all.
My friends are great. And all the impact I have from them is positive. And they're great and over every day and there is never a dull moment. Like, one or two dull moments maybe over the course of a week. But they still aren't bad.
And the exciting thing is I am still meeting people! I'm meeting so many new people all the time and hanging out with them. College, right?
ALSO check out this sugar/xylitol/agave/ANY SWEETENER free ice cream I made! OH MAN. IT WAS SO GOOD. I ALMOST DIED. It was SWEET and CREAMY and COLD and DELICIOUS and EVERYTHING ICE CREAM SHOULD BE.
I'm happy again! Actually truly happy! And it is fantastic. You can tell I'm happy because I'm blogging again. And also because I said so.
Is this the calm before the storm or the beginning of the rest of my life? I'm going to think the better one at least until I am proven wrong.
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