We were at the meeting and we got a phone call from the people who live by the field where they sheep are and they said baby sheep are on the ground and so we all went out to check it out. Right now the sheep are out on pasture and if they give birth and all goes well they just do it by themselves in the field. Then when we visit and see lambs out next to the sheep we pick them up and carry them over to a little barn where we have little pens called jugs where we put a mama sheep and its babies so we can monitor them and they can bond. There were two ewes with two babies each that were all set so we moved them into the jugs and then things got crazy. There was a dead lamb way at the back of the field and then two ewes fighting over a live lamb and a hoof sticking out of one of them. We brought the lamb over to the jugs and both of the ewes followed because they both wanted it to be their baby. The babies make the cutest noises when they're being carried and the ewes follow them so intently. Good mothering instincts. We put both the ewes and one of the lambs them together in one jug and Al lubed up her hands and stuck them in the ewe and pulled out the lamb that was still inside the mama out which is no easy task. The ewe was making these horrible bellowing noises and you could tell it really hurt. Al thought it was dead but then it started breathing and we were all very excited. It was all yellow and slimey and coughing and weak but it was alive. We left that lamb with its mama and then put the other ewe and the other lamb in a different jug so everybody would get a lamb and everybody would be happy. Ala milked out the other ewe and tube fed the lamb that they were fighting over because it was little and shivery and she hadn't seen it nurse. She stuck the tube down into the lamb's stomach and kept on saying that she hoped it was the stomach and not the lungs because if it was the lungs the lamb would drown. She got it right. No drowning. Then later in the day the ewe that we were worried about had her lambs. She had been having recurring vaginal prolapses and we we had to put a harness on her to keep her vagina in but we were worried that she wouldn't be able to lamb around the harness which would kill the lambs and could kill her too. But at lunch time when they went they found her lambing and teacher Mi went and pulled her lambs and they all lived.
1 comment:
u are so cool.
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