When I was little Gram introduced me to James Herriot's books about his life as a vet in the English countryside. She had all his books in the bookshelves in Southold and I ended up reading them over and over. I cried for most of her funeral but when the lady started singing All Things Bright and Beautiful I really could not keep myself together. I started crying again a little when I found the song on youtube BUT that is not the point of the story.
The point of the story is that my farm class teacher emailed me about an opportunity to work with a flock of sheep next year. My favorite parts of the books were the lambing scenes. I don't know why I had such a thing for lambing back then, maybe it's the same reason why I have such a thing for lambing now, but I guess the reasons don't really matter because here I am with the chance to do real life lambing this February.
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