Monday, February 2, 2009

130, night light

OH jeez today.

Oh jeez.

SO we went to Co Wo's superbowl party. We being Ke and I. Yeah. That happened. We actually had quite a nice time. And we ended up playing peer dong. In Co Wo's apartment. With Co Wo. WHAT.

And then we came back and watched more avatar.

And then Be asked me to prom. Want to know how he did it? Yeah you do. Here is how it all went down. He made huge letters that said PROM? with the dot of the question mark being a heart, and he went to the dorm across from ours into random peoples rooms on the top floor and put the letters in the window so that when I looked out the window from Sa's room I would see it.


And then Ke and I painted the backdrop for prom with Ta and Be and Ra's help.

And then everyone went to sleep and it was just me and Bej, and we found SO many measurement mysteries in our dorm you don't even KNOW. The elevator was always 69 inches across on every floor. And we could not let go of our ends of the tape measurer. And we found out SO MANY THINGS.

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