These have been an EPIC past two days. Two days? Is today Friday? No it's definitely Saturday because A is leaving tomorrow. So she has been here three days. But I guess only the past two have been epic. So I stand by my original statement.
I haven't blogged in two of them but I'm blogging on this one.
Yesterday was rubix cube bat mitzvah and we went for a bit and then went to To's room and then GOODNESS and Je gave us a grasshopper cookie and then we were in Sa's room
Moon, someone said that you're a piece of paper, a piece of paper just a pasted on the sky
Moon, I have a hunch that you're a giant ball of rock a million miles from me and all the people in my town
Anyway and then we were in Sa's room and OH man and Sa was playing guitar and No was talking to us and Bej was there for a bit and Be was there for a bit and A and I were naming the kitchen appliances on Sa's poster and there was a cauldron and a gas station. And then we were in Pi's room for a while and we were in Meg and Mel's room a bit too and then we were in Bej's room and Be and Bej were recording music. And then I believe we went to sleep.
Today we went for a lovely walk to the beach and I went up in the three story treehouse again and scooted out on a fallen over tree that hadn't died just was horizontal that was hanging over the water, and I scooted out on it and was over the water and it was so nice. And then we hiked back. And then we ate dinner and napped. And then it was coked up ladies of the 80's night, only we didn't do coke we just called it that. We danced to 80's music in Ke's room and it was lovely. And then we went to Sa's room and then we went to the hallway and then we went to Bej's room and then things got REALLY interesting and then I was on the bunk bed with Sa reading that magazine in Meg and Mel's room and then for a bit there we were in Je's room listening to coldplay and watching the visualizer, and it was so intense, and To was defying gravity and we were in the hall with them for a while, and then we were in Meg and Mel's room again and Mel was coughing and it was really funny (how she was coughing not that she was coughing) and then we went into 404's hallway and Be gave us some sandwich, and MAN it's been an EPIC past few days. OH goodness.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
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don't forget the quesadilla.
mum says the funeral will be on either the 7th or the 14th
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