Now I know what you folks were talking about when you mentioned that college rollercoaster of emotions. I almost creied today, just out of pure melancholy lonliness. But I also had a lot of fun.
After my weepy evening I decided to get out of my room and go do something to try to cheer myself up. I was too mopey for the fire thrower so I just went outside to the skywalk, but there I found Ka and Li and Ta and sat on the ledge and talked with them, and then the rest of 404 showed up and Ad frightened the living daylights out of me by pretending to fall off the wall after we discussed how much falling the three stories onto cement would hurt you. Ka scooted around on Wa's longboard. But then 404 went to the corner store to get whoopie pies and I went up to the 4th floor to see what I could find while Ka and Li went back to our suite. I found Je and Be and some girl from Alaska in the common room watching knocked up, so I joined them but we soon forgot about knocked up and planned a debate party and made flyers and had a photoshoot of sorts. And then I went to 403 to hang out with Je and Be and another 403er who I don't know the name of. But he gave me reese's so I approve. I gave 403 my mp3 of paper planes and they were VERY excited. And then Be gave me a lot of music. But then they went to watch some cop show and wanted me to watch with them but I'm not much of a cop show gal (and I've had enough cops these past few days).
So I came downstairs and had a tea party with Ra and Ka and Ke and Sa and RA Ni. Which was pretty funny. Mmmmmm tea. And we planned a dorm decorating party.
I'm writing this on notepad because of my stinkin internet. But Ni says that he's going to try to get us legit internet.
Mans. It's five am where you guys (except A) are. It's kind of comforting thinking about all you snuggled down in your little beds in the wee hours of the morning. WISH I WAS THERE WITH YOU. Except I actually just wish you were all snuggled down in my bed.
God I really just want a good snuggling right about now.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
I think I've noticed something interesting about human psychology. I think a lot of guys are into annoying girls. A curious phenomenon.
And while I'm generalizing guys, I love the male fixation with climbing stuff and jumping off stuff. There's a ledge from the fourth floor to the third floor and 404 is constantly jumping off of it and climbing on various dorm stuff. I think it helps that they're tall though. Makes for less of a fall. Right?
And while I'm generalizing guys, I love the male fixation with climbing stuff and jumping off stuff. There's a ledge from the fourth floor to the third floor and 404 is constantly jumping off of it and climbing on various dorm stuff. I think it helps that they're tall though. Makes for less of a fall. Right?
Lunatic fringe part II
My professor said "lunatic fringe" today. UMMM LAURA INGALLS MUCH?
Then at lunch today Je said out of nowhere, "This is random, but The Magic School Bus was the most genius show."
You can imagine my reaction. He's going to bring the Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System cd rom from home next time he goes (BECAUSE HE USED TO PLAY IT TOO) but I feel as if it won't be compatible with these newfangled operating systems. And THEN the guy sitting across from us (who's name I already forget) said he used to play dinosaur safari.
It's a wonder I made it out of lunch alive.
I also set up my meeting with the grievance lady today. SISTER, FOLLOW YE NOT IN MY FOOTSTEPS. AND TELL YE NOT OUR PARENTS. But my new friend Br from my CLASS which I had today because I'm in college (who is currently meeting with the grievance lady) says that the punishment of her friends who got grievances was to make dinner for their RA. So I feel like my cons won't be too bad.
In more exciting news, NATALYA IS BACK! For the past few days a lot of people have been expressing their concern about her disappearance, and then today while I was at class Ni the RA ran into Li's room shouting I THINK I FOUND YOUR DINOSAUR! Apparently she was hanging out of a window of A dorm with a beer can in her hand. I wish I had gotten a picture of THAT, but she was all safe and sound and in our suite when I came back. FROM MY COLLEGE CLASS.

I've taken four excedrin today and am still in Headachesville USA. Girl needs a nap.
Then at lunch today Je said out of nowhere, "This is random, but The Magic School Bus was the most genius show."
You can imagine my reaction. He's going to bring the Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System cd rom from home next time he goes (BECAUSE HE USED TO PLAY IT TOO) but I feel as if it won't be compatible with these newfangled operating systems. And THEN the guy sitting across from us (who's name I already forget) said he used to play dinosaur safari.
It's a wonder I made it out of lunch alive.
I also set up my meeting with the grievance lady today. SISTER, FOLLOW YE NOT IN MY FOOTSTEPS. AND TELL YE NOT OUR PARENTS. But my new friend Br from my CLASS which I had today because I'm in college (who is currently meeting with the grievance lady) says that the punishment of her friends who got grievances was to make dinner for their RA. So I feel like my cons won't be too bad.
In more exciting news, NATALYA IS BACK! For the past few days a lot of people have been expressing their concern about her disappearance, and then today while I was at class Ni the RA ran into Li's room shouting I THINK I FOUND YOUR DINOSAUR! Apparently she was hanging out of a window of A dorm with a beer can in her hand. I wish I had gotten a picture of THAT, but she was all safe and sound and in our suite when I came back. FROM MY COLLEGE CLASS.
I've taken four excedrin today and am still in Headachesville USA. Girl needs a nap.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The good thing about time zone
Is if one happens to be a bit disturbed and unable to sleep at 5:30 am, Mother and Father are just a quick and easy decently-timed phone call away.
But tonight. was FUN.
I think being a girl is one of the most convenient things to happen to a person. Boys share. And then there was a dance party. With a strobe light. STROBE. LIGHT. At one point I was dancing and singing (singing! i was!) to I Touch Myself (EVERYONE ELSE WAS TOO DON'T WORRY)and it was SO MUCH FUN. And I met a bunch of great people. A few new bffs. I was the only one from 303 there. 404 was there and the girls from the 5th floor. And it was at the house of the kid that I said I'd make pie for a few days ago because he has a kitchen and then he said I was a VIP and then I got to learn new things and it was kind of awkward cause he ended up kind of hitting on me after but I managed to deflect it.
And though all did not go to plan
Somebody is blasting Let's Get It On out the window. So my dorm is being serenaded. And I enjoy it.
But tonight. was FUN.
I think being a girl is one of the most convenient things to happen to a person. Boys share. And then there was a dance party. With a strobe light. STROBE. LIGHT. At one point I was dancing and singing (singing! i was!) to I Touch Myself (EVERYONE ELSE WAS TOO DON'T WORRY)and it was SO MUCH FUN. And I met a bunch of great people. A few new bffs. I was the only one from 303 there. 404 was there and the girls from the 5th floor. And it was at the house of the kid that I said I'd make pie for a few days ago because he has a kitchen and then he said I was a VIP and then I got to learn new things and it was kind of awkward cause he ended up kind of hitting on me after but I managed to deflect it.
And though all did not go to plan
Somebody is blasting Let's Get It On out the window. So my dorm is being serenaded. And I enjoy it.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Baby fetus in your ear
This afternoon was lovely. The weather was GORGEOUS and we went into Olympia. We (Al, Ke, Li, Ad, Ta, Za) went to the farmers market and checked it out. There was delicious Indian food. Ad was still jeeked from the night before and he was carrying around a huge thing of sunflowers and it made me laugh every time. He stuck his face in them and then got uncomfortable because flowers were the sexual part of the plant.

Then we tried to find this Charlie Chaplin silent film event but we didn't know where we were going and got lost. But we found these pro-life people who gave us little rubber fetuses. And our lives got that much more complete.

But we eventually found the film festival and walked in to the excessively dark theater and managed to find seats in the pitch black. The film was actually pretty cool. There was a guy playing the musical accompaniment live. We ended up in a field after and played with our fetuses for a while.

Ta pulled the head off his and threw it at Al and she burned it. We then found another field and slept in that for a while. The sun was so nice today. I was incredibly content in that field. And warm. And it was great. The end.
Then we tried to find this Charlie Chaplin silent film event but we didn't know where we were going and got lost. But we found these pro-life people who gave us little rubber fetuses. And our lives got that much more complete.
But we eventually found the film festival and walked in to the excessively dark theater and managed to find seats in the pitch black. The film was actually pretty cool. There was a guy playing the musical accompaniment live. We ended up in a field after and played with our fetuses for a while.
Ta pulled the head off his and threw it at Al and she burned it. We then found another field and slept in that for a while. The sun was so nice today. I was incredibly content in that field. And warm. And it was great. The end.
Morning morning morning
I like that my fish eats its fish food as soon as I drop it in the tank. It makes me feel like he appreciates me.
I feel like I should leave my room and go be social. I can hear people talking in the suite, but I'm so HAPPY here in bed. So happy I almost cried of happiness a bit ago. Something about residual effects combined with talking two excedrin in the morning. The same phenomenon that used to make me REALLY happy at work back in the day. Except now I'm not at work. I'm in bed with functioning internet and sunlight coming through my blinds but not directly at me and I'm wildly comfortable. I did go outside to take a shower earlier. Not outside outside but in out into my hallway (not the main hallway cause suites are great like that) for showering purposes. I ended up getting water in my ears and in my nose, so it was like I was swimming in my shower like it was a large vertical bath. But the water was still all sprinkly-like and not at all like a bathtub or ocean. On a related note, how do you folks with roommates handle the inability to be naked as often as you want to or whenever you please? OVERSHARE OR SERIOUS INQUIRY?
It's Ka's birthday today. She's 18!
Now I'm going to go socialize.
I feel like I should leave my room and go be social. I can hear people talking in the suite, but I'm so HAPPY here in bed. So happy I almost cried of happiness a bit ago. Something about residual effects combined with talking two excedrin in the morning. The same phenomenon that used to make me REALLY happy at work back in the day. Except now I'm not at work. I'm in bed with functioning internet and sunlight coming through my blinds but not directly at me and I'm wildly comfortable. I did go outside to take a shower earlier. Not outside outside but in out into my hallway (not the main hallway cause suites are great like that) for showering purposes. I ended up getting water in my ears and in my nose, so it was like I was swimming in my shower like it was a large vertical bath. But the water was still all sprinkly-like and not at all like a bathtub or ocean. On a related note, how do you folks with roommates handle the inability to be naked as often as you want to or whenever you please? OVERSHARE OR SERIOUS INQUIRY?
It's Ka's birthday today. She's 18!
Now I'm going to go socialize.
I think I like mimi smartypants so much because she and I share the tendency towards the overuse of parenthesis. I think that means she thinks like me, with side thoughts often connected to the normal thoughts, the type that wouldn't make sense just typed in there without the parenthesis but enhance (humor me, i like to think they do) the original thought.
Let it be known though that the parenthesis thing isn't the only reason why I like mimi smartypants. I think it's a lot of other reasons too.
Parenthesis is also a really good song. Speaking of good songs. Which I think I was before.
In conclusion. I like parenthesis. Of all types! The end.
Let it be known though that the parenthesis thing isn't the only reason why I like mimi smartypants. I think it's a lot of other reasons too.
Parenthesis is also a really good song. Speaking of good songs. Which I think I was before.
In conclusion. I like parenthesis. Of all types! The end.
Things I forgot to mention
I told the story of the time Vi did the girl scout promise with me, and then Ja starting girl scout promising meaning I'VE HAD TWO PEOPLE IN TWO DAYS. THIS SHOULDN'T MAKE ME SO EXCITED BUT IT DOES.
Also Re (the kid who's house we were at last night) gets sun magazine.
Also I don't think I really described where I was last night. We were in one of these things called the mods, which are little modular houses on the outskirts of campus and like four people share them, except the one we went to only had three guys. Sc, Re, and Ca. And then these three girls showed up after a while I don't remember their names, but they were REALLY nifty people. And I kept on laughing just because of where I was and how I was in college and that this was my life. It was great.
Also Re (the kid who's house we were at last night) gets sun magazine.
Also I don't think I really described where I was last night. We were in one of these things called the mods, which are little modular houses on the outskirts of campus and like four people share them, except the one we went to only had three guys. Sc, Re, and Ca. And then these three girls showed up after a while I don't remember their names, but they were REALLY nifty people. And I kept on laughing just because of where I was and how I was in college and that this was my life. It was great.
So. Tonight ended up eventful. Ra and Ja and Da and I ended up hanging out with Sab and his friends down in the mods. We had locally brewed apple cider (from the fine vineyards of the dorm) and cheese and it was all delicious. And then it was with SAB which made me laugh hysterically the whole time. And it was fun. I think I scratched my gum or something because it feels weird. But that was fun. A lot. And then after that we wandered outside (actually Je and Ka and Li came to find us, were apparently worried about us) and there was like rapping competition going on so we were there for a bit but then I wandered into the dorms and found Ra and then Al and Er showed up and they had been in the woods and were in the perfect mood to hang out with us so we all sat in our suite hallway and it was a blast and then some. A lot of really funny things went down.
Friday, September 26, 2008
It's currently six here, meaning it's nine back in the good old Eastern time zone. I'm sure you guys have already started your wild weekend ways while I'm resting up in my internetless dorm. Which hasn't had internet for the past like two hours. Not that I've been in here for all that time. But I've checked in on it to no avail.
After breakfast Ta and Ad wanted us to laundry party with them, but we opted for rock climbing in the gym instead. Except they didn't have any harnesses or ropes or anything so it was difficult. But fun.
And then after that was explore the forest day. And mans is that forest ever pretty. The trees are HUGE and mossy and there are ferns everywhere and big old stumps and it's GREAT. Ra, Li, Za, and I split off from the rest of the group to try to find a treehouse and find one we did! It's surrounded by swamp and there are all these little gnomes, and Za and Li and I climbed up into it and I really enjoyed it. There was writing all over it and the entire place smelled of jeeks. Then while we were up there Co and Ma and some other guy I hadn't met and some hippie girls came over and climbed up and told us about tree sit ins. After that we went to go find the beach and the rest of our folks who had gone straight there instead of by way of treehouse. We ended up having to crawl along the water over logs and under trees since the tide was really high. It was gorgeous. We finally reached Ra and Ja and Da and Il who were sitting on logs and dipping their feet in the water, and then we met these five boys on acid who we chatted with for a while, and it was all very tranquil and pleasant. Za brought his bathing suit and went in the water, which of course made me horribly tempted. But I resisted the temptation due to the cold and the whole modesty factor. We had to leave earlier than we wanted to cause the tide was trapping us. I love LOVE love love love that forest. I'll take pictures of it for you guys sometime. It was a glorious afternoon.
After breakfast Ta and Ad wanted us to laundry party with them, but we opted for rock climbing in the gym instead. Except they didn't have any harnesses or ropes or anything so it was difficult. But fun.
And then after that was explore the forest day. And mans is that forest ever pretty. The trees are HUGE and mossy and there are ferns everywhere and big old stumps and it's GREAT. Ra, Li, Za, and I split off from the rest of the group to try to find a treehouse and find one we did! It's surrounded by swamp and there are all these little gnomes, and Za and Li and I climbed up into it and I really enjoyed it. There was writing all over it and the entire place smelled of jeeks. Then while we were up there Co and Ma and some other guy I hadn't met and some hippie girls came over and climbed up and told us about tree sit ins. After that we went to go find the beach and the rest of our folks who had gone straight there instead of by way of treehouse. We ended up having to crawl along the water over logs and under trees since the tide was really high. It was gorgeous. We finally reached Ra and Ja and Da and Il who were sitting on logs and dipping their feet in the water, and then we met these five boys on acid who we chatted with for a while, and it was all very tranquil and pleasant. Za brought his bathing suit and went in the water, which of course made me horribly tempted. But I resisted the temptation due to the cold and the whole modesty factor. We had to leave earlier than we wanted to cause the tide was trapping us. I love LOVE love love love that forest. I'll take pictures of it for you guys sometime. It was a glorious afternoon.
THIS was written last night
Today I invented the blog. I was looking through my new journals/sketchbooks and I thought hm, I should write in this journal and then send it around to all my friends, so then they would be able to read what I was journaling about. WHAT it's a really good idea!
I had a pretty low key morning/afternoon, which was nice because after so much doing I needed some time to sit back and talk to you folks back home and get some errands done. And then after I talked to you lovely children I felt all replenished, like I had been low on you-fuel and needed a bit of chatting to fill myself up again. I found four packages upon checking my mailbox. One of cookies from Aunt Margot, one of my art supplies (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm art supplies. I found the oil paint section of the bookstore today and wanted to eat all of them. And then smear them all over my body. And then roll around. As always. You may think I exaggerate. But no. Such is the effect paints have on me.)one of my printer, and a care package from Mother, which contained my new dinosaur friend Natalya Simonova. Except I kind of lost her already. But I figure she could not have gone far.
I cannot stand the internet in these parts. It literally DOES NOT work somtimes. How am I to live like this? How? I'm not writing this on the blog right now. I'm writing it on notepad. Becuase I don't have the product key for Microsoft Word and because this stinkin internet refuses to work for me.
Night time's first activity (after a bit of jenga and cards with Ke and Sa and some boy who I've hung out with too much to ask the name of at this point) was dressing up to Rocky Horror it up. I went with Ra, Ka, Ke, Sa, Ja, Li, Er, and Ta. The Ka and Ta makeout watch is officially on. We all went in a leopard print theme. Even Natalya got a scarf. Li does really good makeup. And then we saw the movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed even though I didn't know all the ins and outs of it. But it is certainly entertaining. I want to see it again sometime now that I have some experience.
And then after that we went into my room and watched Ferngully for a bit, until the 404 boys came knocking at my door and invited us to a dance party, and well girl was certianly not about to miss a dance party. Only I went of the Ferngully crowd, but all the guys were there (404 and then some) and some other girl Em who I hadn't met, and they were in the room of the high ceiling (it's on the fourth floor but the ceiling is sloped and goes all the way up to the roof cause the 5th floor is a little floor. The dorms are so NICE in this building. I don't know what those sites that said they weren't were talking about. Best dorms I've seen at any college.) and they had music blasting and the guys were dancing so I joined in. Je was really into the dancing. He reminds me of Alex from my Australia trip. And then the fourth floor RA came in and said something along the lines of I see you guys are observing the quiet hours, and then she joined in the dance party and it was great. Somehow it came up that we had both been girl scouts, and I put up my three fingers and she followed suit and started reciting the Girl Scout Promise. WHICH MEANS. SOMEBODY RECITED THE GIRL SCOUT PROMISE WITH ME. ARE THESE MY PEOPLE OR ARE THESE NOT MY PEOPLE. Mans. That one time in the tent in Martha's Vineyard when A and I did a similar sort of thing...was great. I can still hear her saying "And to DIE by the DEVIL'S LAW." Mans. Good times. One of the funniest moments of my life. But ANYWAY, then some girl on the 5th floor was sick and we had to stop the party. So here I am. But it was great. The end.
Today I invented the blog. I was looking through my new journals/sketchbooks and I thought hm, I should write in this journal and then send it around to all my friends, so then they would be able to read what I was journaling about. WHAT it's a really good idea!
I had a pretty low key morning/afternoon, which was nice because after so much doing I needed some time to sit back and talk to you folks back home and get some errands done. And then after I talked to you lovely children I felt all replenished, like I had been low on you-fuel and needed a bit of chatting to fill myself up again. I found four packages upon checking my mailbox. One of cookies from Aunt Margot, one of my art supplies (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm art supplies. I found the oil paint section of the bookstore today and wanted to eat all of them. And then smear them all over my body. And then roll around. As always. You may think I exaggerate. But no. Such is the effect paints have on me.)one of my printer, and a care package from Mother, which contained my new dinosaur friend Natalya Simonova. Except I kind of lost her already. But I figure she could not have gone far.
I cannot stand the internet in these parts. It literally DOES NOT work somtimes. How am I to live like this? How? I'm not writing this on the blog right now. I'm writing it on notepad. Becuase I don't have the product key for Microsoft Word and because this stinkin internet refuses to work for me.
Night time's first activity (after a bit of jenga and cards with Ke and Sa and some boy who I've hung out with too much to ask the name of at this point) was dressing up to Rocky Horror it up. I went with Ra, Ka, Ke, Sa, Ja, Li, Er, and Ta. The Ka and Ta makeout watch is officially on. We all went in a leopard print theme. Even Natalya got a scarf. Li does really good makeup. And then we saw the movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed even though I didn't know all the ins and outs of it. But it is certainly entertaining. I want to see it again sometime now that I have some experience.
And then after that we went into my room and watched Ferngully for a bit, until the 404 boys came knocking at my door and invited us to a dance party, and well girl was certianly not about to miss a dance party. Only I went of the Ferngully crowd, but all the guys were there (404 and then some) and some other girl Em who I hadn't met, and they were in the room of the high ceiling (it's on the fourth floor but the ceiling is sloped and goes all the way up to the roof cause the 5th floor is a little floor. The dorms are so NICE in this building. I don't know what those sites that said they weren't were talking about. Best dorms I've seen at any college.) and they had music blasting and the guys were dancing so I joined in. Je was really into the dancing. He reminds me of Alex from my Australia trip. And then the fourth floor RA came in and said something along the lines of I see you guys are observing the quiet hours, and then she joined in the dance party and it was great. Somehow it came up that we had both been girl scouts, and I put up my three fingers and she followed suit and started reciting the Girl Scout Promise. WHICH MEANS. SOMEBODY RECITED THE GIRL SCOUT PROMISE WITH ME. ARE THESE MY PEOPLE OR ARE THESE NOT MY PEOPLE. Mans. That one time in the tent in Martha's Vineyard when A and I did a similar sort of thing...was great. I can still hear her saying "And to DIE by the DEVIL'S LAW." Mans. Good times. One of the funniest moments of my life. But ANYWAY, then some girl on the 5th floor was sick and we had to stop the party. So here I am. But it was great. The end.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Gosh. Today was another long day. I can’t even really rememeber the course of events. It started with a lovely breakfast of make your own waffle. I do love my waffles. Then the suitemates (except for Ha) and Je and I went into Olympia for some errands and explorations. ARE YOU READY FOR THE EXCITING PARTS?
Exciting part #1
I found a store that sells my 3-D holographic cat cards. It also sells them in the shark and dog variety.
Exciting part #2
We went into this tea shop because Je wanted to get some tea (he was inspired by our tea party), and I’m browsing about and what do I find but TIM TAMS. Boxes and BOXES of tim tams. Selling for only $5 a box. IN THE UNITED STATES. IN OLYMPIA. TIM TAMS. TIM. TAMS. ACCESSIBLE WHENEVER MY LITTLE HEART DESIRES. No more shipping them in from Australia for me! The Secret Tim Tam Party just met college life.
Exciting part #3
I got a fish! And so did Li and Ka. We’re all very excited. Ta (one of the 404 guys) was disappointed that we didn’t bring him on the journey. Cause apparently he wanted one too. Whoops.

Exciting part #4
This part isn’t as exciting as the others. But what it is is that we got a map of the world shower curtain to spice up our shower. The dingey yellow shower curtain just wasn’t good enough. Also we got six monster rubber things that go over keys, so each suitemate has a monster of a different color. Mine is blue.
Exciting part #5
We found this GREAT little used bookstore. I bought a book by A.A. Milne of all the little poems I used to read when I was little and I used it to decorate my wall. I enjoy it.

When I was little I thought this poem was the most beautiful and romantic thing ever written. (You have to click the picture to be able to read it)

Then we came back home and I thought I was going to have time to make my little A.A. Milne wall setup, but then Ta and Wa (Wa: “Whoa, is this the corner I was in last night?”) came wandering in to see the fish and we ended up chatting with them and then going to dinner. And then after dinner we had a tea party with Er and Em and Ke and Sa, which turned into a grilled cheese and tea party with the 404 guys, which turned into I don’t even know how many people. Good times were had by all. Then a bunch of the party went to hookah it up and a bunch went to play glow in the dark ultimate frizbee, and since I didn’t want to do either I went back to my room, which was soon filled up with kids from Idaho and cheap Peter and really good cheesy bread. ANDD after that I watched a movie with Ke and Sa in their giant room. College is busy.
But I’m not as jubilant as I was last night because I miss you folk. It’s weird hanging out all the time with people who aren’t you. I really just wish you were all HERE. Gosh. The fun we could have if we were all colleging together. I cannot even begin to imagine the wonders that would be. I’m homesick for you guys. I don’t like the time difference cause you are all asleep at times like this, and I’m busy pretty much all day and into the night.
dsjifdgfdos. Guys really though. Why aren’t you here.
Exciting part #1
I found a store that sells my 3-D holographic cat cards. It also sells them in the shark and dog variety.
Exciting part #2
We went into this tea shop because Je wanted to get some tea (he was inspired by our tea party), and I’m browsing about and what do I find but TIM TAMS. Boxes and BOXES of tim tams. Selling for only $5 a box. IN THE UNITED STATES. IN OLYMPIA. TIM TAMS. TIM. TAMS. ACCESSIBLE WHENEVER MY LITTLE HEART DESIRES. No more shipping them in from Australia for me! The Secret Tim Tam Party just met college life.
Exciting part #3
I got a fish! And so did Li and Ka. We’re all very excited. Ta (one of the 404 guys) was disappointed that we didn’t bring him on the journey. Cause apparently he wanted one too. Whoops.
Exciting part #4
This part isn’t as exciting as the others. But what it is is that we got a map of the world shower curtain to spice up our shower. The dingey yellow shower curtain just wasn’t good enough. Also we got six monster rubber things that go over keys, so each suitemate has a monster of a different color. Mine is blue.
Exciting part #5
We found this GREAT little used bookstore. I bought a book by A.A. Milne of all the little poems I used to read when I was little and I used it to decorate my wall. I enjoy it.
When I was little I thought this poem was the most beautiful and romantic thing ever written. (You have to click the picture to be able to read it)

Then we came back home and I thought I was going to have time to make my little A.A. Milne wall setup, but then Ta and Wa (Wa: “Whoa, is this the corner I was in last night?”) came wandering in to see the fish and we ended up chatting with them and then going to dinner. And then after dinner we had a tea party with Er and Em and Ke and Sa, which turned into a grilled cheese and tea party with the 404 guys, which turned into I don’t even know how many people. Good times were had by all. Then a bunch of the party went to hookah it up and a bunch went to play glow in the dark ultimate frizbee, and since I didn’t want to do either I went back to my room, which was soon filled up with kids from Idaho and cheap Peter and really good cheesy bread. ANDD after that I watched a movie with Ke and Sa in their giant room. College is busy.
But I’m not as jubilant as I was last night because I miss you folk. It’s weird hanging out all the time with people who aren’t you. I really just wish you were all HERE. Gosh. The fun we could have if we were all colleging together. I cannot even begin to imagine the wonders that would be. I’m homesick for you guys. I don’t like the time difference cause you are all asleep at times like this, and I’m busy pretty much all day and into the night.
dsjifdgfdos. Guys really though. Why aren’t you here.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I love this corner
I think today was the longest day of my life. Today was like six or seven different days at once. I keep on remembering stuff and think whoa, that was TODAY? That was this morning? Weirds.
I think orientation around here is structured differently, basically in that it isn't structured. There's like one or two required workshops or things each day, and then just a lot of free time to wander about and meet people and hang out.
We started the day (well, it was 12:30, but WHATEVER) with an academic planning workshop thingy that went till 2:30. Which was academic and stuff. But it made me think I want to go for a Bachelor of Science degree. So...sweet.
After that I went into Olympia with eight other girls and got really good hummus at this cute little food getting place. There is so much art and murals and artsy stuff in Olympia. I enjoy it. One of the girls was Ce, who M's friend from Pitt said I should be friends with. And whom I am now friends with. One of the girls (Kae) has an armadillo purse.
We got home at 6:30 just in time for our required drug and alcohol shebang. The kind where someone teaches you about responsibility. Not the more fun kind. But it was better than everyone expected. The guy made jokes that were actually funny, not the like oh...the drug presenter is trying to be funny sort of jokes.
And after THAT I went on an excursion into the woods that I was originally planning with the eight girls from earlier, but then I told more people about it and they told more people about it and it turned into a very large sort of expedition. I don't even know how many people it ended up being. But there I was, in the night, walking through the bigfoot infested forests, with only some guys with cell phones to guide me.
But we made it to the beach, where there is BIOLUMINESCENT ALGAE in the water. I first noticed that my footprints were glowing and thought I was losing my mind. But I wasn't, this guy Za and I had utterly too much fun swishing the water around and watching the glow. Kae brought lychee gummies and marzipan and cookies and I met some really great people.
After our hike out, which we took with people who didn't really know where they were going, I hosted a tea party in my dorm. And it was the best tea party EVER. People wandered in and out throughout it, but the people who were there most were these six girls and eight guys, and we had SO MUCH FUN. We laughed for hours. I laughed so hard my cheeks still hurt. This one guy Wa was cheesed out of his mind in the corner, playing with my dinosaur that roars if you squeeze its leg and telling everyone how much he loved the corner. And then he used the dinosaurs arms to pick up another guy Ad's shoelaces and said "LOOK! HE'S DOING IT WITH HIS LITTLE DINO ARMS!" was great. This one guy (who I never understood when he was saying his name) had one of those contagious laughs, and whenever he laughed Je would laugh hysterically from his seat on my beanbag (he shared it with chocolate moose. he found chocolate moose very snuggly), and then suitemate Ka would go into fits of giggles and I'd be laughing at Je laughing, and Ta (the boy from Farmington) would start laughing, and we did that for hours. I don't think I can fully explain how great it was. But I LOVE college. I wrote lobe first and it made me think of K's brainlobe. But I disgress. I find that LeVar is quite a conversation piece. I told them that I named him after the guy from Reading Rainbow, and then the guy with the great laugh laughed for days, and then this girl Ti from Alaska said "BUT LEVAR IS BLACK!" and maybe you had to be there, but it was really funny.
I love my life.
Then after some guy from the second floor knocked and invited me to play apples to apples downstairs. So I did. And now I'm here and it's 2:00 am. 5:00 am for you folks back home. WEIRD.
Reckon I should go to sleep, eh?
I think today was the longest day of my life. Today was like six or seven different days at once. I keep on remembering stuff and think whoa, that was TODAY? That was this morning? Weirds.
I think orientation around here is structured differently, basically in that it isn't structured. There's like one or two required workshops or things each day, and then just a lot of free time to wander about and meet people and hang out.
We started the day (well, it was 12:30, but WHATEVER) with an academic planning workshop thingy that went till 2:30. Which was academic and stuff. But it made me think I want to go for a Bachelor of Science degree. So...sweet.
After that I went into Olympia with eight other girls and got really good hummus at this cute little food getting place. There is so much art and murals and artsy stuff in Olympia. I enjoy it. One of the girls was Ce, who M's friend from Pitt said I should be friends with. And whom I am now friends with. One of the girls (Kae) has an armadillo purse.
We got home at 6:30 just in time for our required drug and alcohol shebang. The kind where someone teaches you about responsibility. Not the more fun kind. But it was better than everyone expected. The guy made jokes that were actually funny, not the like oh...the drug presenter is trying to be funny sort of jokes.
And after THAT I went on an excursion into the woods that I was originally planning with the eight girls from earlier, but then I told more people about it and they told more people about it and it turned into a very large sort of expedition. I don't even know how many people it ended up being. But there I was, in the night, walking through the bigfoot infested forests, with only some guys with cell phones to guide me.
But we made it to the beach, where there is BIOLUMINESCENT ALGAE in the water. I first noticed that my footprints were glowing and thought I was losing my mind. But I wasn't, this guy Za and I had utterly too much fun swishing the water around and watching the glow. Kae brought lychee gummies and marzipan and cookies and I met some really great people.
After our hike out, which we took with people who didn't really know where they were going, I hosted a tea party in my dorm. And it was the best tea party EVER. People wandered in and out throughout it, but the people who were there most were these six girls and eight guys, and we had SO MUCH FUN. We laughed for hours. I laughed so hard my cheeks still hurt. This one guy Wa was cheesed out of his mind in the corner, playing with my dinosaur that roars if you squeeze its leg and telling everyone how much he loved the corner. And then he used the dinosaurs arms to pick up another guy Ad's shoelaces and said "LOOK! HE'S DOING IT WITH HIS LITTLE DINO ARMS!" was great. This one guy (who I never understood when he was saying his name) had one of those contagious laughs, and whenever he laughed Je would laugh hysterically from his seat on my beanbag (he shared it with chocolate moose. he found chocolate moose very snuggly), and then suitemate Ka would go into fits of giggles and I'd be laughing at Je laughing, and Ta (the boy from Farmington) would start laughing, and we did that for hours. I don't think I can fully explain how great it was. But I LOVE college. I wrote lobe first and it made me think of K's brainlobe. But I disgress. I find that LeVar is quite a conversation piece. I told them that I named him after the guy from Reading Rainbow, and then the guy with the great laugh laughed for days, and then this girl Ti from Alaska said "BUT LEVAR IS BLACK!" and maybe you had to be there, but it was really funny.
I love my life.
Then after some guy from the second floor knocked and invited me to play apples to apples downstairs. So I did. And now I'm here and it's 2:00 am. 5:00 am for you folks back home. WEIRD.
Reckon I should go to sleep, eh?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
College is Great
Wow. I really like college. In a big way.
My suitemates are GREAT. I think I said that before. But it bears repeating. All six of us are really different and from all different places but we all get along really well. Tonight we dragged Al's mattress into my room and combined it with my mattress and all our blankets and pillows on the floor and had ourselves a movie night. It was great. I really enjoy us. My suitemates like dumb old country music too. Ka used to wear a different dinosaur temporary tattoo to school every day. Re and Al are huge Johnny Cash fans. Ha brought a creepy disembodied head. This one time in Idaho she was driving around with her friends and drove down a dirt road where she found this weird plywood maze type thing, and wandered into it, and then found all these creepy heads on stakes. So of course she took one and brought it to college. And her window faces out onto the skywalk (this bridge thing that connects directly to our third floor) so she put it up to greet all the passers-by. I think I should bring my head and have them be friends. They enjoy LeVar. I enjoy them.
I also met Ke across the hall who is in the same class as me. And she's great. So I have someone to walk there with.
Al lost a shoe in quicksand in the forest today.
We're going to go on a fish party sometime and all get fish for our dorms. And the fish will be friends.
My suitemates are GREAT. I think I said that before. But it bears repeating. All six of us are really different and from all different places but we all get along really well. Tonight we dragged Al's mattress into my room and combined it with my mattress and all our blankets and pillows on the floor and had ourselves a movie night. It was great. I really enjoy us. My suitemates like dumb old country music too. Ka used to wear a different dinosaur temporary tattoo to school every day. Re and Al are huge Johnny Cash fans. Ha brought a creepy disembodied head. This one time in Idaho she was driving around with her friends and drove down a dirt road where she found this weird plywood maze type thing, and wandered into it, and then found all these creepy heads on stakes. So of course she took one and brought it to college. And her window faces out onto the skywalk (this bridge thing that connects directly to our third floor) so she put it up to greet all the passers-by. I think I should bring my head and have them be friends. They enjoy LeVar. I enjoy them.
I also met Ke across the hall who is in the same class as me. And she's great. So I have someone to walk there with.
Al lost a shoe in quicksand in the forest today.
We're going to go on a fish party sometime and all get fish for our dorms. And the fish will be friends.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Heat and Temperature and Coldness and Warmness
The weather is all nice and fall-like around here. I love fall. It's my favorite season by far. I love bundling up. Fall clothes are like wearing nice little gentle hugs without having all the bulkiness of winter clothes. And the air is all nice and crisp and I enjoy it.
And speaking of heat, I burned my tongue on my soup today. And I hate burning my tongue on stuff, but I'm rarely patient enough to avoid it. And then the enjoyment of whatever I'm eating is tainted by my aching tongue (hm, that sounds like it could be a good band name. or novel name. or something.) and then the lingering sort of fuzzy discomfort bothers me for the rest of the day.
And speaking of heat, I burned my tongue on my soup today. And I hate burning my tongue on stuff, but I'm rarely patient enough to avoid it. And then the enjoyment of whatever I'm eating is tainted by my aching tongue (hm, that sounds like it could be a good band name. or novel name. or something.) and then the lingering sort of fuzzy discomfort bothers me for the rest of the day.

My view is not of lush forest though

Oh well. I will get some window markers and draw me my own forest.

Above is the view from the other side of the building. But it isn't as sunny over there. And I gather around here you want all the sun you can get. So my side has some pros.
My suitemates are GREAT. Beyond my wildest expectations great. I have high hopes for the rest of the year.

Chocolate Moose likes it here too.
My view is not of lush forest though
Oh well. I will get some window markers and draw me my own forest.
Above is the view from the other side of the building. But it isn't as sunny over there. And I gather around here you want all the sun you can get. So my side has some pros.
My suitemates are GREAT. Beyond my wildest expectations great. I have high hopes for the rest of the year.
Chocolate Moose likes it here too.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
everyone else: psh mans we went to college like ages ago, been there smacked that
I really like my suitemates too. I hung out all night with the two named R. We couldn't find the others. But I liked them when we were all hanging out in the dorm earlier. It's like having instant friends. Convenient! We tried to meet people at this like freshman meet people shebang. But then it got awkward and we all got REALLY tired. It's been a LONG day. FULL OF COLLEGE CAUSE I'M THERE I'M AT COLLEGE GUYS DID YOU REALIZE???????????
I'd post pictures of my dorm, but I forgot to bring any memory cards. That will soon be remedied.
Oh this one time I visited A and it was great, her friend Little C is a human of much quality.
everyone else: psh mans we went to college like ages ago, been there smacked that
I really like my suitemates too. I hung out all night with the two named R. We couldn't find the others. But I liked them when we were all hanging out in the dorm earlier. It's like having instant friends. Convenient! We tried to meet people at this like freshman meet people shebang. But then it got awkward and we all got REALLY tired. It's been a LONG day. FULL OF COLLEGE CAUSE I'M THERE I'M AT COLLEGE GUYS DID YOU REALIZE???????????
I'd post pictures of my dorm, but I forgot to bring any memory cards. That will soon be remedied.
Oh this one time I visited A and it was great, her friend Little C is a human of much quality.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm in Portland. But not with my beautiful A. We just arrived and Father deemed it far too late to college it up. So here I am at cousin Peter's house. I am forking tired. It's four am Eastern time. WHICH ISN'T MY TIME ZONE ANYMORE. I was actually reeling from tired in the airport. Actually I'm still reeling now. My body is swaying. My eyes are drifting out of focus. I am going to sleep well tonight.
Father entertained me on the airplane by telling me about his high school girlfriend. Apparently they only went on two dates and made out once (his words not mine) before a rough breakup, but their first date was one of the cleverest things I've ever heard. They went engagement ring shopping. They went to all sorts of jewelry stores in New York City pretending they were getting engaged and shopping for rings, and the girl got to try on the rings and all the sales people were trying to make sales and thus were super nice and attentive and all oooh, your true deep love is a beautiful thing.
I think that is a darn clever first high school date activity.
Father entertained me on the airplane by telling me about his high school girlfriend. Apparently they only went on two dates and made out once (his words not mine) before a rough breakup, but their first date was one of the cleverest things I've ever heard. They went engagement ring shopping. They went to all sorts of jewelry stores in New York City pretending they were getting engaged and shopping for rings, and the girl got to try on the rings and all the sales people were trying to make sales and thus were super nice and attentive and all oooh, your true deep love is a beautiful thing.
I think that is a darn clever first high school date activity.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's weird how many words start with tw. Doesn't that seem like a letter combination that wouldn't happen very often? And certainly not in a word starting way? And yet it's all over the place!
These are the kinds of things I think about at 3:20 am, where antsiness about leaving home meets my general lunacy meets I ought to be sleeping. Blogger just tried to tell me that antsiness wasn't a word (psh blogger, I got on my side, if not Mirriam or Webster. not that I checked multiple online dictionaries in search of word verification), and when I right clicked on the red underlined word to see spelling suggestions it recommended 'tipsiness' instead, which very well could be used to describe my current state of mind. That little side note of mine ended up being a lot longer than my main point.
I turned on my computer to write this. It was off, but I rolled over, lifted up the screen, and waited for it to boot up, just to be able to share my tw insight. SO YOU'D BETTER ALL APPRECIATE IT. Thank you, and goodnight.
These are the kinds of things I think about at 3:20 am, where antsiness about leaving home meets my general lunacy meets I ought to be sleeping. Blogger just tried to tell me that antsiness wasn't a word (psh blogger, I got on my side, if not Mirriam or Webster. not that I checked multiple online dictionaries in search of word verification), and when I right clicked on the red underlined word to see spelling suggestions it recommended 'tipsiness' instead, which very well could be used to describe my current state of mind. That little side note of mine ended up being a lot longer than my main point.
I turned on my computer to write this. It was off, but I rolled over, lifted up the screen, and waited for it to boot up, just to be able to share my tw insight. SO YOU'D BETTER ALL APPRECIATE IT. Thank you, and goodnight.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Little Miss Pipedream
This is the second most played song on my itunes with a grand total of nine plays, which might not sound like much, but about half of my songs haven't even been played once, it being a new computer and all, so comparatively this is pretty impressive.
I originally didn't intend to mention that my most played song was Living Room, because I thought that it was obvious, but then I realized that there is nothing obvious about that fact. Thirteen plays.
I'm finally feeling better today. Not completely better, I still have a touch of a sore throat and I'm still occasionally coughing up phlegm (no, no overshares here, and no, I don't know how I got so attractive), but I have that spring in my step that comes with remembering what its like to live life as something other than a festering mound of germs.
(look, like live life. almost the same word! nifty, eh?)
I originally didn't intend to mention that my most played song was Living Room, because I thought that it was obvious, but then I realized that there is nothing obvious about that fact. Thirteen plays.
I'm finally feeling better today. Not completely better, I still have a touch of a sore throat and I'm still occasionally coughing up phlegm (no, no overshares here, and no, I don't know how I got so attractive), but I have that spring in my step that comes with remembering what its like to live life as something other than a festering mound of germs.
(look, like live life. almost the same word! nifty, eh?)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mmmmmmmmm, children
Today I saw a woman kissing her three year old daughter on the T. Now I know some families peck on the lips, and even though in my family pecks on the lips exist only between Mother and Father, and only when Father is going away on an extended trip, I don't find the practice of kissing one's child any sort of weird. Except....for this situation. This was not a brief peck. This kiss LINGERED. For like, a good two and a half minutes. And the mothers lips were clearly and visibly moving. And I did NOT know what I was observing. Maybe I'm just an old-fashioned prude.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Have you heard the good news?
Today when I was driving Y home to her house I realized that it will likely be a very long time before I drive Y home to her house again. I used to drive Y home a lot, and T home as well, and I read the church sign of that Baptist church every time I passed, twice on each journey. It always says something interesting, like "FREE TRIP TO HEAVEN, DETAILS INSIDE!" or "THE FOOL HAS SAID IN HIS HEART THERE IS NO GOD."
But I guess I won't be getting my dose of religion for a while.
But I guess I won't be getting my dose of religion for a while.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
FIRST, view the rough unedited footage of the Christian crusaders brutally slaughtering the poor innocent Muslims, created by A and myself for our Freshman social studies class fall of 2004.
THEN, view the version shown to the class as edited by a certain Josh character. NOTE A FEW KEY OMISSIONS.
A and I were freaks long before we even knew it.
Josh is a pansy.
THEN, view the version shown to the class as edited by a certain Josh character. NOTE A FEW KEY OMISSIONS.
A and I were freaks long before we even knew it.
Josh is a pansy.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Mother and I are getting art supplies for me to bring to college.
Especially paints. MMmmmmm. Paints...are delicious. I always want to eat them or smear them all over myself or bathe in them or wallow in a bog of them. But maybe it's just my pica acting up. OR MAYBE PAINTS ARE DELICIOUS. I packed all my oil paints in little individual ziploc baggies so they don't explode and put them in a box, and I'm just so HAPPY that they're coming with me. I'm also bringing my sketchbook from 06-07, not because it has room left in it but because I love it. It was like my visual diary. BUT ALL IN CODE, so the outside viewer won't learn all my deepest darkest secrets, unless they happen to "get" my art. And a new sketchbook! So I can make more! IN COLLEGE!
Art supplies make me excited.
I also love midnight video chats with K.
K: You're so cute
Me: YOU'RE so cute
K: No STOP it YOU'RE so cute
Me: I love YOU you're so CUTE
K: I love you so MUCH
K: By the SECOND?!?
K: You're so CUTE!
Me: It's all for YOU!
(continue for 10 minutes or so)
K's roommate: ...
I couldn't fall asleep last night cause my throat hurt too much. Lame and then some.
Especially paints. MMmmmmm. Paints...are delicious. I always want to eat them or smear them all over myself or bathe in them or wallow in a bog of them. But maybe it's just my pica acting up. OR MAYBE PAINTS ARE DELICIOUS. I packed all my oil paints in little individual ziploc baggies so they don't explode and put them in a box, and I'm just so HAPPY that they're coming with me. I'm also bringing my sketchbook from 06-07, not because it has room left in it but because I love it. It was like my visual diary. BUT ALL IN CODE, so the outside viewer won't learn all my deepest darkest secrets, unless they happen to "get" my art. And a new sketchbook! So I can make more! IN COLLEGE!
Art supplies make me excited.
I also love midnight video chats with K.
K: You're so cute
Me: YOU'RE so cute
K: No STOP it YOU'RE so cute
Me: I love YOU you're so CUTE
K: I love you so MUCH
K: By the SECOND?!?
K: You're so CUTE!
Me: It's all for YOU!
(continue for 10 minutes or so)
K's roommate: ...
I couldn't fall asleep last night cause my throat hurt too much. Lame and then some.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I took the polaroids down in my room
I narrowed my polaroid collection down to 21 and put the rest in a box. I'm bringing my wall hanging things from Africa but I can't fit KK's paintings of clouds. I'm de-nesting, and it's weird. Soon my sky palace will become Sister's playroom. Though I suppose the rest of you have been there smacked that. SO I GO THROUGH THINGS A LITTLE LATE. WHATEVER.
But it raises some important questions.
Should I bring Chocolate Moose?
Con: Large moose stuffed animals take up a lot of space in suitcases.
Pro: It's large enough to cuddle with, and girl can't sleep right without something to cuddle (I MEAN I'M A GROWN UP COLLEGE STUDENT WHO CAN SLEEP JUST FINE BY HERSELF)
Con: Large moose stuffed animals take up a lot of space in dorm rooms.
Pro: A would miss it if I didn't bring it.

I'm definitely bringing LeVar. WHAT, he's portable! weird. It's like I'm not going to live at home or something.
I narrowed my polaroid collection down to 21 and put the rest in a box. I'm bringing my wall hanging things from Africa but I can't fit KK's paintings of clouds. I'm de-nesting, and it's weird. Soon my sky palace will become Sister's playroom. Though I suppose the rest of you have been there smacked that. SO I GO THROUGH THINGS A LITTLE LATE. WHATEVER.
But it raises some important questions.
Should I bring Chocolate Moose?
Con: Large moose stuffed animals take up a lot of space in suitcases.
Pro: It's large enough to cuddle with, and girl can't sleep right without something to cuddle (I MEAN I'M A GROWN UP COLLEGE STUDENT WHO CAN SLEEP JUST FINE BY HERSELF)
Con: Large moose stuffed animals take up a lot of space in dorm rooms.
Pro: A would miss it if I didn't bring it.
I'm definitely bringing LeVar. WHAT, he's portable! weird. It's like I'm not going to live at home or something.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
George and pies and Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh was great. Everyone loves M in college, he seems to have fans and admirers shouting his praises everywhere he goes. Like literally. MAYBE SOMEDAY I WILL GO TO COLLEGE AND HAVE FRIENDS TOO?
First we went to the 15th and 1/2 floor of the Cathedral of Learning and had to crawl/slide out a window in order to reach the roof. I REALLY enjoyed the roof. I think that if I went to college with a cathedral roof like that I would smack it up all the time. Apparently there is another window on the 32nd and 1/2 floor (or something like that), but that window is currently locked, but some juniors are thinking of buying a lock picking kit, so maybe I will get to see the 32nd and 1/2 floor someday. Since the building is 42 stories, lying down and looking up at all the other floors is equally as entertaining as looking down at the little people and little tables that look like lily pads and little buses. Both are great. I wish I had a Cathedral of Learning. In Olympia, A dorm is the tallest building with its ten floors. Not quite the same. Oh wells.
I also got to make friends with a praying mantis! Apparently they're an endangered species and it's illegal to kill them. We ended up sitting in a circle around the mantis on the ground outside the cathedral, watching it stab a beetle and teaching it to dance the Thriller dance (which it was surprisingly good at). The lock-picking juniors joined us, not because they knew anyone in the mantis-party but because praying mantises bring people together.
Operation find a frat party resulted in no parties, so after an estimated two hours of walking we decided to create our own, which in the end was probably more fun than a frat party could ever be. Five of us (A who is not Grant, R who has the worst pies in London (or so I hear), R's friend K, M, and me) played with cheese (well, R just played with peter, but the rest of us played with cheese) and then retreated to A's room where we attempted to play strip poker but failed miserably and opted instead for lying on top of each other on the floor and laughing at a lot of things which somebody really should have written down. But the most noteworthy part of all this was that K and me spoke in unison the entire night, had conversations in our head, and were basically soulmates. I have NEVER had that kind of instant connection with a stranger. It was weird. And wonderful. I friggin love that child. Yet another reason why I should just go to Pittsburgh already.
And I woke up the next day at FOUR THIRTY PM. Which is...not the crack of dawn. I have no idea when I went to sleep, but FOUR THIRTY. Practically quilquil time. While eating breakfast/dinner, this girl P (who none of us previously knew) joined the people we did know, and then when they left stayed with us, and she was...I do not even know how to describe her, but being with her for too long seems to have the same effects on the mind as moderate doses of drugs. Or at least I can assume so, from what I've read about the effects of drugs...right?? So when A walked in to L's room and found P on the ground and M and L and me lying on top of each other on L's bed (L is tall and Irish and has an Irish drum and his mom sends him Irish candy), he did not believe that we were sober. Until he heard P talk for a while, about cocaine and math parties and gazelles in trees and such. I need to learn how to play poker before I go to college. I have eleven days. Think I can do it?
After poker we had a laundry party at 2 am and watched some channel of obscure low-budget movie type things put together by students, and there is some STRANGE stuff on that channel. I enjoyed it.
AND on Monday I went to (my first ever!) college classes and went home. Which was a mistake. The going home part, not the classes, which was just free education.
So in conclusion:
Somebody needs to build a teleportation machine, or get some floo powder, or SOMETHING, because it would be handy to have an instantaneous and free way to get to Pittsburgh whenever I want to.
Pittsburgh was great. Everyone loves M in college, he seems to have fans and admirers shouting his praises everywhere he goes. Like literally. MAYBE SOMEDAY I WILL GO TO COLLEGE AND HAVE FRIENDS TOO?
First we went to the 15th and 1/2 floor of the Cathedral of Learning and had to crawl/slide out a window in order to reach the roof. I REALLY enjoyed the roof. I think that if I went to college with a cathedral roof like that I would smack it up all the time. Apparently there is another window on the 32nd and 1/2 floor (or something like that), but that window is currently locked, but some juniors are thinking of buying a lock picking kit, so maybe I will get to see the 32nd and 1/2 floor someday. Since the building is 42 stories, lying down and looking up at all the other floors is equally as entertaining as looking down at the little people and little tables that look like lily pads and little buses. Both are great. I wish I had a Cathedral of Learning. In Olympia, A dorm is the tallest building with its ten floors. Not quite the same. Oh wells.
I also got to make friends with a praying mantis! Apparently they're an endangered species and it's illegal to kill them. We ended up sitting in a circle around the mantis on the ground outside the cathedral, watching it stab a beetle and teaching it to dance the Thriller dance (which it was surprisingly good at). The lock-picking juniors joined us, not because they knew anyone in the mantis-party but because praying mantises bring people together.
Operation find a frat party resulted in no parties, so after an estimated two hours of walking we decided to create our own, which in the end was probably more fun than a frat party could ever be. Five of us (A who is not Grant, R who has the worst pies in London (or so I hear), R's friend K, M, and me) played with cheese (well, R just played with peter, but the rest of us played with cheese) and then retreated to A's room where we attempted to play strip poker but failed miserably and opted instead for lying on top of each other on the floor and laughing at a lot of things which somebody really should have written down. But the most noteworthy part of all this was that K and me spoke in unison the entire night, had conversations in our head, and were basically soulmates. I have NEVER had that kind of instant connection with a stranger. It was weird. And wonderful. I friggin love that child. Yet another reason why I should just go to Pittsburgh already.
And I woke up the next day at FOUR THIRTY PM. Which is...not the crack of dawn. I have no idea when I went to sleep, but FOUR THIRTY. Practically quilquil time. While eating breakfast/dinner, this girl P (who none of us previously knew) joined the people we did know, and then when they left stayed with us, and she was...I do not even know how to describe her, but being with her for too long seems to have the same effects on the mind as moderate doses of drugs. Or at least I can assume so, from what I've read about the effects of drugs...right?? So when A walked in to L's room and found P on the ground and M and L and me lying on top of each other on L's bed (L is tall and Irish and has an Irish drum and his mom sends him Irish candy), he did not believe that we were sober. Until he heard P talk for a while, about cocaine and math parties and gazelles in trees and such. I need to learn how to play poker before I go to college. I have eleven days. Think I can do it?
After poker we had a laundry party at 2 am and watched some channel of obscure low-budget movie type things put together by students, and there is some STRANGE stuff on that channel. I enjoyed it.
AND on Monday I went to (my first ever!) college classes and went home. Which was a mistake. The going home part, not the classes, which was just free education.
So in conclusion:
Somebody needs to build a teleportation machine, or get some floo powder, or SOMETHING, because it would be handy to have an instantaneous and free way to get to Pittsburgh whenever I want to.
First of all, here's a bit of my family history preserved in the Peconic newspaper.

ALSO I've been reading Everything is Illuminated, and if you are a book person consider this a recommendation. The "sublimely butchered English" of some of the chapters gets a little annoying, but I think the book is great nevertheless.
Plus it's about going back to the shtetls of the old country and exploring about for family World War II history, which is what everyone in my (Jewish) family seems to be in to these days. Personal connections much?!?

ALSO I've been reading Everything is Illuminated, and if you are a book person consider this a recommendation. The "sublimely butchered English" of some of the chapters gets a little annoying, but I think the book is great nevertheless.
It's not ladylike, he said. You look like a little boy when it's so short.
Don't be a fool, she told him.
But it doesn't bother you?
Of course it bothers me when you're a fool.
Your hair, he said.
I think it's very pretty.
Can it be pretty if no one thinks it's pretty?
I think it's pretty.
If you're the only one?
That's pretty pretty.
And what about the boys? Don't you want them to think you're pretty?
I wouldn't want a boy to think I was pretty unless he was the kind of boy who thought I was pretty.
I think it's pretty, he said. I think it's very beautiful.
Say it again and I'll grow it long.
I know, he laughed, kissing her forehead as he pinched her ears between his fingers.
Brod discovered 613 sentences, each perfectly unique, each a singular emotion, no more similar to any other sadness than to anger, ecstasy, guilt, or frustration. Mirror Sadness. Sadness of Domesticated Birds. Sadness of Being Sad in Front of One's Parent. Humor Sadness. Sadness of Love Without Release.
Plus it's about going back to the shtetls of the old country and exploring about for family World War II history, which is what everyone in my (Jewish) family seems to be in to these days. Personal connections much?!?
And then I burst into tears of joy. I don't know why I cry for every emotion except sadness. Except I do know and that's cause I trained myself not to due to the whole allergic to my own tears thing. BUT WHATEVER THAT'S NOT THE POINT. THE POINT IS I FORKING LOVE THIS MUSICAL AND THIS VIDEO IS THE VIDEO OF MY YOUTH, and I haven't seen it since forever and HERE IT IS ON YOUTUBE, IN FULL. THE HEAVENS SMILE UPON ME TONIGHT.
So here it is, even though none of you will actually watch it, I LOVE IT TO PIECES.
I am so happy right now. I love youtube. I want to see Guys and Dolls spring 2009 revival...a LOT. Because I LOVE IT MORE THAN WORLD.
I probably get too much joy out of all this. BUT WHATEVER.
Full report on Pittsburgh to come later, girl's got youtube videos to watch.
(plus it's a half moon tonight, speaking of things that i enjoy too much)
And then I burst into tears of joy. I don't know why I cry for every emotion except sadness. Except I do know and that's cause I trained myself not to due to the whole allergic to my own tears thing. BUT WHATEVER THAT'S NOT THE POINT. THE POINT IS I FORKING LOVE THIS MUSICAL AND THIS VIDEO IS THE VIDEO OF MY YOUTH, and I haven't seen it since forever and HERE IT IS ON YOUTUBE, IN FULL. THE HEAVENS SMILE UPON ME TONIGHT.
So here it is, even though none of you will actually watch it, I LOVE IT TO PIECES.
I am so happy right now. I love youtube. I want to see Guys and Dolls spring 2009 revival...a LOT. Because I LOVE IT MORE THAN WORLD.
I probably get too much joy out of all this. BUT WHATEVER.
Full report on Pittsburgh to come later, girl's got youtube videos to watch.
(plus it's a half moon tonight, speaking of things that i enjoy too much)
Monday, September 8, 2008
OK so Pittsburgh has the best cathedral ever, you can crawl out the window and then be on the roof, and once you're on the roof you can look at everything, and I love looking at stuff so I thoroughly enjoy that roof. And it's a cathedral of learning! So, talk about snazzy.
And THESE ARE MY PEOPLE because they enjoy lying around on top of each other TOO. Which is great. And I met somebody who was in my brain stealing my thoughts ALL THE TIME. It was strange. Not used to strangers being in there. DESTINY????
We tried to find a frat party but couldnt, so it was just a lot of walking about, but I got to see all the Pittsburgh sights.
OK so Pittsburgh has the best cathedral ever, you can crawl out the window and then be on the roof, and once you're on the roof you can look at everything, and I love looking at stuff so I thoroughly enjoy that roof. And it's a cathedral of learning! So, talk about snazzy.
And THESE ARE MY PEOPLE because they enjoy lying around on top of each other TOO. Which is great. And I met somebody who was in my brain stealing my thoughts ALL THE TIME. It was strange. Not used to strangers being in there. DESTINY????
We tried to find a frat party but couldnt, so it was just a lot of walking about, but I got to see all the Pittsburgh sights.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Dirty Spot
If I had decided to be an art student at Massart, this could have been my life:

But I didn't. So that was just my life yesterday. It was GREAT though. Y's dorm is the most beautiful story ever told. It's giant. With all the social benefits of friends nearby and all the privacy of a single. And couches. And a table. And a fully functioning kitchen. I'm a little obsessed. The people are great too, AND THEY'RE ALL ARTISTS, which I can't even really get over. A whole college...full of artists...artists everywhere...with art. Nifty.
It was Y's suitemate J's birthday, so they had a Jparty for her, complete with HOMEMADE CREPES by neighborboy G (nutella! raspberries!), fun jello, and shrimp fried rice. After the feast we watched Amelie for a bit, then suitemate A showed us her special Pakistani rolling talent. She's great. The whole crowd then went out to a free concert at BU. One of suitemate J's favorite bands was playing. They're called Drug Rug and the experience was thoroughly enjoyable. After the concert, Y, suitemate A, neighborboy J, neighborboy D (the British one), and I had some cheese directly outside the dorm and next to a police car. No cons. Everyone then returned to the suite for some more Jparty, but after a bit of revelry suitemate J did not appreciate the noise level, so Y, suitemate A, and neighborboy D went back outside to sit. Neighborboy D spilled first his innermost thoughts and then his stomach everywhere. Ah, college.
After that was taken care of, Y and I stayed up till about 3 with neighborboy J, discussing the evolution of mammal birth, the cosmos, Jupiter's moons, and naked space parties. Also great.
The next day I got to meet friend R, and we went to Dick Blick and then got some burritos before going exploring. We found some pretty darn cool art projects in various galleries. There are some talented folks around there.
I really enjoy Massart.
But I didn't. So that was just my life yesterday. It was GREAT though. Y's dorm is the most beautiful story ever told. It's giant. With all the social benefits of friends nearby and all the privacy of a single. And couches. And a table. And a fully functioning kitchen. I'm a little obsessed. The people are great too, AND THEY'RE ALL ARTISTS, which I can't even really get over. A whole college...full of artists...artists everywhere...with art. Nifty.
It was Y's suitemate J's birthday, so they had a Jparty for her, complete with HOMEMADE CREPES by neighborboy G (nutella! raspberries!), fun jello, and shrimp fried rice. After the feast we watched Amelie for a bit, then suitemate A showed us her special Pakistani rolling talent. She's great. The whole crowd then went out to a free concert at BU. One of suitemate J's favorite bands was playing. They're called Drug Rug and the experience was thoroughly enjoyable. After the concert, Y, suitemate A, neighborboy J, neighborboy D (the British one), and I had some cheese directly outside the dorm and next to a police car. No cons. Everyone then returned to the suite for some more Jparty, but after a bit of revelry suitemate J did not appreciate the noise level, so Y, suitemate A, and neighborboy D went back outside to sit. Neighborboy D spilled first his innermost thoughts and then his stomach everywhere. Ah, college.
After that was taken care of, Y and I stayed up till about 3 with neighborboy J, discussing the evolution of mammal birth, the cosmos, Jupiter's moons, and naked space parties. Also great.
The next day I got to meet friend R, and we went to Dick Blick and then got some burritos before going exploring. We found some pretty darn cool art projects in various galleries. There are some talented folks around there.
I really enjoy Massart.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
You're NORMAL. According to this new study. Which basically just reinforces what everyone already knew.
Freud may have been on to something with the Oedipus complex. According to psychologists, men are drawn to women who look like their mothers, while women are taken with men who resemble their fathers.
In a study published today, psychologists measured people's faces and compared them with their partner's parents and strangers. They found men were more likely to pair up with women whose bone structure was similar to their own mothers, with a similar effect holding for womens' choice of men.
The findings offer fresh evidence for what psychologists call "sexual imprinting", where the kinds of faces we find appealing as adults are set, if not rigidly, in early childhood.
READ HER BLOG. I think she is utterly hilarious, and if I had a lot of time on my hands I just might consider spending it reading all the blog entries she's ever posted since 1999.
Recently there was some sex on the futon during Nora's nap. Although I have a mortgage and a job and a kid, and have purged my house of all milk-crate furniture and cinderblock-and-board bookcases, I still do not feel grown-up enough for a real couch. Hence the living-room futon, in all its faker couch glory, ready to be unfolded at a moment's staggering notice for any of my too-drunk-to-drive-or-ride-in-a-cab friends. Here is the thing about couch (or futon) sex---it makes you feel kind of theatrical and porn-star-ish, because you are forced to get very creative with positioning owing to the lack of space. Which is not a bad thing. LT and I have this routine where we like to pretend that our futon is a sheltered Mormon futon, because some rather kinky stuff has taken place on top of it, particularly in 2002, and we make the futon exclaim about the horror and sin and shockingness of what just happened in its high-pitched Futon Voice. I should mention that we only make the futon talk after the kinkiness is all finished, because I don't want you to think that making furniture talk in puppet voices is part of sex for us or anything.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Red Sox beat Baltimore 14-2
I just returned from my annual trip to Fenway Park with Father. Nothing makes me feel like Papa's little childy again like going to a baseball game. 
Were it not for his baseball obsession, I would probably care little to nothing about the sport, but I was brought up on it, trained to recognize the difference between balls and strikes before the umpire calls them, taught to call whether the players were safe or out before I was four. So while I may not be the same sort of avid sports fan as the Danas of the world, I do have a certain deep appreciation for the game, mostly stemming from the deep appreciation of my father.

Were it not for his baseball obsession, I would probably care little to nothing about the sport, but I was brought up on it, trained to recognize the difference between balls and strikes before the umpire calls them, taught to call whether the players were safe or out before I was four. So while I may not be the same sort of avid sports fan as the Danas of the world, I do have a certain deep appreciation for the game, mostly stemming from the deep appreciation of my father.
Wintertime at Lobsterville with A
Monday, September 1, 2008
I really enjoy jellyfish
I just made myself some downright incredible hummus, so I thought I should immortalize the recipe here.
1 can chickpeas
1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 a lemon for juice purposes
1 squeeze of tube garlic
salt, white pepper
then pour a little more olive oil on top of all that after it's nom nom
I should bring a little cuisinart to college. Is that allowed? I really have no idea what is and isn't allowed in my dorm. I should figure that out. Also, I hear dorm decorations are a popular request. Maybe I ought to make you folks some with all my spare time! Any specific demands?
1 can chickpeas
1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 a lemon for juice purposes
1 squeeze of tube garlic
salt, white pepper
then pour a little more olive oil on top of all that after it's nom nom
I should bring a little cuisinart to college. Is that allowed? I really have no idea what is and isn't allowed in my dorm. I should figure that out. Also, I hear dorm decorations are a popular request. Maybe I ought to make you folks some with all my spare time! Any specific demands?
I had a dream last night that i could control-F for things in real life, and then clap my hands and they'd start making a sound. It was wildly convenient.
It was followed by a dream that I went to a large house party and some girl got so high she ate her eyeballs. It was so disturbing I woke up and had to miss the rest of the party.
It was followed by a dream that I went to a large house party and some girl got so high she ate her eyeballs. It was so disturbing I woke up and had to miss the rest of the party.
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