I'm far too tired to really blog again, since I have not had any real naps of any sort today and I stayed up till gosh knows when (like, 1:30 am). But I was able to SLEEP IN to 10:30, when I was awoken by K's gentle voice calling me mushroom head. Not your conventional first words heard in the morningtime, yet what a way to start a day right. The night before consisted of glitter and streamers and all kinds of things. The Olympic opening ceremonies were mesmerizing. A blushed like a schoolgirl upon the arrival of S, who surprisingly enough seems to hold no hard feelings. We had a whale of a good time.

About this going to college thing. I have a bone to pick with it. I'm super pumped for college and all, and I think it will bring many a good time and all sorts of interesting things to learn, but I would really just rather it would take me maybe a maximum of half an hour from all whom I hold dear. But...that isn't happening.
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