This one time, E had a large party at her house, and an insane woman in a nightgown clutching a small dog walked up her back porch steps and announced that she was not there to break up the party, she was there to crash it.
But that wasn't this weekend. This weekend's open house party was at E's mortal enemy's house, but free stuff trumps host-hatred any day, so we ended up attending anyway. Some guy who's going to college with me was there, and we ended up bonding and talking about...something meaningful I'm sure. Yay for college friends?
We also went to a super wholesome family barbecue at Z's house, where we played taboo and scategories with rising high school freshman. It was kind of surreal. And wholesome.
There is so much stuff to see in New York City. I really enjoy looking at stuff there. I think it's great.
Anddd let's close with this email from Father:
The rumor that Auntie M’s Mexican baby’s arrival was immanent was based on a message she sent to Mother a few days ago: “I am available to travel home this weekend for four days in order to be a calming influence for Mom. The only thing that would change that would be Gustav or Hanna.”
They spoke again today. Turns out your Cousin Gustav or Hanna are actually hurricanes presently churning off the Florida coast.
A true lol when I heard this.