Hello everybody!
I miss you all so much. You guys, seriously you guys. Everyone who reads this blog post. You guys are the serious best. Such important people to me. You guys KNOW me and whenever we see each other it will be like always. Yeah. Everyone.
I have a heck of a lot of work this quarter. I am doing it kind of. I don't want to work THAT hard, if I worked as hard as I could I would NEVER have time for fun. And I want fun ever.
So I don't work as hard as I could, but I work hard enough. Because I've got to have a good life, even the college bit, especially the college bit, but also all the time. But that's my goal, I'm going to have a good time with my life and I do. So much is good, I suppose it coulddd be better, but nothing like that is anything I really need. I am totally okay with how things are right now, and how cool is that?
I got this new silk 70's dress today at the free store, and it is super awesome. But I ripped it really bad tonight and then I made beer batter chicken and got the batter all over it. So like, I hope it isn't that ruined. We will see. I want to own this super cool 70's dress FOR FREE HECK YES.
I almost have a phone again, CALL ME CALL ME CALL ME CALL ME CALL ME!!!!!
But don't call me yet because I don't have a phone yet.
Oh, also I love my job. I hang out with babies all day, little baby babies, and I feed them and rock them to sleep and play with them and comfort me when they cry. Oh MAN, it is the best job EVER! Rocking babies to sleep is my favorite, oh man, there is nothing like it. I am so exited to be a MOTHER someday! I'm going to have CHILDREN! And they will be such important people to me but I don't even KNOW them yet because I HAVEN'T CREATED THEM!!
I made some bomb chili the other day.