Today may have been the most productive day ever. Ever.
Ke and I woke up at ELEVEN and Ke showered before coming into my room and I was ALREADY AWAKE when she showed up and we looked at baby sloth and baby hedgehog videos on youtube and decided that next year we are getting a baby hedgehog. Having a baby hedgehog says: we're hip! we're cool! and we like small animals! we're interesting! we're nurturing! we'll make your dreams come true!
Then we met Mel on her break from class and went to lunch, and after lunch Ke and I got our stickers for the bus and found A getting her id card and then we all went to check our mail and steal a little flower from the wilderness for me. We also went to the corner store and bought some milk.
Then we came back to my room and I cleaned it and my bathroom and Ke and I did our laundry and took out our garbage and our recycling and stood outside in the courtyard confusing people for ten minutes. And we took the dinosaurs off my window. And Ke cleaned her room and bathroom.
We signed up for our apartment last year and Ra and Meg were all oh, we're actually not living with you, so next year we will have an apartment of me, A, Mel, Ke, and BABY HEDGEHOG. It will be pretty sweet. Stoked on life.
And then we rolled out the dinner train with everyone and it was so nice having the whole family together going to dinner. But then we went to the bookstore before dinner and got our books for spring term. And then we ate dinner and then Ke and I realized that we should only have one set of books between the two of us so we each saved 70 dollars by returning books very cleverly.
And then A went back to her room after dinner and vanished for the rest of the evening except for when Mel and Ke showed her their basketball shorts. And the rest of us went back and drew fish on my window and Ba helped and it was nice and now my room is SO under the sea it's crasy.
We were utterly exhausted by the end of the day. Everyone else went to sleep and then Bej and I wrote letters to Ta.
Yesterday we dyed Mel's hair dark and ate brownies and chips.
We ate some brownies today too.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thinking on chairs
Oh jeez
so much blogging catch up to do.
it was so exciting having everyone come back today
Sa got the gold medal, Be got the silver medal, and Bej got the bronze medal
All is back too, which is all kinds of exciting cause that girl rocks!
She has been inhabiting the common room because move in day is tomorrow. It is real nice to have her around.
The last day in Canada was 90's night and it was freakin awesome. Then we went home and there were not many people in our dorm. Mel and Da had a rough night.
Then A showed up! And that was great cause she totally goes here now.
Today I did a lot of things.
I made studmuffins. Now Mel and Av and A and Be have them and I bet one more person will have them by this time tomorrow. Who will it be?! Only time will tell!
Be and Sa and I watched some western and it was wonderfully westerny. Bej caught the last bit.
Mel and Pi and Ta and All and I went out for Asian food and it was SOOO GOOODDD MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I liked it.
And then we hung out in Pi's room for a while and then Bej and A and I watched youtube videos of Elvis and then went and bothered Ta in the hallway and then A went to sleep and Bej and I made a T sign for Ta with our bodies and he stood on a chair and watched us from space and understood.
so much blogging catch up to do.
it was so exciting having everyone come back today
Sa got the gold medal, Be got the silver medal, and Bej got the bronze medal
All is back too, which is all kinds of exciting cause that girl rocks!
She has been inhabiting the common room because move in day is tomorrow. It is real nice to have her around.
The last day in Canada was 90's night and it was freakin awesome. Then we went home and there were not many people in our dorm. Mel and Da had a rough night.
Then A showed up! And that was great cause she totally goes here now.
Today I did a lot of things.
I made studmuffins. Now Mel and Av and A and Be have them and I bet one more person will have them by this time tomorrow. Who will it be?! Only time will tell!
Be and Sa and I watched some western and it was wonderfully westerny. Bej caught the last bit.
Mel and Pi and Ta and All and I went out for Asian food and it was SOOO GOOODDD MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. I liked it.
And then we hung out in Pi's room for a while and then Bej and A and I watched youtube videos of Elvis and then went and bothered Ta in the hallway and then A went to sleep and Bej and I made a T sign for Ta with our bodies and he stood on a chair and watched us from space and understood.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
That is NOT how we do it in Canada
Epic freakin journey to get here.
So Mel and I set out from college at 12:15 pm on Thursday and arrived at the hostel at like 7:45 pm on Friday. That is how long our journey was. That is a lot of journey. We took a bus to Olympia, and then a bus to Tacoma, and then Everett, and then Everett Station, and then Mt. Vernon. BUT by the time we got to Mt. Vernon we had missed the last bus. Which was a little but of an issue especially since the bus stop was in nowheresville anywhere. But there was a coffee shop that had closed where some girl was cleaning up and she told us that there was a trail that would lead us to a trailer park where we could maybe get a ride to Anacortes, which was where we were trying to go to get a ferry to San Juan island to visit Av, so we decided to walk it. We didn't see anything that looked like a trail so we took off down this road past some oil refineries hoping that was the way to Anacortes, which we were assuming was a bunch of lights we could see in the distance over some water. We eventually found a bridge over the water which had seven benches on it and a trailer park on the other side, and while we did not find anyone at the trailer park we found a map which showed us how to get to Anacortes so we walked there. It was a long walk. Then once we were in Anacortes we had to walk to the downtown area, and once we got there we had missed the last ferry to San Juan island so we went to the bowling alley because nowhere else was open and got some runny eggs and a bacon cheeseburger. Well I got the runny eggs and Mel got the bacon cheeseburger.
THEN we left there and found a 24 hour donut shop open so we inhabited that for a little and looked at the map and realized that the ferry place was really freakin far away and that we should probably start walking to make sure we got there. My spleen started hurting as we were walking and we weren't even sure where we were supposed to go so we decided to go to McDonalds to ask, but then this car full of obviously drunk metalheads was like HEY, ONLY THE DRIVE THROUGH IS OPEN, DO YOU WANT US TO ORDER FOR YOU, and we were like actually we're just looking for directions, do you know how we should go about walking to the ferry terminal, and they were like that is ridiculously far away we will just give you a ride, so we got into the car cause we had no better plan. And then they were like oh, how about watching some movies at our buddy's house instead of sitting outside the ferry terminal in the cold for hours, so I was like sweet mans that sounds great.
SO off to the house we went. You should have SEEN these guys. Piercings, tattoos, mullets, crazy beards, the works. Serious metalheads. One used to be in some band which I guess was pretty famous cause Mel had heard of it before. He was 36, the one with the mullet was 16, and the other two were probably in their 20's, and they all apparently live in this house, sleeping on couches and the floor. They also hang out with a slovakian veteran with bullet wounds in his chest who has gone half insane from what he witnessed in the war and some guy named Sharty who peed all over the floor the night before. We watched SLC Punk, Stepbrothers, Baseketball, and Beerfest. And it was a lot better than being outside in the cold. I will give it that. An experience. They all ended up falling asleep, and we kind of did too for a bit (not more than 10 minutes at a time though) even though we were trying not to just for the sake of some sort of security. Then at 6:00 am one of them drove us to the ferry, which actually was wicked far away and I don't know if we would have made it there walking.
So we got on this ferry to San Juan island at 6:15, and oh my goodness the San Juan islands are SO PRETTY when they are appearing out of the darkness as the sun comes up. SO. Pretty. I tried to take pictures but it was too dark out. But you are all welcome to google image them. Mel and I found this spot on the back of the ferry where you can walk out and look at the water and it was real romantic.
Then we arrived on the island and Av met us and took us to see the ocean at seven in the morning. It was beautiful. If i had ever seen the Pacific Ocean before it was when I was two and living the life of a California baby. But it was so freakin gorgeous. I bet you can imagine. And then Av took us to his house which is right on the ocean and so cute and so nicely furnished and decorated and made us huevos rancheros and coffee and scones and his friends came over and we hung out with them and then napped cause we had been up all night.
And then Av realized that the ferry that was supposed to really conveniently take us from San Juan Island to Victoria was not running because it was on its winter schedule so he drove us to Canada, which was very helpful and lovely of him. And then he dropped us off at the ferry station in Vancouver and we took a really luxurious ferry over to Victoria. Which is where I am right now. But my story does not stop here.
SO we took two more buses to our hostel and went to sleep at 9:45 pm cause we were so exhausted.
The next morning we woke up and went over to this adorable coffee shop across the street, brick ovens homemade bread and pastries all so cute and non-chain like, I was a little obsessed. And then we went grocery shopping and OH MANS, THIS CANADIAN SUPERMARKET HAVING BULK CANDY BINS ALL OVER THE PLACE, and pineapple rings and chocolate all up in the middle of all the aisles, by god I did not know what to do with so much possibility.
Then we went exploring down by the water and saw some great boats and soaked up the culture, and came back and made some grilled cheese and salad for dinner.
And then we headed out to hit da clubz, and went to this place where the bouncer was from where we were from and we bonded over it which helped when he was trying to confiscate stuff from us later, WHO KNEW we were doing something we weren't supposed to be, but we charmed our way out of it and danced the night away. Some random girl was all touching up on both Mel and me, touching us on places that most people are not allowed to touch and kissing our necks and really just trying to get her girl on girl on girl threesome on. That was something. But besides that the dancing was GREAT!
And then today we made toad in the holes for breakfast and this Japanese girl was fascinated by it and took pictures and had us write down what it was called. And then I put Mel's hair in rag curls, a little trick I learned from Molly McIntire. And then we made some more grilled cheese for dinner and were ready to paint the town red.
We got a little lost on our way though and ended up crossing some bridge into sketchtown Canada and had to call Bej for help. But eventually we found what we were looking for.
Canada is great.
The end.
For now.
Epic freakin journey to get here.
So Mel and I set out from college at 12:15 pm on Thursday and arrived at the hostel at like 7:45 pm on Friday. That is how long our journey was. That is a lot of journey. We took a bus to Olympia, and then a bus to Tacoma, and then Everett, and then Everett Station, and then Mt. Vernon. BUT by the time we got to Mt. Vernon we had missed the last bus. Which was a little but of an issue especially since the bus stop was in nowheresville anywhere. But there was a coffee shop that had closed where some girl was cleaning up and she told us that there was a trail that would lead us to a trailer park where we could maybe get a ride to Anacortes, which was where we were trying to go to get a ferry to San Juan island to visit Av, so we decided to walk it. We didn't see anything that looked like a trail so we took off down this road past some oil refineries hoping that was the way to Anacortes, which we were assuming was a bunch of lights we could see in the distance over some water. We eventually found a bridge over the water which had seven benches on it and a trailer park on the other side, and while we did not find anyone at the trailer park we found a map which showed us how to get to Anacortes so we walked there. It was a long walk. Then once we were in Anacortes we had to walk to the downtown area, and once we got there we had missed the last ferry to San Juan island so we went to the bowling alley because nowhere else was open and got some runny eggs and a bacon cheeseburger. Well I got the runny eggs and Mel got the bacon cheeseburger.
THEN we left there and found a 24 hour donut shop open so we inhabited that for a little and looked at the map and realized that the ferry place was really freakin far away and that we should probably start walking to make sure we got there. My spleen started hurting as we were walking and we weren't even sure where we were supposed to go so we decided to go to McDonalds to ask, but then this car full of obviously drunk metalheads was like HEY, ONLY THE DRIVE THROUGH IS OPEN, DO YOU WANT US TO ORDER FOR YOU, and we were like actually we're just looking for directions, do you know how we should go about walking to the ferry terminal, and they were like that is ridiculously far away we will just give you a ride, so we got into the car cause we had no better plan. And then they were like oh, how about watching some movies at our buddy's house instead of sitting outside the ferry terminal in the cold for hours, so I was like sweet mans that sounds great.
SO off to the house we went. You should have SEEN these guys. Piercings, tattoos, mullets, crazy beards, the works. Serious metalheads. One used to be in some band which I guess was pretty famous cause Mel had heard of it before. He was 36, the one with the mullet was 16, and the other two were probably in their 20's, and they all apparently live in this house, sleeping on couches and the floor. They also hang out with a slovakian veteran with bullet wounds in his chest who has gone half insane from what he witnessed in the war and some guy named Sharty who peed all over the floor the night before. We watched SLC Punk, Stepbrothers, Baseketball, and Beerfest. And it was a lot better than being outside in the cold. I will give it that. An experience. They all ended up falling asleep, and we kind of did too for a bit (not more than 10 minutes at a time though) even though we were trying not to just for the sake of some sort of security. Then at 6:00 am one of them drove us to the ferry, which actually was wicked far away and I don't know if we would have made it there walking.
So we got on this ferry to San Juan island at 6:15, and oh my goodness the San Juan islands are SO PRETTY when they are appearing out of the darkness as the sun comes up. SO. Pretty. I tried to take pictures but it was too dark out. But you are all welcome to google image them. Mel and I found this spot on the back of the ferry where you can walk out and look at the water and it was real romantic.
Then we arrived on the island and Av met us and took us to see the ocean at seven in the morning. It was beautiful. If i had ever seen the Pacific Ocean before it was when I was two and living the life of a California baby. But it was so freakin gorgeous. I bet you can imagine. And then Av took us to his house which is right on the ocean and so cute and so nicely furnished and decorated and made us huevos rancheros and coffee and scones and his friends came over and we hung out with them and then napped cause we had been up all night.
And then Av realized that the ferry that was supposed to really conveniently take us from San Juan Island to Victoria was not running because it was on its winter schedule so he drove us to Canada, which was very helpful and lovely of him. And then he dropped us off at the ferry station in Vancouver and we took a really luxurious ferry over to Victoria. Which is where I am right now. But my story does not stop here.
SO we took two more buses to our hostel and went to sleep at 9:45 pm cause we were so exhausted.
The next morning we woke up and went over to this adorable coffee shop across the street, brick ovens homemade bread and pastries all so cute and non-chain like, I was a little obsessed. And then we went grocery shopping and OH MANS, THIS CANADIAN SUPERMARKET HAVING BULK CANDY BINS ALL OVER THE PLACE, and pineapple rings and chocolate all up in the middle of all the aisles, by god I did not know what to do with so much possibility.
Then we went exploring down by the water and saw some great boats and soaked up the culture, and came back and made some grilled cheese and salad for dinner.
And then we headed out to hit da clubz, and went to this place where the bouncer was from where we were from and we bonded over it which helped when he was trying to confiscate stuff from us later, WHO KNEW we were doing something we weren't supposed to be, but we charmed our way out of it and danced the night away. Some random girl was all touching up on both Mel and me, touching us on places that most people are not allowed to touch and kissing our necks and really just trying to get her girl on girl on girl threesome on. That was something. But besides that the dancing was GREAT!
And then today we made toad in the holes for breakfast and this Japanese girl was fascinated by it and took pictures and had us write down what it was called. And then I put Mel's hair in rag curls, a little trick I learned from Molly McIntire. And then we made some more grilled cheese for dinner and were ready to paint the town red.
We got a little lost on our way though and ended up crossing some bridge into sketchtown Canada and had to call Bej for help. But eventually we found what we were looking for.
Canada is great.
The end.
For now.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sweet, but overly flirtatious with country flair
Today the cafeteria had a special St. Patricks day feast but it was mostly mediterranean food. We were all a little funcused. Then Be and Mel and I went to the mall for errands but missed the last bus home and Ro and Ia had to pick us up. Oops.
Then Ro entertained Mel and I for a bit with tales of his life in Montana being hardcore and getting in bar fights and hanging out with Bubbles, the sweet girl who is also overly flirtatious, like Ni but with added country flair and other so Montana so hooligan behavior.
Ro says he might take me to Montana someday to experience it firsthand.
And then there was a lovely little St. Patrick's day celebration. And then I helped Be pack and read him a bedtme story.
The end.
Mel and I booked our Canada hostel thing. IT'S GOING TO BE SO GOOD.
Today the cafeteria had a special St. Patricks day feast but it was mostly mediterranean food. We were all a little funcused. Then Be and Mel and I went to the mall for errands but missed the last bus home and Ro and Ia had to pick us up. Oops.
Then Ro entertained Mel and I for a bit with tales of his life in Montana being hardcore and getting in bar fights and hanging out with Bubbles, the sweet girl who is also overly flirtatious, like Ni but with added country flair and other so Montana so hooligan behavior.
Ro says he might take me to Montana someday to experience it firsthand.
And then there was a lovely little St. Patrick's day celebration. And then I helped Be pack and read him a bedtme story.
The end.
Mel and I booked our Canada hostel thing. IT'S GOING TO BE SO GOOD.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My first, my last, my everything
Tonight was another glorious evening in my dorm. We celebrated St. Patricks day, complete with a rockin dance party with me and Mel and Ke and Sa and Be and Ia and Ta. Pretty great. Then everyone ran off and it was just me and Be and we had THE BEST dance party to that my everything song. It was geniuz. And then Av and Ke and Ra and I hung out in my room for a while and looked at and dissolved foam capsule dinosaurs in our mouth.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I'm sleeping by myself in my own bed tonight. In completely unrelated news, Bej went home to California today.
On Thursday Mel and Ke and I had some brownies for dessert and then watched Oprah and hung out in Ta's room where Be and Ne were playing guitar and not being human. Ke looked at cats wearing necklaces online and Mel ran off to play with Da without telling us she was leaving. We also went to the corner store and back. Then after Ke went to sleep I was in the common room with Be and Bej and No and No was being SO WEIRD. I cannot even tell you how weird. Be was saying that No was a drama king, and then No proceeded to talk silently into his reflection in the mirror for AN HOUR AND A HALF, and then he switched windows and we were like oh, we won, you switched windows, cause he was gesturing that he would win if any of us left, but then Be left and No still was talking to the window, and Bej and I were trying to weird him out to make him stop but he wasn't stopping, and then he freaked out and was like I AM SO FRUSTRATED DELETE THOSE VIDEOS YOU TOOK and Bej was like I will delete them just LOOK AWAY FROM THE WINDOW and No was SO serious and so weird. And then he was telling us about the seven to ten girls with boyfriends who were so into him last year and it was really freakin weird.
Then we went to sleep. And then I woke up and then I went to sleep and then I woke up again. And then it was a GORGEOUS day so I went to sit outside with Mel and knitted a stigmitten.
Then at night was paint party where they put up paper all over the walls of Em and Ad and Jea's mod and everyone was painting each other and the walls and there was paint everywhere and I was in paint heaven. I painted hand prints on Mel's face but one of them had six fingers because I forgot how many hands were supposed to have. Then we went to a Colorado house party but I went home because it was too much. And then I worked on my second stigmitten and Bej played guitar and Av communicated with us with our out the window system of communication.
Then I was distracted for seventeen hours or so.
After rejoining society at 5:30 today I hung out with Mel, finished the second season of Da Weeds, and took a nap. Then Mel and I sat with Jea in Sa's room and had great conversation that apparently lasted for a really long time cause the boys finished Star Wars Saturday and came up and were like guys are still here. And then we all hung out for a bit. Now I'm real tired.
On Thursday Mel and Ke and I had some brownies for dessert and then watched Oprah and hung out in Ta's room where Be and Ne were playing guitar and not being human. Ke looked at cats wearing necklaces online and Mel ran off to play with Da without telling us she was leaving. We also went to the corner store and back. Then after Ke went to sleep I was in the common room with Be and Bej and No and No was being SO WEIRD. I cannot even tell you how weird. Be was saying that No was a drama king, and then No proceeded to talk silently into his reflection in the mirror for AN HOUR AND A HALF, and then he switched windows and we were like oh, we won, you switched windows, cause he was gesturing that he would win if any of us left, but then Be left and No still was talking to the window, and Bej and I were trying to weird him out to make him stop but he wasn't stopping, and then he freaked out and was like I AM SO FRUSTRATED DELETE THOSE VIDEOS YOU TOOK and Bej was like I will delete them just LOOK AWAY FROM THE WINDOW and No was SO serious and so weird. And then he was telling us about the seven to ten girls with boyfriends who were so into him last year and it was really freakin weird.
Then we went to sleep. And then I woke up and then I went to sleep and then I woke up again. And then it was a GORGEOUS day so I went to sit outside with Mel and knitted a stigmitten.
Then at night was paint party where they put up paper all over the walls of Em and Ad and Jea's mod and everyone was painting each other and the walls and there was paint everywhere and I was in paint heaven. I painted hand prints on Mel's face but one of them had six fingers because I forgot how many hands were supposed to have. Then we went to a Colorado house party but I went home because it was too much. And then I worked on my second stigmitten and Bej played guitar and Av communicated with us with our out the window system of communication.
Then I was distracted for seventeen hours or so.
After rejoining society at 5:30 today I hung out with Mel, finished the second season of Da Weeds, and took a nap. Then Mel and I sat with Jea in Sa's room and had great conversation that apparently lasted for a really long time cause the boys finished Star Wars Saturday and came up and were like guys are still here. And then we all hung out for a bit. Now I'm real tired.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Is your mother blind?
Today was a really good day.
was a really good day.
I woke up at one. Actually I was woken up at one and then distracted until three or so. And then Mel and Ke and I ate dinner at five and went to Anime club after dinner, and when I got back to my room there was a box on my bed that said it was me and Bej, and it turned out to be hamantaschen made by No's mom. And then Ke beat Bej's high score on Oregon trail. Zeke died. And then everyone went off to their respective rooms really early (like at midnight) and Ke and I creeped around and listened to people playing never have I ever in Br and Li's room. And then Av and Bej were on the 4th floor and Ke and I were on the 5th floor and we were talking like that for a while and then we went and sat on the 4th floor landing and saw how many circles were in the Obama clock and planned the Oregon trail party and saw how our arms and legs were. It was great.
was a really good day.
I woke up at one. Actually I was woken up at one and then distracted until three or so. And then Mel and Ke and I ate dinner at five and went to Anime club after dinner, and when I got back to my room there was a box on my bed that said it was me and Bej, and it turned out to be hamantaschen made by No's mom. And then Ke beat Bej's high score on Oregon trail. Zeke died. And then everyone went off to their respective rooms really early (like at midnight) and Ke and I creeped around and listened to people playing never have I ever in Br and Li's room. And then Av and Bej were on the 4th floor and Ke and I were on the 5th floor and we were talking like that for a while and then we went and sat on the 4th floor landing and saw how many circles were in the Obama clock and planned the Oregon trail party and saw how our arms and legs were. It was great.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I like this song, I like your bathroom, I like you
Last night was Grungy Ladies of the 90's night. Mel and Ke and I made a 90's grunge girl band and Be took our band photoshoot. It was pretty sweet.
What else happened? Let's see. We played Oregon Trail and the fishy game. And I hung out in Ta's room for a while and they were doing this thing where they would say some things in normal voice and then what their split personality was thinking in a whisper, it was a lot funnier than it sounds I guess. Oh a few days ago Auntie M sent me her old slutty bras, and we've been having a lot of fun hiding them places and throwing them at people.
My fish is somehow still alive. Zombie fish.
What else happened? Let's see. We played Oregon Trail and the fishy game. And I hung out in Ta's room for a while and they were doing this thing where they would say some things in normal voice and then what their split personality was thinking in a whisper, it was a lot funnier than it sounds I guess. Oh a few days ago Auntie M sent me her old slutty bras, and we've been having a lot of fun hiding them places and throwing them at people.
My fish is somehow still alive. Zombie fish.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I don't even LIKE eagles
It is literally 7:30 am. It is starting to get light out. I could totally watch a sunrise over the ocean.
It's Mel's birthday. We had a party at the mods with coloring on big paper with oil pastels and brownies with chocolate melted on them. When I told Ta what we had at the party he was like that is such a you party. I liked that.
Bej and I watched the Trinity Broadcasting Network for hours.
I'm so sleepy.
It's Mel's birthday. We had a party at the mods with coloring on big paper with oil pastels and brownies with chocolate melted on them. When I told Ta what we had at the party he was like that is such a you party. I liked that.
Bej and I watched the Trinity Broadcasting Network for hours.
I'm so sleepy.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Rollercoaster of Emotions
I had a dream last night that I had brain cancer with a 65% chance of survival. It was scary. And then I had this weird zombie Siegfried and Roy dream, where they had like re-animated Roy's corpse on strings and were walking it around a boat and I got lost in the bottom of the boat and had to scream for Father to save me. But then I researched Siegfried and Roy and found out that Roy is actually doing pretty well and isn't even a re-animated zombie corpse whatsoever, which both comforted me and made me happy cause Siegfried and Roy are pretty cool and last time I looked them up online Roy was not doing well.
Then I went up to the common room and found Be and some 416 girls watching Bob Ross, which I had never seen before and I got SO into cause come on painting show what's a girl to do, and then he busted out this little baby bird that he was rehabilitating. And then I looked him up online and found out that he died of cancer at age 52 in 1995. And then I was real sad. Cause he was super cool.
SO I've had quite a wild day so far and it's only 2:00!
Then I went up to the common room and found Be and some 416 girls watching Bob Ross, which I had never seen before and I got SO into cause come on painting show what's a girl to do, and then he busted out this little baby bird that he was rehabilitating. And then I looked him up online and found out that he died of cancer at age 52 in 1995. And then I was real sad. Cause he was super cool.
SO I've had quite a wild day so far and it's only 2:00!

Pretty cool if you ask me.
Today CoWo was making fun of Ke and I since we have Da Mono and all, and then he ran into a table. So worth waking up for.
Then I took my nap and woke up oddly early, and then Ta taught us about recycling plastic and I got FREE DEER PAJAMAS at the free store. And free jeans and a free skirt. And then Bej and I napped for a bit. And then Mel came back with her friend, and her nose is pierced now cause her friends dad pierced it with a safety pin. So hardcore. Then we watched some David Blaine. Life is extreme!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Productive March
I'm happy. Like really happy. Gosh. I'm so happy I don't even know what to do with myself. I'm just lying here in all my blankets and all my pillows and it's raining with really great rain noise outside and my window is open letting the noise in and I'm just so happy right now.
Nothing much happened today, it was all very low key, but a few very good things happened.
Ke decided she's living with Da Gurls next year, which makes our next year living arrangements work out wonderfully. It's going to be me, Ke, Meg, Ra, Mel, and A living in an apartment in apartment-style and It's going to be sweet.
Lost was CRAZY. I'm happy Ta is as obsessed with it as I am.
Av and I found out that we can stick our heads out our windows and communicate, which we really should have thought of earlier but right now we're really excited about it.
Tomorrow is my last day of class for a long time. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Too bad my liver is inflamed.
Nothing much happened today, it was all very low key, but a few very good things happened.
Ke decided she's living with Da Gurls next year, which makes our next year living arrangements work out wonderfully. It's going to be me, Ke, Meg, Ra, Mel, and A living in an apartment in apartment-style and It's going to be sweet.
Lost was CRAZY. I'm happy Ta is as obsessed with it as I am.
Av and I found out that we can stick our heads out our windows and communicate, which we really should have thought of earlier but right now we're really excited about it.
Tomorrow is my last day of class for a long time. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Too bad my liver is inflamed.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Spit Guac
It's pretty funny actually. Like I'm actually almost happy it happened just for the humor of it all. Like if I could have gotten mono without all that narsty sore throat business I would have no regrets. Ke (who also has mono) and I were lying in my hammock making up the scenario of what would go down if we spit a lot in the guacamole we were making for our class potluck. It was so funny our spleens ruptured three or four times each.
Je visited yesterday which was great because I miss that boy. Je, Li, Ta, Ke, Bej and I went out for pizza and had so many issues ordering. Really representing our college. Je tried to order by saying we'd have one cheese pizza, one pepperoni pizza, and a third pizza where they will join. Meaning half cheese half pepperoni. It was real funny. Trust me. And Bej and Je and Li had a red pepper flake on pizza eating contest. And Ta decided that if Je was on Sesame Street his name would be Count Tootin because Li was trying to sound out one of those word picture things and came up with count tootin. And Bej drank from my mono water which was totally irresponsible because he could totally catch mono that way.
Then we went to the hardware store and bought stuff to hang my hammock. Then we hung my hammock. And then Ke and I got stuck in the hammock for a long time and had to have Be and Ta turn off the lights and close the window and check the time for us becuase how are us mono girls supposed to get out of a hammock and go do such things.
Annnnnddd thennnnnnnnnn we hung out in Ta's room for a while and Pi was Count Tootin's sidekick the fish who's superpower was chilling. And then Bej and I had an agenda of five or six things we had to do. So we did them.
This morning on the way to class Ke and I saw two raccoons and THE BABY SQUIRREL. Some other girl was really into the baby squirrel, taking pictures and everything. We were 15 minutes late to class cause we devoted so much time to making squirrel noises at the baby squirrel. And then I threw the guacamole across the room. The end.
It's pretty funny actually. Like I'm actually almost happy it happened just for the humor of it all. Like if I could have gotten mono without all that narsty sore throat business I would have no regrets. Ke (who also has mono) and I were lying in my hammock making up the scenario of what would go down if we spit a lot in the guacamole we were making for our class potluck. It was so funny our spleens ruptured three or four times each.
Je visited yesterday which was great because I miss that boy. Je, Li, Ta, Ke, Bej and I went out for pizza and had so many issues ordering. Really representing our college. Je tried to order by saying we'd have one cheese pizza, one pepperoni pizza, and a third pizza where they will join. Meaning half cheese half pepperoni. It was real funny. Trust me. And Bej and Je and Li had a red pepper flake on pizza eating contest. And Ta decided that if Je was on Sesame Street his name would be Count Tootin because Li was trying to sound out one of those word picture things and came up with count tootin. And Bej drank from my mono water which was totally irresponsible because he could totally catch mono that way.
Then we went to the hardware store and bought stuff to hang my hammock. Then we hung my hammock. And then Ke and I got stuck in the hammock for a long time and had to have Be and Ta turn off the lights and close the window and check the time for us becuase how are us mono girls supposed to get out of a hammock and go do such things.
Annnnnddd thennnnnnnnnn we hung out in Ta's room for a while and Pi was Count Tootin's sidekick the fish who's superpower was chilling. And then Bej and I had an agenda of five or six things we had to do. So we did them.
This morning on the way to class Ke and I saw two raccoons and THE BABY SQUIRREL. Some other girl was really into the baby squirrel, taking pictures and everything. We were 15 minutes late to class cause we devoted so much time to making squirrel noises at the baby squirrel. And then I threw the guacamole across the room. The end.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Nobody Knows
I'm pretty sure I've had strep throat since the Thursday before last. I should probably get that checked out?
I'm really happy about my new sketchbook. And I think I'm doing six credits of painting next quarter. And you know how I feel about painting.
So I last blogged about the Anyfing and the eating party and the Vengaboys. So that brings me to Friday, which was a glorious day. Ke and I woke up and went on our field trip to the campus organic farm, and I did not know how much being around little organic farms felt kind of like being home to me until I went to that one. I don't know how I've been here for all these months without having gone to the farm before.
And then I wasn't sleepy after so instead of my usual nap I hung out with Mel and stuck my head out her window for a while and watched the world go by and enjoyed the air and we sang those songs that we always listen to together.
And then after dinner there was nothing to do, so Ra and I went and got our mud clothes on and went into the woods and mud wrestled in a big mud pile, and it was cold and dirty and SO MUCH FUN. And then we showered together. So freakin fun. We took pictures but that girl lost her camera.
And then when we came back from that we discovered that Li and Ja were going to the store to buy supplies to play a Superbad game involving every time they say anything remotely sexual, so then we played that and it was real fun.
And then we came back and hung out and Mel and Ta bonded while I taught Bej a few things about wolf behavioral psychology. What?
Then yesterday Mel and I went to Safeway and bought more Shirley Temple supplies and made more cheese bread. We wanted to watch Weeds but loading tv shows online is not easy with this internet so we decided to look around and see if we could find who owned Weeds dvds. We went into Ia and Ne's room to see if Ne had them, but only Ia and Ba were in there so Mel asked, "We're looking for Ne, do you know if he has the Weeds?" And hilarity ensued, since Ne is one of the biggest hotpeads around here. We're starting from the first season, and I understand SO much more on that show now than when we first watched it. I'm not even talking illicit substance stuff here, even like cultural references and other stuff. College has taught me a lot. Speaking of which, read this and tell me if you understood it as it was intended or if you read it with the interpretation that I found most obvious. Before college I'm pretty sure I would have read it as Heather meant it. OH COLLEGE. WHAT A PLACE.
And then Bej and I watched the worst clothing on earth being sold on the home shopping network and bedazzled the ceiling and Vi and Ia existed only within our minds. Nobody knew.
I'm really happy about my new sketchbook. And I think I'm doing six credits of painting next quarter. And you know how I feel about painting.
So I last blogged about the Anyfing and the eating party and the Vengaboys. So that brings me to Friday, which was a glorious day. Ke and I woke up and went on our field trip to the campus organic farm, and I did not know how much being around little organic farms felt kind of like being home to me until I went to that one. I don't know how I've been here for all these months without having gone to the farm before.
And then I wasn't sleepy after so instead of my usual nap I hung out with Mel and stuck my head out her window for a while and watched the world go by and enjoyed the air and we sang those songs that we always listen to together.
And then after dinner there was nothing to do, so Ra and I went and got our mud clothes on and went into the woods and mud wrestled in a big mud pile, and it was cold and dirty and SO MUCH FUN. And then we showered together. So freakin fun. We took pictures but that girl lost her camera.
And then when we came back from that we discovered that Li and Ja were going to the store to buy supplies to play a Superbad game involving every time they say anything remotely sexual, so then we played that and it was real fun.
And then we came back and hung out and Mel and Ta bonded while I taught Bej a few things about wolf behavioral psychology. What?
Then yesterday Mel and I went to Safeway and bought more Shirley Temple supplies and made more cheese bread. We wanted to watch Weeds but loading tv shows online is not easy with this internet so we decided to look around and see if we could find who owned Weeds dvds. We went into Ia and Ne's room to see if Ne had them, but only Ia and Ba were in there so Mel asked, "We're looking for Ne, do you know if he has the Weeds?" And hilarity ensued, since Ne is one of the biggest hotpeads around here. We're starting from the first season, and I understand SO much more on that show now than when we first watched it. I'm not even talking illicit substance stuff here, even like cultural references and other stuff. College has taught me a lot. Speaking of which, read this and tell me if you understood it as it was intended or if you read it with the interpretation that I found most obvious. Before college I'm pretty sure I would have read it as Heather meant it. OH COLLEGE. WHAT A PLACE.
And then Bej and I watched the worst clothing on earth being sold on the home shopping network and bedazzled the ceiling and Vi and Ia existed only within our minds. Nobody knew.
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