Finland loves me. Yesterday somebody from Finland found my blog searching for eudimorphodon and today somebody from Finland found my blog searching for heron and rosanna. Finland! Who knew?
Today was such a wonderful day.
I woke up and went to Meg and Mel's room and got into Meg's bed under her fuzzy blanket so I was so warm and cozy under the blanket but their window was open so I felt cool air blowing on my face and it was such a lovely combination of temperatures and comfort. I've been groovin on Meg's bed the past few days. But that was one of the best times. No not even. They've all been great. Great! Right now it's too hot in my room though. Wait I'm wearing clothes! Therein lies the problem.
But all is well that ends well. That is what Ma always says. And it has ended well.
I went on a walk through the woods today with Je and Bej and Pi and Em. And it was FANTASTIC. Oh my goodness. We found this one bigleaf maple that had grown around this big old red ceder stump and it was gnarled like a goat skull with a real face and everything nursing off that other trees nutrients. We went to both the gnome treehouse and the three story treehouse and I went in both of them. The three story treehouse was SO high up on its highest level. I could see through the forest to the water. It's crazy how the forest is still green in the winter here. I try to tell people from here how it isn't green in the winter back home and they don't understand the concept. I was a bit scared of the three story treehouse but I held on to the huge tree holding it up and felt safe. The bark was so cool too with all these mosses and stuff growing out of it. I also love that around here nobody is phased by it raining or being wet since we're in the RAINFOREST and all, and nature hikes just continue in the damp raininess of it all.
I love that at Mycollege we literally go off into the woods and spend the afternoon looking at cool trees and stuff.
And then we got to the water and the tide was SO high (probably related to all this rain and record flooding and such) and the entire world was gray, gray water, gray raindrops, gray fog, gray other side of the water, gray sky, gray mountains, gray rocky beach glacial till. I waded into the water in my rainboots and watched the rain hit the sound, and it was so foggy and gray it made a soft gray background with these dark gray splotches. And they didn't look like raining raindrops because I was doing that thing that the lady in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek does, where you don't see the world with real depth and form, you just see it as flat splotches of color. And these flat splotches of color were changing like a kaleidoscope or a light show. And it was great.
And then El broke up with Mel, which sucks cause she had gotten attached, apparently he had another girlfriend back home the entire time.
That sucks.
OH! And so many more good things happened tonight! This isn't even the end of the post!
Okay. So RA Ni left and was replaced by RA Au. And Ke and Ra have been ding dong diching him because that's what they do, and then a few days ago Meg told him it was Ra and Ke who were doing it, and only Ra was there and he told her that if she did it again she would get an IR, and he was very serious and she asked what if it was somebody else, and he said he didn't care he was blaming her.
So fast forward to today, when we're like okay Je you need to ding dong ditch Au and get caught so he knows it not just Ra and Ke doing it. Except that boy does NOT let himself get caught, he goes and hides in the elevator, and then when Ke sticks her head out to see him catching Je he just sees her, and then he comes over to the door, and I know the exact script of what followed because we've acted it out so many times.
Au: *bangs on door*
Ke: I'm in the shower!
Au: *bangs on door*
Me, Je, Ra: *hide*
Ke: ^opens door* Hello?
Au: *stands in doorway staring angrily not talking. long awkward pause*
Ke: Can I help you? *throughout this entire shebang she keeps on closing the door halfway and cracking up looking at us hiding and being like WHAT??, then going back and acting serious*
Au: Yes. *long awkward pause*
Ke: Would you like to come in?
Au: No. *long awkward pause* Do you know who has been knocking on my door?
Ke: *long awkward pause* Yes.
Au: *long awkward pause* Who?
Ke: Us. It's an initiation thing.
Au: *long awkward pause* All of you?
Ke: Some of us.
Au: *long awkward pause* Some of you?
Ke: Just me.
Au: *long awkward pause* Nobody else?
Ke: *long awkward pause* Yeah
Au: *long awkward pause* *walks away*
And then (Yeah this night isn't even OVER yet, things are still happening) we're standing in the hallway with Meg and Mel and Ke and Ra talking about what just went down, and then I'm not sure exactly what happened actually but what I think at the time happened is that Au was coming out of his room to yell, so I run away into 304, where I never really go ever. And then I'm in there being quiet and hiding when I hear a like me love fest going down in Ja and Er's room. I'm literally listening through the door and they have no idea I'm outside because all I did was run into their bathroom all stealth cause I was hiding, and I hear all these people saying all these great things about me, that I'm really cool and pretty and all sorts of things, so I go in and am like YOU GUYS ARE SO NICE and then I tell them the story of why I was hiding in their bathroom, and it was just such a nice surprise. I didn't know they thought all those nice things about me. We concluded that it was the positive energy about me they were putting out into the world that attracted me into there.
And then Je rubbed his mouth on Bej's neck and it was SO funny because he did it by mistake because his face itched and he was too close to Bej. And then we went to the pyramids and then to the computer center and all facebook chatted because it is open until 2 am. And I was trying to write on Je's wall, but instead I wrote this on another kid named Je's wall:
i'm planning my other costume RIGHT now
its so good
this is what it is
the brown shirt im wearing right now
over a brown shirt
with brown pants
and then i smear mud on my face
and wear a fake beard
and an eye patch
He must think I'm CRASY.
And then what? We came back I guess.
It was
a very nice day.